He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2974 Eighteen attributes, internal elimination round! ?

Two days later, at the invitation of Dr. Oak, Xiaozhi came to the backyard again.

At the entrance to the open lawn, many people, including many Pokémon, had gathered.

Xiaozhi also saw three Pokémon, Blaster, Entei, and Thunder Drum, standing side by side. It seemed that they already knew each other.

Although they are both ancient versions of the Three Holy Beasts, Sky-Breaking Flame and Fierce Thunder Drum do not know why they appear in the modern world.

"Doctor, here I come~!"

Xiaozhi walked over coolly with his pockets in his pockets, and said hello to Dr. Oak.

There were also Akromar, Rotom, Mikasa, some neighborhood trainers from Zhenxin Town, and even one of the Three Holy Swords of the Unova region, Biligion.

With a slender and tall figure, with leaves growing diagonally in the same direction all over his body, Biligion stood on the lawn as if he were wearing green boots, and his aura looked very aloof and light.

"Hmm, weird?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head and didn't see the other Three Holy Swords.

And it looks like the atmosphere here is about to start a fight.

What Dr. Ohmu mentioned before was going to be held in the backyard, but he was kept secretive without telling him.

"Actually, it's an internal single-attribute knockout competition~!"

Finally, Dr. Omu raised a finger and said enthusiastically.

This was not something he proposed, but a proposal collectively expressed by so many Pokémon stored here by Xiaozhi.

Seeing that Xiaozhi was still a little confused, Rotom next to him had floated over and started to explain:

"The so-called single-attribute knockout means that both sides of a knockout match must be Lottos with a certain attribute~!"

"For example, those who are qualified to participate in the grass attribute elimination round are the second brother and Biligion Lotto~!"

Rotom pointed to the Myrtleweed and Biligion beside them.

"All grass-type Pokémon will enter the knockout round, and they will be eliminated continuously until the strongest grass-type Pokémon in the team, Lotto~!"

"I understand, it seems interesting."

Xiaozhi nodded, which meant that he wanted to fight.

After deciding on the strongest single-attribute champion, what should we do?

"This is the social rule developed by the Pokémon's own ecology."

Next to him, Acroma also walked over slowly, holding a small tablet in his hand, as if he planned to record something later.

"Holding this kind of competition regularly can make the Pokémon in the backyard active, and it also provides a platform for everyone to show their strongest training results. This is a goal that Pokémon, including humans, will instinctively pursue."

"And if Mr. Miraculous becomes the strongest grass-type Pokémon in the backyard, then in the future Xiaozhi will need grass-type Pokémon in the battle, then you don't need to choose, but the Pokémon have already internally I selected the strongest grass attribute individual."

After all, Xiaozhi has not retired yet and cannot stay in the backyard forever.

There are too many Pokémon, but not all Pokémon have a chance to fight.

But through this internal elimination competition, it can be said that all Pokémon have a chance to fight for themselves!

"It turns out it looks like it is indeed a good activity!"

Xiaozhi's eyes gradually began to light up as he listened.

Unexpectedly, without him as a trainer, the Pokémon in the backyard would also develop unique ideas, so he would naturally support them!

For example, he has conquered many domestic birds, and even Ash is quite curious as to who is the strongest bird Pokémon among them!

"Eighteen attributes means there are a total of eighteen elimination rounds and many Pokémon have two choices, Lotto~!"

Rotom pointed to the myrtle again as an example.

If Muscat loses in the "Grass Attribute Knockout", it can continue on the poison attribute track.

Pikachu, on the other hand, is at a disadvantage because it can only choose electric tracks.

"Furthermore, single attribute has always been a popular development trend among trainers. I estimate that there may be a large-scale single attribute conference in the future."

Akroma pursed his lips and said slowly.

For example, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang both develop towards a single attribute.

Xiaozhi, on the other hand, focuses on each of the eighteen attributes, and does not delve into one attribute alone.

Of these two directions, one cannot say which is better or worse.

A single attribute expert may be able to go further on this road, but a single attribute is also easier to restrain in a battle.

But if there is a single-attribute conference in the future, it is not impossible for the world to determine the strongest champion of a certain attribute.

Now, you can take action in advance and decide who is the strongest among the various attributes in the team.

Other Pokémon can continue to challenge this winner in the future, or new Pokémon captured in the future can do the same.

Seeing that there is the strongest benchmark in one's field, successors will probably be more motivated, right?

"I can't wait, let's get started!"

Xiaozhi rubbed his palms together, and just listening to the description, he was already getting excited.

He is also curious about which Pokémon is his strongest among various attributes? !

"But, are we going to hold eighteen small conferences?"

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi suddenly got into trouble. He estimated that he would have to leave for the Alola area after staying in Zhenxin Town for half a week or a week, which might not be enough time.

Some people have already begun to complain that it is too watery.

"It doesn't matter, we didn't originally plan to select the strongest people with eighteen attributes at once."

Akroma spread his hands and said nonchalantly:

"And the internal elimination competition is the Pokémon's own business. It doesn't need to be directed by the trainer, so even if Xiaozhi is not here, the competition can still proceed normally."

"Ah! I can't miss it!"

Xiaozhi immediately protested.

"Seed seed~!"

The Miaowacao next to him also helped Xiaozhi call a few times.

When the Pokémon here show off their new achievements, they actually really want to be noticed by the trainer Xiaozhi, so when the elimination competition is held, it is best for Xiaozhi to be present.

Akromar shrugged his shoulders, he was just responsible for recording.

Dr. Ohki is the organizer.

"Ahem, don't worry. The elimination round within the group is just a preliminary idea. There is no need to turn into a Kirby beast in one bite."

Dr. Oki coughed and then raised two fingers:

"There are only two attributes that will be implemented in the near future, one is the grass attribute, and the other is the steel attribute."

Miaowacao and Biligion next to them also looked at each other.

As the strongest grass attribute, Myrtlegrass is naturally extremely competitive. However, as the manager of the backyard, it does not intend to participate.

In the first grass-type internal elimination match, the swordsman of justice, the legendary Biligion, was specially invited as a notary to ensure the fairness and rigor of the competition.

And it, the magic grass, acts as a referee to judge the winner or loser.

Or when the two sides are fighting, they use thunderous means to forcefully intervene and interrupt the game! (End of chapter)

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