Chapter 2949 Carlos’s token of God is all here!

On the other side, passing through Hoopa's golden ring, Xiaozhi and his party successfully arrived at Qinan City.

To some extent, this city, like Desert City, appears isolated in the map of Kalos.

It is located in the southeast corner of the Kalos map, surrounded by mountains and dense forests. Unless you are an experienced trainer, you can't walk through it.

The best way is to pass through a direct train on the north side of Miare City.

"Is this Qinan City?"

Several people appeared on a street at the entrance of the city. The roads are connected in all directions, and most of them are low-rise buildings. The modern atmosphere is not strong.

In the center of the town, there stands a huge house with luxurious decoration-the Battle House.

"It is said that this house was transformed from a former noble manor. Many elite trainers will continue to challenge in it until they are qualified to fight with the Battle City Lord!"

Everyone put down their luggage at the Pokémon Center. Xitron walked in front and introduced slowly.

Since he was defeated by one of the female city lords in the Tournament of Power, Hitron also studied the local information afterwards.

Unfortunately, the four graceful female city lords are still in Miare City.

There are also some elite trainers who are stranded there.

It seems that the train station on the north side of Miare will not be open for traffic for two days before this group of people can return to Qinan City.

So Qinan City at this moment seems to be a bit sparsely populated.

It’s not a big problem. Carlos has basically traveled all over, and has experienced two major events, the League Conference and the Tournament of Power.

Even Xiaozhi was a little tired of fighting for a while, and just wanted to have a good rest and relax during this time.

This time I came to Qinan City, just to complete the last piece of the puzzle, or

to postpone the day of farewell for a few more days?

The four of them walked on the road together, and the atmosphere today seemed a little solemn.

Several people knew that when they returned to Miare City from Qinan City, it also meant that this journey of Carlos had come to an end.

All good things must come to an end, and the days of traveling together have come to a countdown.


Xiaozhi, Serena, and Xitron walked on the street in silence, not as happy as before.

"What's wrong, everyone, are you all weird today~?"

But Yulijia didn't notice this, and asked carelessly while walking behind.

"Yeah, haha, why don't you seem to be in a good mood, is it because of the continuous competitions~?"

Xitron tried to break the ice, but his extroversion in exchange for a lifetime of introversion did not ease the atmosphere much.

In the end, it was two small diamonds that broke the awkward atmosphere.

Tu Tu!

When everyone walked to a field on the edge of Qinan City, the ground in front suddenly shook, and the sound of a drill breaking the ground was heard.

Then two small silver-white drills broke out of the ground, stopped and turned their bodies, and they were two small diamonds.

"Is it you?!"

Xiaozhi recognized them at a glance. These were the two small diamonds that had been following Diancie before.

Why did they follow me to Qinan City?


Two little diamonds came to Xiaozhi like rabbits, hopping and jumping, and each of them had an item on their heads.

Xiaozhi looked carefully and saw that the one in front of him had a ten-centimeter dead wood on his head?

"Hmm? It looks familiar?"

Hytron pushed his glasses, and he seemed to have seen this dead wood somewhere before.

Xiaozhi, who had seen the battle of the gods, reacted quickly and blurted out:

"Is this a token of God? Is it something from Xerneas?!"

He felt the rich breath of God coming from this dead wood.

Although the wood looked withered, it contained a surge of vitality.


The little diamond also called out proudly as if offering a treasure.

This is the treasure that the princess asked them to send. Now Diancie is practicing with the giant dead tree incarnated by Xerneas, striving to master her inner strength as soon as possible and create eternal diamonds at will.

But she did not forget Xiaozhi.

She remembered that Xiaozhi had told him before that he was looking for the token of God all over the world. So Diancie specially chose a piece of dead wood with the most abundant energy on the dead tree of Xerneas and asked the little broken diamonds to deliver it.

"Dianncie, this guy, still remembers it."

Looking at the dead tree that came from thousands of miles away, Xiaozhi smiled with emotion. This Diamond Princess actually remembered what he mentioned casually on weekdays.

As a fantasy beast, it is estimated that Diancie has also sensed that she will leave the Kalos region soon.

So she sent the dead wood before leaving?

"Yes! Say thank you to your princess for me. This thing helps me a lot."

Xiaozhi solemnly took the dead wood and rubbed the head of the little broken diamond.

Then he opened the backpack and carefully put it together with another object.

Beside him, Serena tiptoed slightly to look into the backpack and said casually:

"That is what Miss Kaluni gave you in Desert City before, right?"

Xiaozhi nodded. The other object was a black and red eggshell fragment, about the size of a palm.

The thickness of the eggshell fragment alone exceeded five centimeters, which shows how huge the main body will be.

"This is the token of Yveltal's god."

Xiaozhi explained that Yveltal, who was in the form of a dormant egg cocoon, was collected by the Flare Team in Shixiang Town.

When forcibly extracting the power of the ancient god, some fragments of the egg cocoon also burst out, which were collected by the belated members of the Kalos Alliance.

When Xiaozhi asked for some fragments of Yveltal, Kaluni waved her hand and agreed on the spot, and even delivered the fragments to Xiaozhi overnight.

Whether it was the Miare incident or the Mewtwo incident at the Tournament of Power, Xiaozhi had made great contributions. He was worried that he could not find anything as a reward for Xiaozhi.

In addition, the Zygarde Polyhedron that had been in his backpack for a long time had absorbed a lot of Zygarde cell individuals.

"Now, all the tokens of Kalos' God have been collected!"

Xiaozhi's tone was a little excited. The tokens of the three ancient gods of Kalos were in his hands at the moment.

It was a pity to say that there were still too few legendary Pokémon in the Kalos region.

For example, the three sacred birds and three sacred beasts that were available in other regions, and even the neighboring Unova region had two groups of second-level gods!

As a result, there was not a single group in the Kalos region at all, which was too simple!

The sacred beasts were all summoned by Hoopa from other places!

After carefully collecting the three tokens of God, Xiaozhi could not help but look at the second small diamond.

This little guy was carrying a big guy on his head! (End of this chapter)

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