Chapter 2928 The veteran drama Pikachu is online!

The even blow made Mewtwo's tattooed Pikachu unhappy.


Where did you come from, a wild dog and an electric mouse, and are you even worthy of being at odds with it? !

"Concentrate on fighting, lightning flashes, thunder fist!"

Mewtwo warned and launched another attack.

Maybe the Pokémon that guy brings with him is more powerful than that Koga Ninja?


Pikachu understood and used the lightning's acceleration to rush out. After approaching the target, he immediately waved his little flower arms. A strong electric arc burst out from his clenched fists, and he smashed out with all his strength.


Xiaozhi's Pikachu, on the other hand, felt as if it was facing a formidable enemy, its ears stood up in fear, and it also used its fastest speed and jumped up with a flash of lightning.

Boom! !

After dodging the opponent's moves to the limit, Pikachu's thunder fist fell to the ground, directly creating a huge gravel pit.

With the assistance of electric beads, it can be said that all aspects of quality have been greatly improved.

The speed of the lightning flash becomes faster, and the power of the Thunder Fist is even comparable to that of the Zhenqi Fist!


Seeing the panic of Xiaozhi's Pikachu, the flower-armed Pikachu even smiled proudly. Sure enough, it is the strongest!

Xiaozhi: ""

However, with people watching from behind the whole time, Xiaozhi couldn't help but remain silent.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen it, this is Pikachu’s acting! ?

It's just right, you can barely dodge the opponent's moves, and you still have to put on a panicked expression after landing, and you have the right breathing movements.

"Damn it, is this guy Pikachu planning to start a show?!"

Xiaozhi frowned deeply.

He still remembered that in the Hezhu area, after landing, Pikachu was obviously not slashed, but he pretended to be weak the whole time, and ended up paddling for a whole season!

Are you addicted to drama again now? !

Haven't you been rubbing your hands for a whole day? Quickly use the thief's trick to steal the electric beads. A few rounds are enough to determine the winner!


Aware of Xiaozhi's eyes, Pikachu gasped and looked back at Xiaozhi, as if he had encountered a powerful enemy.

However, it raised its little hand and gave him an "ok" gesture without leaving any trace.

The little tattooed electric mouse is so bad, it must be in need of a good education.

Although its thief trick can indeed be activated at any time, there is no rush.

It needs to control its own strength and maintain it at a level that is only a little stronger than the opposite Pikachu, so that the latter will have the idea of ​​"just a little bit can kill it."

But, it just can’t be done!

After a good game, show your absolute strength and steal the opponent's electric beads!

Its script has been written!

The old drama Pikachu is back online!

Xiaozhi: ""

This guy must have been holding back a whole area, and he had to watch Koga Ninja being cool all the time, so he couldn't help but want more scenes, right?

"Anyway, don't take it lightly!"

Xiaozhi could only sigh and give a reminder.


Pikachu took a deep breath on the spot and showed a resolute look in his eyes, as if he was ready to die generously when encountering a strong enemy.

However, the flower-armed Pikachu on the opposite side already felt stable, and immediately launched a fierce attack.

The tail was dyed with metallic silver light, and it swept forward with great force!

"Iron Tail, block it!!"

Xiaozhi quickly said, since Pikachu wants to play, then play with it.


Facing the sweeping Iron Tail, Pikachu immediately raised his tail and blocked it in a criss-cross posture.

Bang bang! ! !

There was a burst of metal explosion, and sparks erupted from the collision point of the iron tail, which showed how powerful it was.

"It shouldn't be underestimated. With Pikachu's strength, he can still act under such circumstances."

Xiaozhi secretly thought to himself that any other Pokémon would have to go all out against the electric ball Pikachu on the opposite side.

In terms of strength, Ash's Pikachu was "slightly inferior" and was knocked back repeatedly by the strength of his opponent Iron Tail.

When he came back to his senses, Mewtwo's Pikachu figure had disappeared.


Xiaozhi came to his senses instantly. The other party had used the burrowing trick before.

This is a ground move, and it is extremely effective against Pikachu, so don't be careless.

"Use the iron tail to protect the bottom!"

He reminded quickly, and Pikachu understood, spinning his body in mid-air, his steel tail protecting him.

Mewtwo's Pikachu was a step too late. After breaking out of the ground, he could only punch Iron Tail with one punch.

boom! !

Of course, the strength is still extremely strong. The electric beads increase not only the electric power, but also the lightning flash, digging holes and other moves have amplifying effects.

With a burst of metal explosion, Pikachu was knocked into the air.


In the next moment, this flower-armed Pikachu actually appeared directly above Pikachu's head, and with both hands folded together to hold the hammer, it hit Pikachu's head with great force.

Split tiles! !

This creature attacks Pikachu and also masters fighting-type moves.

However, when the tile-splitting hammer was about to come down, Xiaozhi's Pikachu suddenly bounced out sideways, causing the tile-splitting hammer to hit the air.


Flower-armed Pikachu: "?"

Both Pokémon were stunned, with nowhere to use their strength in mid-air. How did Ash's Pikachu move?

It’s unscientific!


Xiaozhi secretly chuckled in his heart and remained silent.

The reason for borrowing power in the air is naturally because of the thundercloud line!

The 100,000 volts fired by both sides at the beginning caused an explosion in the air, which also successfully filled the sky of the arena with arcs of electricity that could be stepped on.

Since it was broad daylight, even Mewtwo couldn't see the faint arc of sunlight shining brightly.

The flower-armed Pikachu, who didn't know how to use the Thunder Cloud Line, was even more confused and had no idea what was going on.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

However, there were several blasts of arcs in his ears, causing him to raise his head suddenly.

But Xiaozhi's Pikachu was actually jumping and sprinting left and right in mid-air, as if it was surrounded by invisible solid walls.

This miraculous scene made him stunned, and his body slowly dropped due to gravity.

Finally, it jumped to the top of the flower-armed Pikachu's head. Its tail was attached with a metallic cold light, and it rotated its body and pressed down on its tail.

Bang bang! !

A powerful iron tail hit Pikachu in the head, which had nowhere to rely on, and smashed it to the ground like a sandbag!

Suddenly, there was a burst of sand and dust on the ground, and the flower-armed Pikachu was dizzy. When it got up and looked at Xiaozhi's Pikachu, it seemed that the other party had used a shadow clone, and there were double images everywhere.

But after all, Electric-type Pokémon are still resistant to Steel-type moves, so the winner won't be decided in one round.

"Is it because of those arcs?"

This time, Chaomeng has naturally noticed it. Every time the Pikachu jumps in the air, a weak arc will be generated on its feet, like a pedal.

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