Chapter 2971 The Divine Beasts that Reverse the World! (Part 2)

In the end, Ash did not go to the Sinnoh region.

After all, it’s getting late. After walking around in the inverted world, we will go home for dinner soon.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had my mother’s food!

Just now, Dr. Oki sent a text message. Hanako will come directly to the institute to cook and let him notify Akroma to go out and get together.

"Hurry up and walk around a few more times."

Xiaozhi commanded Genesect and continued to fly in the reverse world, trying to encounter all the mythical beasts and fantasy beasts.

For example, Pluto Dragon Giratina has never shown his face. It is said that he ran into the rift in time and space to cause trouble with Dialga and Palkiana.

There are also some little fantasy beasts that are familiar with Xiaozhi, and they are not here either.

For example, Celebi and Jirachi, these two little guys teamed up to travel through time and space, and now they have lost contact.

"You shouldn't be unlucky enough to be arrested by some ancient aboriginal people, right?"

Xiaozhi was a little worried about these two guys.

There is also Manafei, the prince of the sea, whose whereabouts are unknown now. He is probably wandering somewhere in the sea, wondering whether he should go back to rule the Sixth Palace.

Now the number of common people in Canghai - Fiona is getting smaller and smaller.

It even had an impact on the entire ocean, causing the birth rate of ordinary ocean Pokémon to drop significantly, and everyone lost the desire to reproduce.

Manaphy's role is not only to reproduce Fiona, but also to inject a boost into ordinary ocean Pokémon and promote early birth and childbearing in the entire society.

Said far.

Along the way, Xiaozhi discovered that there are still some new Pokémon in the reverse world.

These are neither mythical beasts, nor are they conquered by themselves.

In addition to the group of Night Demons who were initially forcibly captured by Giratina as slaves, there were also some ghost and evil-type Pokémon such as Shadow Doll, Dream Demon, Deadwood Demon, and Pumpkin Monster.

These were all introduced by Dark Lugia as the second batch of residents of the reverse world.

Giratina had no objection to this.

After being isolated for thousands of years, the reverse world is now becoming more and more lively and beautiful, which is also quietly melting the dark and cruel heart of his Pluto dragon.

"This is a good thing!"

Watching three dark crows fly past him together, Xiaozhi nodded with satisfaction.

Although they are all ghost and evil-type Pokémon, they are still somewhat from the underworld.

At that time, let Dark Lugia also open a space-time channel in the Kalos area and attract some pink fairy Pokémon to live there.

Of course, it will also make it convenient for him to go to Miare City to visit his friends!

At the top of a strange cliff and high mountain, Xiaozhi found his iron moth.

The latter is currently suspended in the sky, with six orange-red metal plate wings folded behind it to form an abstract sun pattern.

The whole body remains still, and from a distance, it looks like an abstract sun hanging in the sky.

Xiaozhi: ""

Is this some kind of performance art?

It seems that the iron poisonous moth has completely adapted to its new body, but it still retains a certain habit of the "Vulcan Moth". Will it subconsciously regard itself as a sun, spreading sunlight to the surroundings?

Or maybe it’s just to recharge your body——

As a man-made mechanical Pokémon, Iron Moth does not eat human food, nor does it eat fruits, grass, leaves, or other Pokémon directly.

It seems that the special magnetic field and sunlight environment can provide energy storage for it.

On the adjacent mountain, the temperature suddenly dropped a lot.

There were even snowflakes falling in the sky, giving people a chilling feeling.

"Well, isn't this temperature drop too outrageous?"

Xiaozhi was already rushing towards the entrance. When he passed a mountain, the temperature dropped sharply and it was bitingly cold.

There is also a hidden cave entrance at the foot of the mountain, which stretches very deep inside, as if there is no end.


When Xiaozhi piloted Genesect and landed at the entrance of the cave, he could still feel the extremely cold snow and frost blowing out of it, like a large icehouse with full power.

"I understand, so it's here?!"

Xiaozhi slowed down for a moment and finally thought about it.

Back in Desert City, Demon God Hupa forcibly recruited six thugs, including Brother Chi's Kyurem.

The latter was sleeping and retiring in the Hezhong area, and was suddenly dragged to the desert of Kalos.

After finishing his work, Kyurem was not teleported back to Kalos, but followed Dark Lugia's footsteps and was teleported directly to the reverse world.

Anyway, he always sleeps wherever he stays. The quieter reverse world is more to Kyurem's appetite.

So the latter immediately chose an unknown mountain, forcibly dug out a deep cave in the middle, and "transformed" it into a large ice cave suitable for sleeping.

In fact, it's not a transformation. As long as Kyurem sleeps somewhere, that location will naturally become icy and snowy.

"Hey, this seems like a nice place!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up. If this place was directly connected to the backyard of Zhenxin Town, wouldn't it be a perfect ice cave? It would be very suitable for an ice-type Pokémon like Ice Demon to inhabit!

It happens that there is also a bottomless cave inside, which is connected to the cave in the back mountain. It can be said that it leads to the ice cave of the reverse world without anyone noticing!

"We'll do this when we get back!"

Xiaozhi secretly remembered it, and now, the ice cave and snow mountain ecology in the backyard is now available!

After a while, Xiaozhi returned to the entrance. There were still a group of Shaymin scattered among the flowers on the lawn.

However, this time, there were two more unexpected Pokémon at the entrance.

The one on the left was a brown lion-headed Pokémon, with a solemn look and a smoking volcano on its back.

It was the Entei he had captured!

Xiaozhi was slightly surprised. Every time he came back, Entei basically went back to the Johto region to visit relatives. He had never seen him before, but this time he saw him!

This one on the right was the first time he had seen it.

It had a body shape quite similar to Entei, and was also covered with short and thick brown mane. It had a smoking volcano on its back, and its limbs were covered with shackle-like black armor. The sharp claws on its forelimbs were even more blood-red.

The biggest difference was in the head.

This "Entei" had a similar face to Entei, but it had a huge golden hard armor growing on the top of its head, and a lot of golden horns extending from both sides. How similar was it to the fossil Pokémon in the Sinnoh region - Guardian Dragon?

Xiaozhi opened his mouth wide. Although it looked similar to Entei, this Pokémon was more wild and fierce.

And the head armor full of bone spurs, no doubt, it was definitely a weapon for both offense and defense.

"Is this the same Pokémon as Flying Thunder?"

After all, he had seen the original versions of Raikou and Suicune - Flying Thunder and Waterbender.

Today, did he finally see the original version of the last of the three sacred beasts? !

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