He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 292 Three Saints Asking Zen


The blue light mental power was still tumbling and soaring. Seeing that the demon god Kodak was about to start a counterattack, when the wind was surging, a soft shout came from below.

“Carda Duck!”

Xiaoxia's voice brought Koda Duck back to his senses, his headache eased a little, and his IQ was cut off by two zeros on the spot.


The blue light energy around the duck's body also suddenly dissipated, and the chubby body fell from the midair with a "boom", touching its head with its paws, staring at its cute and cute eyes, and looked at it innocently. looking around.

The previous superpower demon-like posture also disappeared.

The tense and depressed atmosphere disappeared, and the sky became clear again, as if nothing had happened.

Everyone: "..."

This duck seems to have a problem...

Even Dr. Oki's eyes flickered, and he took out a magnifying glass and stared at the duck, wishing he could send the duck to do slice research immediately.


Xiaomao was the first to react, and took Ibrahimovic, who was unable to fight, back into the poke ball, gently brushing the shell of the poke ball with his palm as if to comfort him, and then took it back to his waist.

Ibrahimovic was defeated, and his gushing flames were also extinguished.

"Hmph, this time I will let you go for now. Next time, I will trample you down in front of countless people at the Quartz Conference and tell the whole world that only I, Xiao Mao, are Really the most powerful trainer in New Town!!"

He said in an arrogant tone, very domineering.

If Big Brother Qinglu can put Chi on his feet forever, then Xiao Mao will naturally do the same!

Xiaomao now wants to tame a Kodak.

He remembered that Big Brother Qinglu had an evolutionary version of the Gotha Duck in his hands—the Gotha Duck. He would peek at it when he usually took it out for training. It was indeed strong, but it wasn’t outrageous. He didn’t expect such a duck. Such a terrifying power?

One thing to say, in the face of this Kodak, he even had a feeling of the Mewtwo that was fighting Boss Sakagi in the Viking Gym that day.

Green in Soul Space: "..."

Although his Gotha Duck is very strong, even the champion on the opposite side can do a few tricks, but this Gotha Duck is outrageous, it is no longer a normal Pokémon...

In this world, some Pokémon are really weird...

"Hmph, I'm leaving first, and what you will see in a month's time will be a brand new Xiaomao!"

Xiaomao released the green tool carving with a backhand. It has gorgeous wings and bright eagle eyes.

There is nothing to exercise in Zhenxin Town, and he still needs to find a place to hone himself before the Quartz Conference.

For example, go to the unmanned power station to capture the Lightning Bird, catch a Demon God Kodak, and so on.

Pokémon's own affairs, such as quarreling in the backyard, are best left to the Pokémon themselves. Why do humans intervene?

"Wait, Xiaomao."

Just as the tool eagle was about to spread its wings, Xiao Zhi suddenly interrupted him.

"Oh, I'm not talking to you, I'll ask Big Brother Qinglu, I told you last time in Tokiwa City, my big brother Chi, does he still look at it?"

Everyone: "?"

Green: "..."

Everyone was dumbfounded, but why didn't Qinglu know that this big baby was exactly the realm Chi had mentioned, that terrifying realm where even the league champions would salivate.

Damn it, I haven't reached it yet. Could it be that Chi has really reached it?

Impossible, I have been walking in front of Chi, and this time he surpassed me! ?

Seeing that the other party didn't reply, Xiaozhi added another sentence:

"Oh, brother Chi said, I can let you touch it."

Everyone: "??"

The green of the soul space was even more livid. After saying something to Xiaomao, the latter didn't say any more, and flew high into the sky with the tool carving.

Today, the feng shui in Zhenxin Town is not good, so it is not suitable to stay for a long time.

Next time, make your enemies kneel down and sing!


"Bi Diao Diao..."

The tool eagle's figure of the steed soon gradually disappeared in the sky. Xiaozhi stared at the giant eagle from a distance, wondering when his tool bird would reach this level.

"Xiaomao, this guy..."

He secretly clenched his fists. Although the battle was interrupted by God, if it really goes on, it's hard to say the outcome.

Whether it's Pokémon's own quality or the trainer's command, it can be said that Xiaomao is not inferior to him, and even suppressed himself for a while.

"We must train well in this month and a half! The strongest trainer in Zhenxin Town is only me, Xiaozhi!"

Xiaozhi swore secretly, then remembered something, and hurried over to look after Pikachu who couldn't fight.

"Pikachu, are you okay!?"

Just now, the damage caused by God's blow was not light. Once Pikachu fell to the ground, there was no movement, so he wouldn't go straight to heaven, right?


Pikachu's body was in the shape of a "wood", and he fell face down in the lawn, sleeping soundly, and even snored softly.

Xiaozhi: "..."

This electric mouse!

Xiaozhi was in a hurry and was about to overthrow Pikachu on the spot. Dr. Oki asked Xiaogang and his party to resolve the dispute over the Pokémon in the back mountain.

"Papa papa..."

Faintly, everyone could still hear a lot of noise coming from that direction.

"I understand, just leave it to me."

Xiaozhi immediately agreed, and then he didn't care about Pikachu anymore, let him sleep to death on the grassland, and dragged everyone to the place where the incident happened.

In this regard, he thinks differently from Xiaomao. Humans and Pokémon live in harmony. If Pokémon fights internally, humans will naturally help to adjust.

During the process, everyone was amazed at Koda Duck, and only then did they know that the latter still has the power of such a shawl god.

If they really fight, Pikachu will have fun, and it must be a Kodak!

"Haha, good luck..."

The compliments from several people made Xiaoxia smile, and she couldn't help hugging Koda Ya, which was the first time the latter gave her a long face.


The Gotha Duck held its head in its paws and couldn't understand.

"Xiaoxia, I have Admiral's Claw Crab, and I can exchange it for your mediocre Duck."




After walking for nearly hundreds of meters in the direction of the back mountain, the people passed through a jungle and came to a mountain stream.

The creek flows slowly, and the shore is full of greenery and the scenery is excellent.

"Ah ho ho!"



It's just that there are still violent quarrels around. At this time, many Pokémon have been surrounded by the bank of the stream. Those who swim in the water, fly in the sky, and walk on the ground have all joined the battlefield, which is very lively.

From time to time, a few skill attacks flew out, the power was not low, the AOE splashed all over the field, and no one dared to be careless.

Xiaozhi even saw his Kami Turtle and Frog Grass, hanging their shoulders and eating melons and watching the show.

It's just that in this chaotic melee, everyone found a piece of tranquility that was extremely inconsistent with the style of painting.

On the bank of the stream, there were obviously noisy quarrels and various AOE attacks in the background, but there were two Pokémon standing on the bank, looking at each other calmly, as if completely ignoring the surrounding chaos.

Everyone frowned and couldn't help saying:

"Xiaoxia, why is it your Pokémon again?"

Xiaoxia: "..."

One is a pink Pokémon with a cute head like a hippopotamus, dull eyes, a long and thin tail, and a faint smell of rice.

The other is a light blue jelly-like Pokémon with a pair of bean eyes on its face.

The two Pokémon just stared at each other, motionless, not knowing what they were thinking.



It took a long time for them to make a sound, speaking at a slow speed.

Everyone scratched their heads, not understanding what riddle these two Pokémon were talking about, but at this time Xiaoxia took a few steps back again, her face suddenly became panicked.

Hell, how did I understand this time again! ! !

After a while, Koda Duck also walked up slowly, holding his head with his paws and tilting his neck.




The three Pokémon were looking at each other in a cornered position, motionless, seemingly in a daze, and their every move seemed to be full of Zen.


Archer couldn't help but recorded the scene on camera and named it on the spot.

"Three Saints Ask Zen".

He has the confidence to rely on this photo, and he will be steady again in the Yuanzhu Photo Contest next year!

It's just that something seems to be missing...? In the dark, Archer felt that the Four Saints Wen Zen should be the most perfect, not the Three Saints...


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