Chapter 2954 Return to Miare City!

"Let's go!"

It wasn't until the sounds from that direction completely subsided that Xiaozhi looked away, his face still showing a bit of sadness.

I don’t know when we will meet next time.

But one thing he is certain of is that no matter how far apart they are, the bond between him and Koga Ninja will never be severed!

"Don't worry, Xiaozhi. Serena and I will be in Miare City next. If Koga Ninja needs help, I can help at any time~"

Citron patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder and comforted him.

Then he looked at Serena with a smile:

"You think so, Serena~?"

However, Serena seemed to be thinking about something. She was stunned for a while before she came back to her senses. She forced a smile and nodded in response.

Xiaozhi quickly cheered up. He and Koga Ninja will always meet again in the future!

Next to him, Brickaron looked enviously at the Koga Ninja who was able to take risks with the Ancient God.

Really handsome

"Nima, niggling!!"

After a while, Bricalon reacted, patted his cheek and shouted.

There is nothing to envy, this frog who likes to be cool is gone just in time.

Now he is the big brother in Carlos' team!

I heard that there are still many Pokémon in Xiaozhi's yard. This time I go back and let these people see what Carlos Bully is! !


Bricalon clenched his fists, raised his head slightly, and let out a silly laugh. In his mind, he began to imagine how he could increase the strength of those guys.

After saying goodbye to Z2 and Koga Ninja, everyone continued on their way, getting closer and closer to Miare City.

The first human city to arrive was Serena's hometown, Chaoxiang Town.

This place is similar to Zhenxin Town. It is located at the edge corner of the mainland. It is blocked by dense forests on three sides. It is difficult to pass normally and can only move in one direction.

Serena's mother Sachi has also returned to Chaoxiang Town from Miare City.

She did not go to Desert City through the Golden Ring. As a famous armored rhinoceros rider, she chose to return to her hometown as soon as possible to see if there was anyone in Chaoxiang Town who needed help.

But it wasn't a big problem. Since Team Flare's evil deeds were stopped in time, other towns except Miare City were not actually harmed.

Next, Xiaozhi and others naturally stayed at Serena's house for a day and were warmly entertained by Saki.

Serena also planted the eternal flower she got from Uncle AZ's flower leaf in the small garden at the door.

It can only be said that it is indeed an eternal flower. I took a circle in the desert and stuffed it in my backpack the whole time. Now it is inserted into the soil and it can still take root and sprout smoothly.

All of a sudden, the small garden in front of Serena's door gained a peculiar atmosphere.

When everyone left Serena's house in the afternoon, Tierno, Doropa, and Shana also came to see them off.

These three people have also returned to their hometown from the Conference of Power, and are preparing to take a while to rest before traveling again.

It was rare for everyone to gather together, so they gathered in Mingshui Town, which is adjacent to Chaoxiang Town, and enjoyed a leisurely lunch, chatting and relaxing at will.

Mingshui Town is basically full of typical European-style apartments and streets. The city is surrounded by rivers and surrounded by fountains. It is an elegant and relaxing town, especially suitable for gatherings of friends.

"Ah, Xiaozhi, it's such a shame that you have to go back to the Kanto region~"

"After seeing your fight, hey, I'd better concentrate on dancing!"

"Speaking of which, before Serena-chan moved here when we were little, we had lunch here with Karumu~"

"Speaking of which, I heard Karumu's mother mention just now that Karumu can go out now~?"

Several people chatted casually, and the topics kept switching back and forth.


Xiaozhi did remember the name a little bit. It seemed to be Serena's neighbor and a childhood sweetheart of several people.

It's just that he seems to have autism, and he has been staying at home before.

But it is said that when he was 7 years old, he had already punched the king of the league and was a genius trainer.


Xiaozhi secretly felt regretful. If he had known this person in Chaoxiang Town, he would have wanted to knock on the door directly and see this talented trainer in person.

It seems that there is no chance.

"Forget it, if you have the chance, you can always meet this genius in the future."

Xiaozhi didn't think much about it. When everyone embarks on the path of becoming a trainer, they will always meet at the top.

Saying goodbye to Carlos and his three little friends, the group of people headed north along the main road. This time they arrived at Baitan City, which is adjacent to Miare City.

It happened to be a coincidence that Princess Sarah had already visited Dr. Buratano in Miare City and now she also came to Baitan City.

I just happen to be challenging Baitan Gym right now.

She also received a Carlos Gosanka-Fire Fox from the Doctor, probably inspired by Serena.

But as soon as I received it, I came to challenge it. It was completely level 5. I was defeated by the White Sand Gym Leader, Violet, after a while.

"Then please, Hackron!!"

Princess Sara's second Pokémon is a sparkling Hakron, with an elegant purple skin all over its body and an impressive aura.

Violet: "?"

There was no suspense in the battle. Under the bombardment of this flashing Harker Dragon, her pink butterfly was soon shot down from the air, and the winner was decided.

Xiaozhi and his group: ""

It’s really a battle of deep pockets!

After successfully winning the first gym, Princess Sarah became more confident. After chatting happily with Xiaozhi and others, she set off to the next gym.

A few people could only shrug their shoulders at this. Even in the field of trainers, some people can be several laps ahead of the question masters at the beginning!

Leaving Baitan City and passing through Baitan Forest

Everyone finally returned to Miare City.

After not seeing it for more than ten days, the city of Miare now looks a bit shabby at first glance, not at all as romantic and luxurious as it used to be.

Even the landmark building, the Prism Tower, has many big holes on its surface, as if it has been damaged by development.

However, the obstacles on the streets have been cleared, and the facilities necessary for daily life are open in an orderly manner. There is no chaos as imagined.

"Look, it's okay!"

Xiaozhi put his hands on his hips and sighed.

This time, they definitely couldn't stay at Citron's Prism Tower. They stayed nearby at the Pokémon Center in the south.

In the evening, Citron took his sister to meet Mr. Limone, leaving only Ash and Serena alone in the room.

Speaking of which, he hasn't officially mentioned it to Serena yet.

As it happened, there was no one in the room. While packing his luggage, Xiaozhi mentioned it accidentally:

"By the way, Serena, you also know that I will return to the Kanto region soon, and Carlos' journey is coming to an end." (End of Chapter)

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