He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 295 Charmander goes out and encounters Flash Bobo at the beginning

"Didi. Mari Luli, a watery mouse, has a gentle personality and strong personality. He is a legendary dragon slaying warrior who can kill a fast dragon with a single slap."

Xiaozhi took back the illustration book, not daring to be careless.

Having gone through so much, he has more or less known the rules of operation of this world.

Most of those who look thick and backed on the outside are actually fake and belong to paper tigers.

On the contrary, if you rub its head like this cute one, it may break your waist backhand and send you a blow to the Biaolianhua.

The most dangerous of these are the various mouse Pokémon.

Whether it is an electric mouse, or the current water mouse...

But since his Frog Grass wants to be the king in the backyard of the Damu Research Institute, Xiaozhi absolutely supports this point, so he doesn't hesitate immediately, and waved his fingers:

"Froggrass, strike first, use the grass slide!"


Froggrass's limbs slid on the grassland again, turning into a green shock wave and shooting away at a high speed.

Facing the unfavorable attributes, Mari Luli did not hesitate at all. When her hind legs sank, a layer of water flowed around her body, and then she kicked the ground fiercely, turning into a blue shock wave, straight like a rocket. rushed away.

Water jet! !

This is also a preemptive skill, the speed is not inferior to the grass slide.


The jet of water collided with the grass slide, splashes of water and green light scattered, and the energy dissipated in a rippled circle of light. Froggrass and Mary Luli took a few steps back at the same time.

Although the power of the water jet is much weaker than that of the grass slide, but with the blessing of the characteristic Hercules, it is actually an evenly matched posture.

Xiaozhi directly changed his strategy and said:

"In that case, use the paralyzing powder!"


Froggrass shook its petals on its back, and immediately released a cloud of faint yellow powder gas, covering Marilulli's body.

Seeing this, Mary Luli quickly took a countermeasure, spraying a water column vertically into the air, and the water column quickly fell vertically again due to gravity, washing her face.

By the way, completely wash off the paralyzing powder on his body, and directly nullify it.

"This Mary Lully..."

Xiaozhi frowned. It seemed that this Mary Luli was not a wild one, but a professionally trained one, able to respond flexibly to various crises.

"Frog Grass, then use the Flying Leaf Knife!!"

Froggrass's body trembled, and countless green leaf blades flew out instantly, spinning rapidly in mid-air, and there were bursts of piercing cutting sounds that cut through the air.


I saw Marilulli open her mouth, flick her head, and a mass of ice-blue pulse energy spewed out from her mouth, which came in a step-like shape like an electric current, and the chill along the way was overwhelming.

Freezing light! !

The chill was so strong that when it came into contact with the Flying Leaf Knife, it was instantly frozen into ice slag, and even continued to fly towards the source.

Froggrass didn't dare to be careless, so it had to jump up and dodge quickly. The frozen beam fell on the ground in front of it, and in an instant, a bunch of ice spikes froze out of thin air, shining ice blue under the sunlight. shine.


Froggrass was secretly startled, and subconsciously stretched out its cane whip and pushed the sunglasses on the tip of its nose.

If this freezing beam hits him, the damage will not be low...


But before it could catch its breath, the bundle of ice ridges in front of it shattered like glass, and the ice shards scattered all over the ground, as if it had been blown away by something.

Then, a blue-white figure rushed out from the ice edge, with a fierce red light shining in his eyes, and his body exuded a powerful aura like a demon god.

It was Mary Luli, who had already narrowed the distance under the cover of the ice edge.

Its right fist has condensed a layer of bone-chilling ice and snow energy, and it is approaching Froggrass step by step, raising its hand to sweep with a left uppercut.

Hercules Frozen Fist!

With this freezing fist, it killed countless dragons when it was young!

danger! !

Froggrass' eyes widened, and the adrenaline burst out in an instant, and its body slammed to the side and back, avoiding the freezing punch from the limit distance.

It's just that the cheek was still scratched, and the cold feeling came to the bone instantly, and a layer of ice condensed on half of its face.

The effect is outstanding!


Froggrass and Xiaozhi couldn't help but gasp at the same time, feeling scared for a while.

If you are hit head-on, not to mention sudden death on the spot, but at least you will be caught in the wind in an instant...

"What a strong water mouse..."

Seeing Mary Luli in front of her, her body puffed up into a balloon because of her pride, everyone couldn't help but look sideways and admire.

Mary Luli deliberately used a weak special attack to cover the freezing beam, but her actual goal was the Hercules Freezing Fist that Wu Gong directed, which was obviously an old combo.

"Is there such a powerful trainer in Zhenxin Town..."

Most of the Pokémon here are fostered by trainers. Although there are only four Xiaozhi this year, it doesn't mean that there are only four trainers in Zhenxin Town.

There are even many trainers who set off on a trip many years ago and have not heard from them since then. Naturally, Pokémon has become king in this backyard.

Not only has the ferocity and toughness of wild Pokémon, but also has the well-trained Pokémon of trainers, which belongs to both styles.

"But it's better this way..."

Xiaozhi pressed his hat, his eyes became brighter, and his words were a little arrogant.

There is still one and a half months before the start of the Quartz Conference, and he is still worried that his froggrass does not have any special training methods, but now he has.

Kill all the kings here! !

Xiaozhi often came here to play when he was a child, so he naturally knows the market here.

There is not only Mary Luli, the king of streams and water in front of you, but also the king of jungle and insects in the back, and the mighty king of land and mountains in the deepest rock.

The backyard, including the back mountain, has a wide area, and these kings divide their own plates and occupy the land as kings.

Of course, there is also a King of Sky and Wind, which is an extremely rare flashing Vulture.

It is said that it was a Pokémon left by a senior trainer whose name began with a small letter seven or eight years ago.

But on the first day his fossil pterosaur came to the backyard, the king of sky and wind changed his surname.

It's strange to say that the trainers at that time basically had the same template. When Charmander went out, he met a flashing Bobo at the beginning. In the first year of his debut, he was the champion of the boxing league king, hugging left and right, and the alpaca under his crotch .

Then in the second year, he had become immortal and disappeared without a trace, which was very unreal.


"Hmph, the first target is this watery mouse!!"

Xiaozhi withdrew his mind, waved his thumb, and launched an attack again:

"Froggrass, use parasitic seeds!!"


The petals of the Frogweed trembled, and a brown seed popped out, falling on the ground in front of Mary Luli in a parabolic trajectory.

As soon as the seeds touched the ground, they immediately took root and sprouted, producing countless wooden branches and bound towards Marilulli's body.


Mary Luli immediately jumped up on the spot, shrunk her body into a ball, spun wildly, and tore apart all the parasitic seed branches in an instant.


Although it is not a high-speed rotation, it can also have a good effect when dealing with skills such as parasitic seeds.


Watching Mary Luli attack as a rolling ball, Xiaozhi took a step across without flinching.

"Then we will fight back head-on and block it with rattan whips!!"

Frog Grass nodded, whipped out two long brown whips in an instant, and shot straight away like a spirit snake.

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