He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2990 Alola's Pokémon School!

He picked up Pikachu and put it on his shoulders, and stepped onto the land outside the wooden path of the pier. Ash had officially entered the Alola area.

"You don't need to call me teacher. What should I say? It still feels weird?"

Xiaozhi scratched his cheek. Not only Lillie, this title also sounded a little strange to him.

He was happy to teach, but as soon as he was called teacher, his back started to sweat!


Seeing that Xiaozhi was as panicked as herself, Lillie relaxed a lot and even covered her mouth to hold back a chuckle.

The two walked out of the pier side by side. Outside was a long coastline road, located on the edge of this island town. It was located slightly higher. On the side close to the town, there were scattered vendors selling tropical fruits and drinks.

When Xiaozhi and Lillie pass by, they will say hello enthusiastically.

On the other side, walking down the ladder embankment next to it is a vast beach, connected to the endless sea water, which is also the direction Xiaozhi came from.

At the far end of the coastline, you can still see a raised cone-shaped mountain.

However, there is no hot atmosphere around it. It should be an extinct volcano, or it may be shaped like a meteorite from the sky?

"This is Melemele Island~ It is the largest island in the northwest among the four large islands in the Alola region~"

Lillie walked beside her and slowly introduced the customs and customs of the island to Xiaozhi:

"This is a resort-style island with a long beach coastline. There is nothing strange and weird on the island. It is a very suitable place to relax~"

Melemele Island is the most "ordinary" island among the four islands. In addition to the largest modern city in the southwest corner, Hau'ole City, there are also some small towns and villages scattered around.

Other than that, they are basically shrubbery gardens, and the risk factor is not high.

And like the other three large islands, there are all kinds of strange and dangerous maps such as volcanoes, deserts, snow mountains, and canyons.

"There is also a unique way of saying hello in our Alola region. It's called 'Alola'~!"

Lillie suddenly stopped and greeted Xiaozhi with a smile. She raised her two palms in front of her and spread them apart.

It basically means the same thing as "Hello" and "How many bucks are you paying" outside.

"Oh, is that so? Alola~!"

Xiaozhi followed suit, using both his hands and mouth.

Even the picture book Rotom and the Eevee on the shoulder were shaking their hands like curious babies to imitate.


As for Pikachu, it had turned into a puddle of soft mud and fell on Xiaozhi's shoulders without even raising its head.

The important task of keeping an eye on the next "Koga Ninja" is so tiring, so I won't keep an eye on it for today.

Seeing his Eevee, Xiaozhi suddenly came back to his senses. As the two walked towards the Pokémon school, Xiaozhi couldn't help but ask what "doctor's advice" Lillie had mentioned before.

"This is what happened"

Hearing this, Lillie's expression tightened and she seemed a little confused:

"Actually, because of some reasons when I was a child, I never dared to touch Pokémon."

Since it was the first time she met Xiaozhi, Lillie couldn't tell her all these things.

"Recently, an experienced doctor helped me cure this problem and asked me to try to interact with unfamiliar Pokémon more often. So when I saw Eevee just now, I couldn't help it."

"I see."

Xiaozhi nodded and did not ask further questions.

He seemed to have encountered this situation several times during his previous travels, mostly due to the huge fright he received from Pokémon.

However, there is a bond between humans and Pokémon. Eliminating the gap will naturally solve this problem.

Judging from the way Lillie touched her Eevee, it shouldn't be a big problem.

After walking for about ten minutes, Xiaozhi could already see a school.

It is not located in the city. It is still some distance from Hau'ole City to the west, and it is a suburban area.

The outside of the school is not surrounded by steel fences and walls like schools in the Kanto region. There is only a circle of neatly arranged trees planted on the outermost periphery to divide the school map from the outside world.

"Dangdang~ This is the Pokémon school~!"

Arriving at the school gate, Lillie waved and introduced with a smile.

The full name is Alola Pokémon School, but this is the only school in the Alola region itself, so the prefix Alola can be omitted.

Xiaozhi walked in curiously, stood at the entrance and looked around. Everything he saw felt novel.

Directly in front of the entrance is a spacious square with red soil geology, which is a place for students' daily leisure and entertainment.

It's not class time at the moment, so you can see a lot of students hanging out and talking. Almost everyone has a Pokémon with them, and the atmosphere is peaceful and relaxed.

There are some older ones and some younger ones, most of them are between 7 and 12 years old.

On the left side is an open pond with crystal clear water. You can see some starfish and Pokémon, such as the Iron-armed Shrimp, resting and taking a nap on the shore.

Behind the right side is a track and playground facility. Extremely slender coconut trees are planted on the edge of the track, and the middle is covered with a lawn similar to a football field.

Right in front of the campus is a teaching building with several cylindrical buildings next to each other.

Each of these teaching buildings is not very large, and is roughly circular in shape. There are spiral ramps and stairs on the outside, which can be used to climb to the two or three-story platform.

There is a pointed thatched roof on top, and even in the scorching sun, you can feel the refreshing shade of the grass and trees.

"What is that?"

Xiaozhi also noticed that there was a huge tree behind the teaching building that was obviously much taller. It was almost wider than all the teaching buildings combined in the vertical direction, and the branches and leaves on the top were dense, close to the teaching building, as if it was a support.

"That's where we usually have classes~ Each classroom is not big, so each class is also a small class, and the students usually don't exceed 7 people~"

The two walked into the campus side by side, and Lilia was still introducing enthusiastically.

"No more than 7 people!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up when he heard it, and this number made him feel relieved.

In Kanto's school, the desks are densely packed, and there can be 50 students sitting in a classroom. There are several rows of black heads under the podium, just thinking about it makes people's scalp numb!

"And the back of the teaching building is the office for the faculty and staff, like the principal and the teachers all work there~"

Lillie pointed to the back of the teaching building again, but the building behind it could not be seen from the front.

She received the principal's commission to take Xiaozhi to the faculty and staff office area in the back.

"Oh, then let's go~!"

After entering this school, Xiaozhi felt that it was not bad, and even took the initiative to speed up his pace! (End of this chapter)

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