He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3001 The arrogant and domineering Skeleton Team!

Boom boom boom!

The motorcycle outside the house continued to roll wildly, making many diners in Aina's restaurant look uncomfortable.

"It's those bad gangsters from Team Skull again, they're so annoying."

"If you don't eat, your good mood today will be gone!"

"Mao, I put the money here."

The diners left one after another like a contagion, but they were all old customers, so there was no behavior of evading the order, and they all left charges on the table.

Some customers who were just about to come in at the door turned around and left unluckily when they saw a row of black motorcycles gathered outside.

"Hey, it's these people again!!"

Mao's father also noticed something strange in the kitchen and ran out with a spoon in his hand, looking unhappy.

How can we do business here?

Looking at the indignant father and daughter in front of him, Xiaozhi rarely went out to chase them away immediately, but asked first:

"Um, by the way, do those people have anything to do with your restaurant?"

It looked like it was deliberately targeted.

There is a road corner outside Aina Restaurant, and there is no extra open space on both sides. It is actually not suitable for racing gatherings.

On the way here, Xiaozhi saw an open ramp, which was more suitable for these speedsters to play.

When these words came out of his mouth, even Xiaozhi himself was surprised.

I used to like to see injustice on the road, but now I have rushed out and become a hero of justice.

But now it seems that after choosing to become a teacher, I have also taken on some responsibilities and will not rush out when something happens.

Despite his appearance, he seems to be more than ten years younger than in the Carlos area.

But his mental age is even more mature than that of Carlos?

"To be honest, it is indeed a bit of a holiday."

The two father and daughter looked at each other and said slowly and helplessly:

"These people claim to be members of the Skeleton Team, a gangster organization that often causes trouble for others in the Alola region."

It is said that he often destroys other trainers' island tour tests, and sometimes even steals other people's Pokémon!

"Team Rocket Subspecies?"

Xiaozhi was stunned and couldn't help blurting out.

Sure enough, there are organizations like this in every region.

"But the base camp of the Skeleton Team is the easternmost Ula'ula Island. They didn't have many activities on the other three islands in the past, but I don't know what happened recently, and they came to our Melemele Island."

Mao's father continued.

This group of delinquent young people also like to play street hip-hop, skateboards and motorcycles, wall graffiti, and especially like to spray-paint the exclusive logo of the Skeleton Team on the surfaces of various buildings.

That is, a skull pattern with a white face and black eyes.

It is said that there is a small town on Ula'ula Island that has even been completely occupied by the Skeleton Team as its base camp. It has now been completely reduced to a ruined town with no normal people living there.

"Team Skeleton?"

Xiaozhi recited it silently, turned his head and looked outside, and found that these people were indeed wearing skull necklaces around their necks.

Hanging on the chest like a big waist badge, it is very conspicuous.

By the way, I think I saw this pattern somewhere not long ago?

"A few days ago, three members of the Skeleton Team came here to eat. After eating, they wanted to eat the Overlord meal without paying. They also planned to treat our Aina restaurant as the Skeleton Team's private canteen on Melemele Island in the future. Of course, we are strict. He refused and even called Miss Junsha!”

"Unfortunately, this group of people ran away before the police arrived."

“Even at night, they secretly spray-painted the Skulls graffiti logo outside our restaurant. It’s disgusting!!”

Mao clenched his fists and said indignantly.

Unexpectedly, so many people suddenly gathered outside today, probably to make their restaurant completely unable to operate.

At that time, they will have no choice but to give in and let them eat the King's meal.

"I see."

After hearing the whole story, Xiaozhi nodded, and now things were completely clear.

To put it simply, a group of gangsters planned to completely subjugate Aina Restaurant, and their behavior was extremely bad!

So Xiaozhi pressed his hat, stood up slowly, and took Pikachu and Eevee with him.

"Leave the rest to me as a reward for this meal."

Well, as Mao's teacher, I am also obliged to solve the students' difficulties.

"Mr. Ash, these people are not kind and everyone has some dangerous Pokémon partners!"

Maao's father's expression changed and he wanted to stop him.

After all, Xiaozhi looks very young. Although he is Mao's teacher, he is probably not very good at fighting. He only knows that Xiaozhi is the new teacher, and he doesn't know what he is here to teach.

"Ah dad, don't worry and leave it to Xiaozhi!"

However, Maao's eyes lit up and he quickly stopped his father's actions.

Xiaozhi scattered the sparks with a slap and knocked down nine bulls with two hands.

However, the Pokémon battle ability has not been demonstrated yet.

You must know that Xiaozhi is here to teach them the "Pokémon Battle" class, not the "Fighting and Wrestling" class. Maybe you can see Xiaozhi's Pokémon battle level today!

It's just that on Xiaozhi's shoulders, on one side is the foreign electric rat who is acclimated to the local environment, and on the other side is the somewhat socially fearful Eevee.

Doesn't it look very stable?

Seeing that Xiaozhi had already walked out of the door, Mao exclaimed and quickly followed.

Although she is not good at Pokémon battles, she can help Teacher Xiaozhi hold up the show!

Walking out of the restaurant, seven or eight motorcycles on the road were still roaring with their engines started.

The members of the Skeleton Team also turned their backs to the restaurant, laughing and chatting loudly, without paying any attention to the disgusted eyes of passers-by around them.

Humph, a group of vulgar people restricted by secular rules, how can they understand the realm of their Skeleton Team!

Xiaozhi frowned and walked behind a member of the Skeleton Team with short blue hair in the middle. This person had the most arrogant expression and looked like the leader of this group of people.

"Hey, can you change the place? We can't do business like this!"

He decided to use courtesy before force, patted the blue-haired shoulder, and then shouted.

Because of the noise of the motorcycle, Xiaozhi could only increase the decibels a little.

And this blue-haired Skeleton Team member named Dapa was still chatting happily with his companions.

After what they did, this restaurant will probably agree to let them come to eat a free meal anytime tomorrow, right?

Hehe, there is only a fat uncle and a green-haired little girl in the store, and it seems that they have no ability to resist at all!

Not to mention, I had a meal here a few days ago, and it tasted really good~!


At this time, Dapa was frightened by the loud roar that suddenly rose in his ears, and his motorcycle almost fell over.

He turned his head angrily and found that the person who spoke was just a young boy, and his mouth curled up immediately.

"Go away, kid, don't disturb our team building, or you will taste the iron fist of our Skull Team!"

Dapa subconsciously brushed away Xiaozhi's palm, not caring at all, and even called his companions:

"Hey, let's have a speed race, see who can go around this broken restaurant ten times the fastest"

Halfway through the words, Dapa's face suddenly changed.

Why does his shoulder seem to be welded by an iron pillar, and it doesn't move at all even if he exerts force, and he can't get rid of it at all? ! (End of this chapter)

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