He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2977 The fierce battle continues! Xie Mi vs. Geranium!!

Boom! !

The ground shook violently, and there were two earthquake sources in opposite positions at the same time, which caused the bodies of the humans and Pokémon watching to shake.

But on the field, the difference between the left and right scenes is still very big.

The earthquake used by Tutaigui simply shakes the ground without any special effects.

But Bricalon's side is different. With its body as the center, black and green energy ripples continue to spread out.

"This is?"

Akroma couldn't help but turn his head and look at Xiaozhi with confusion on his face.

This is a silly Pokémon. Why does the move it uses smell like an ancient god?

Zygarde's exclusive earth power has more than just this effect.

The two sides of the shock wave canceled each other out, but the ground beneath Tutaigui had already gathered thick and majestic punishment energy.

Finally, these energies broke out of the ground, and the ground shattered one after another. The surging and powerful energy rose up with countless gravel rocks, and slammed into the belly of the Tutai Turtle's most vulnerable territory.


Even the heavy turtles were overturned by the energy of the earth's power.

When a turtle was turned over, it naturally fell into the turtle's ultimate problem. Its limbs could only helplessly kick and struggle in the air.

The next scene was a one-sided victory for Bricaron.

"Seed~! (Brikalon wins and advances to the semi-finals!)"

The referee Miaowocao immediately raised his cane whip, announcing the victory of the game, and looked at Bricalon a few times.

Didn’t you expect that this bald old man still has incredible abilities?

"Zygarde's Earth Power"

Xiaozhi was also quite surprised. This move of the divine power of the earth can be said to combine the characteristics of the two moves "Earthquake" and "Power of the Earth" at the same time.

Aoe's full-field earthquake and the power of the earth that blasts at fixed points, Tutaigui only defended the former.

All I can say is that it is indeed the ancient god’s exclusive move, and it is really powerful!

Then Xiaozhi looked at his turtle with a regretful expression, um, how should I put it?

Otherwise, just use rock climbing next time?


After winning the promotion, Bricalon also looked at the Lizard King with an arrogant look, shouting and provoking, and then it was their turn to fight in the semi-finals.

However, the Lizard King just leaned on the tree trunk next to him, closed his eyes the whole time, and ignored Bricalon's provocation.


Bricalon cursed again, how could he ignore his expression and movements, which were exactly the same as that frog!

In the second half of the competition, the Monarch Snakes had a bye and directly advanced to the semi-finals.

The last scene was the showdown between Geranium and Xie Mi.

In ordinary competitions, fantasy beasts can still appear on the stage.

For example, Darkrai, the favorite of the mythical beast man Dakto, belongs to the category of fantasy beasts.

However, the confrontation between these two Pokémon was not as menacing as the previous one.


Geranium first nodded gently to Xiaozhi in the crowd, then looked at Xie Mi in front of her and called out in a friendly manner.

Although he doesn't have much desire for fighting, it can make Xiaozhi focus on his body.

Well, it is still necessary to participate in this knockout competition!


Xie Mi, in the form of a grass hedgehog, is soft and cute, as round as a ball, and his body is not even much taller than the surrounding grass blades.

Hedgehog state, its combat effectiveness is very limited

However, Xie Mi suddenly shook out a small bottle from the grass on his back, shook it behind his back, and suddenly there was some peach-colored powder around it.


Semi took a deep breath and inhaled the Gracidia pollen into his nose.

This is a special pepper bottle, but it is filled with Gracidia flower pollen. This way, even if it is not the flowering season, Semiy can still use the power of pollen to enter a fighting state!


The next moment, Xie Mi's whole body glowed with light, and his figure suddenly doubled in size.

When the light dissipated, it had turned into a Pokémon with slender limbs and an obvious dexterity.

It has four legs like Piligion and wears green straw boots. There are a pair of small white wings on both sides of its forehead, and a small pink scarf in the shape of Gracidia petals is tied around its neck.


Xie Mi's momentum suddenly became fierce, his eyes were determined, and he was full of energy.

The battle begins!

Although gentle and pleasant before the game, once the fight started, Geranium's movements were unambiguous.


She shouted low, and two thick green vines instantly extended from her neck, whipping them out mercilessly.

This is not just the big move of Vine Whip, a powerful whip!


After entering the sky form, Xie Mi was like a naughty and excited boy. He immediately jumped up, flapped the small wings on both sides of his head, and flew directly into the air to avoid the powerful whip.

call out!

And while Xie Mi is flying in the air, his limbs will also make stepping movements, as if he can run in the air at will.

With a flick of his head, he fired countless sharp air slashes, directly attacking Geranium!

Blade of air!

Shemi in sky form has grass + flying attributes. In this civil war with grass attributes, he undoubtedly has a huge advantage.

Geranium immediately raised its head and let out a loud roar, and a transparent wall formed out of thin air in front of her.

Light wall!

The power of the air blade dropped sharply after it passed through the light wall.

For the durable Geranium, the remaining air blades were not a big problem.


Seeing this, Shaymi circled in the air and kept circling around Geranium.

Changing directions, he continued to condense and spray out huge brown seeds from his mouth

Seed bombs!

This move was a physical attack move, forcing Geranium to activate the reflection wall again to resist.

Boom! ! Boom! !

Violent explosions suddenly rose continuously around Geranium!

As a mythical beast, Shaymi's moves are extremely powerful. Each seed bomb is comparable to the power of a large move of the scale of Sunshine Flame that ordinary Pokémon can use.

Although protected by the double walls, Geranium was undoubtedly suppressed by Shaymi.


In the smoke and dust, Geranium noticed that Xiaozhi was looking at her closely, and her heart was suddenly full of energy, surging with infinite energy!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Instantly, countless leaves of grass were stirred up around Geranium, rising into the sky, forming a huge barrier of falling leaves!!

Such an attack forced Shaymi to pay attention to his own flight and positioning.

At the same time, Xiaozhi in the crowd was naturally staring at Geranium.

Of course, he was thinking about other things in his mind -

"Double wall tactics? Well, I remember Serena also likes to use this tactic?" (End of this chapter)

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