He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 30 Substitution, brother!

"Ahem, although I don't know how you got this news, in fact, what you said is my future research topic."

Once the academic discussion started, Zhenghui's expression also became serious.

You must know that he is a super genius who has developed the Pokémon storage system a few years ago. Strictly speaking, the computer access system and Pokémon transmission device used in the Kanto region still need to hand over the copyright to him. fee.

"But this technology of transferring human thoughts into Pokémon's mind is just a conceptual model of mine, and it is impossible to actually complete it so soon."

"What's more, I still have a very important thing to do here, and I can't spare my hands to study other things for the time being."

He is a scientist, not a philosopher, and staying here alone, without other scientific equipment, the lighthouse is certainly not here to think about philosophy.

"I'm waiting for a Pokémon..."

Seeing the puzzled eyes cast by the three of them, Zhenghui's eyes flickered, and he explained slowly.

"In the depths of this harbor, there lives a huge Pokémon, whose size...is probably much larger than this entire lighthouse."

The three of them looked disbelieving, they had never heard of such a huge Pokémon.

"It's true, although I've only seen it once, in that thick fog, I really saw its figure!" He said with confidence.

It's not a machine, it's not a projection, it's a real Pokémon!

"I don't know exactly what Pokémon it is, but I know that it must be longing for something when it appears here. The purpose of my staying here is to meet it and understand its inner thoughts."

"Go on, we're almost done." The three said.

Zhenghui suddenly looked at them, half-closed his eyes, and said coldly:

"Hmph, you must have noticed that tonight is very special..."

The inexplicable wind blew by, and the seeing through eyes shocked the three of them. Xiaoxia was the first to react, and tentatively replied:

"Indeed, the fog tonight is extremely thick, could it be..."

"What I mean is that the crab roe is very fat now. This is also the time when that Pokémon is most likely to appear. I did an eyewitness survey, and that Pokémon may be eating crabs."

Three people: "???"



After dinner, the three of them came to the beach and cliff outside, and Zhenghui took a half step back, saying that he wanted to carry a machine out to assist.

Xiaozhi looked out of the cliff, and it was pitch black, and the endless ocean was rolling mercilessly. The smell of the sea combined with the strong sea breeze blurred his eyes.

"It's really foggy today..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help sighing.

When the evening came, the fog was not so thick, but now the fog is so dense that there is only a gray patch about 30 meters away.

"That's right, it's up to you."

Suddenly, Xiaozhi had a flash of inspiration and threw out an elf ball, which was the crab that had just been tamed in the evening.

If that huge Pokémon really likes to eat fat claw crabs, then which giant claw crab is fat enough for him?

I remember that when he had a bad appetite, he had listened to several lectures given by Dr. Oki. Once, he seemed to have introduced a magical skill, which could release his fat smell and achieve the effect of attracting wild Pokémon.

That trick seems to be called...

He waved his finger: "Claw crab, use sweet aroma!"

Claw Crab: "?"


At this time, Zhenghui also came, dragging this half-person-high machine behind him.

He walked in front of the three of them, and at the first sight he noticed the big claw crab beside Xiaozhi's legs, which was trying to break through the limits of his race and release his own scent, and subconsciously blurted out:

"Let me take a look. The crab shell is ruddy and shiny, the gray belly is protruding and fat and yellow, and the brown hair and white claws are fat and healthy. The meat quality is really top-grade, but the year is less than a month. The body shape is four or two or three dollars by visual inspection, tsk tsk, It’s still a bit close, and in another three months, even if the Creator God comes, he won’t be able to suffer... Hehe, I’m talking too much..."

He hastily stopped his mouth.

Claw Crab: "?"

Three people: "..."

Old friends.

Xiaozhi quickly took the crab back into the elf ball. He didn't intend to use his crab as rations for others, but just took it out to release the fragrance.

"By the way, what kind of machine is this?" After talking, Xiaozhi was worried, and added another sentence:

"Mr. Zhenghui, wipe your mouth first."

"Ahem." Zhenghui wiped his mouth violently, pretended to cough, and returned his thoughts to the business.

"This is the device I invented to simulate special Pokémon sound waves. Through sampling and quantization coding, the effect of real-time communication with Pokémon can be realized."

The three of them applauded quickly, in order not to reveal the fact that they did not understand.

So they stopped BB and just stared blankly at Zhenghui's operations.

"I have sampled the special frequency of that Pokémon several times in this sea area before. Now as long as I activate this machine, I can launch a similar sound wave to attract that Pokémon and meet it."


The three applauded.


Sure enough, after Zhenghui pressed the start button and the machine twitched for a while, a burst of special sound waves began to spread from the cliff to the ocean.


Xiaozhi and the others couldn't perceive it, but Pikachu shook his ears and jumped off his shoulders.


The vibrating range of the machine is increasing, and the range of sound waves is also expanding...

100 metres...




"Roar~ woo!!"

A huge dragon's cry came from the depths of the ocean, and for a moment, it seemed that the surrounding air froze.

Hear his voice before seeing him.

And then, a strong coldness enveloped the audience, as if some ancient beast was born, they couldn't help feeling cold, and even breathing became difficult.

The waves of the sea rolled more violently.


Following Zhenghui's low shout, a huge figure suddenly appeared in the endless dense fog, a full 20 or 30 meters long, which was a bit higher than the lighthouse behind them, and the oppressive feeling was overwhelming.

This is a Pokémon that walks upright. Proportionally speaking, it is fatter than Pikachu, but it has a pair of small wings on its back.

But the pitch-black sea surface and the gray mist made it impossible for them to recognize its face.

"Is this the giant Pokémon..."

Facing the giant beast that seemed to come from the ancient world, even Xiaozhi, who was as bold as Xiaozhi, couldn't help but feel a little weak in his legs. Obviously, the existence of this level has far exceeded his current state.

"Are you finally willing to come out to see me?"

On the other hand, Zhenghui bit his lip fiercely, forced himself to regain his composure, and walked to the front of the crowd.

"Tell me, the meaning of your existence here!!"

he asked almost growling.

He could understand that this was something almost fettered, letting him know what the giant beast was longing for.

"Aw~~ roar!"

The giant beast raised its head again and let out a dragon chant, which resounded through the sky and the earth, and endless waves and mist rolled along with it.

"What are you longing for!!? Answer me!!" Zhenghui roared.

"Aw~~ roar!"

"answer me!!!"

"Aw~~ roar!!!"



The three people who saw this scene slowly raised a question mark.

Mr. Zhenghui, can you understand dragon language, or do you expect the other party to speak human language?

What about the void communication?

Seeing that if he doesn't do something, the man and the beast will probably spend the whole night roaring in the void. At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in Xiaozhi's mind, and then he raised the corner of his mouth and made a decisive move.

"Mr. Zhenghui, you said that after understanding the desire of this giant beast, you started to develop the technology of human soul transfer, right?"

Zhenghui: "?"

He has roared for several rounds, his voice is dry and hoarse, his brain lacks oxygen, he can only tilt his head, and he doesn't understand what Xiaozhi wants to express.

"Then I'll subdue this giant beast for you. You can take it home and discuss it with it yourself. Is there any objection?"

Zhenghui: "???"

Is the kid dumbfounded by the giant beast? !

But seeing Xiaozhi push away the crowd abruptly, mustered up his courage and came to the edge of the cliff, his tiny figure looked at the giant Pokémon from a distance, then he closed his eyes straight away, and gave a low voice.

"It's changed, brother!"


The next second, Xiaozhi opened his eyes.

He slowly raised his head, the clear and bright eyes had long since disappeared, replaced by a pair of cold and stern eyes.

He had long since lost his timidity or even the slightest emotion towards that giant beast, instead he just looked at a prey waiting to be caught.

He is the strongest trainer in another world.

red! !


(Well... um... definitely this time.)

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