Chapter 2894 Thank you, the flower of eternity!

At this time, AZ's three-meter-tall giant body was kneeling on one knee, carefully holding the flower leaf in his palm.

As if looking at the most precious treasure in the world, he finally asked the words he had wanted to say for three thousand years:

"Can you forgive me?"

Then he stared at the flower leaf with burning eyes, holding his breath, looking nervous and timid.

The flower leaf in his hand did not hesitate for long, and smiled and hugged AZ's knitted hat, rubbing the face of this vicissitudes old man hard.

"I want to be with you again~!"

Not only AZ, but also Xiaozhi and others beside him had a sweet and gentle voice in their minds.

Xiaozhi quickly looked at the flower leaf with an incredible look.


Isn't this a skill that only fantasy beasts have? How come this flower leaf can also do it?

But he used it stumblingly, and it seemed that he had not yet fully mastered this ability.

However, after hearing the clear response, the giant man was already in tears, holding the flower leaf and shaking uncontrollably.

"Thank you, thank you, Huayedi!"

If he can get such a result, what's wrong with letting him wander for ten thousand years!

Huayedi, who was held in the palm of AZ's hand, had actually forgiven the former a long time ago.

In order to revive himself, AZ did not hesitate to drain the lives of thousands of Pokémon and sacrifice the vitality of others to revive himself.

When the reborn Huayedi saw the corpses everywhere, he felt that AZ had gone crazy and was the most evil devil in the world, so he resolutely cut off his relationship with it.

But a few years later, it regretted it.

AZ did so many crazy things, in the end, it was just for itself.

After the energy infusion of the final weapon, the resurrected Huayedi was no longer the same as ordinary Pokémon.

Not only did he gain eternal life, but he also had wisdom and emotions, which were the same as humans.

But when it returned to the kingdom to find AZ, the latter had already disappeared.

This made Huayedi wander alone on this land in the next thousand years, looking for his trainer.

Three thousand years of punishment is enough, so now it will forgive without hesitation when asked.

"Let's live together!"

Listening to the telepathy from Huayedi again, AZ was even more overjoyed, and in an instant he seemed to have turned back into a young man who was about to enter the bridal chamber, and he felt extremely energetic.

He will stay with Huayedi forever!

"What a touching scene!"

"Is this the bond between humans and Pokémon? No, I always feel like it has transcended that relationship?"

Serena and Balza beside him all applauded. This scene that spanned a thousand years was rare.

Xiaozhi looked at this special color Huayedi, and secretly sighed in his heart:

"Is it already a fantasy Pokémon?"

Small and exquisite and able to telepathically sense, this is the standard configuration of fantasy beasts.

And the aura around Huayedi is also quite similar to that of Xiaohupa, both with a mysterious and ethereal taste.

That's right. After all, the healing energy of the final weapon a few days ago still has a strong effect even if it is distributed to the entire Miare City.

And thousands of years ago, so much magnificent energy was only poured into Huayedi and AZ!

It is reasonable for the former to transform directly into a fantasy beast.

It is estimated that this Huayedi can also exert amazing combat power by waving the red and black petals on its shoulders to fight?

It was late at night, and the desert at night was a little cold.

Because the Desert City was surrounded by unsheltered deserts, the evening breeze blew slowly, rolling up fine dust.

"Then everyone, let's say goodbye!"

AZ nodded solemnly to Xiaozhi and the others, ready to say goodbye, and Huayedi sat on the shoulders of the giant with a smile.

From now on, this is its exclusive place.

AZ plans to travel with Huayedi. Although they are both wandering, this time the two of them are completely different.

"I plan to travel around the world and finally find a livable place to live with Huayedi forever!" He looked up and imagined a beautiful life in the future. In order to find Huayedi, he had been wandering in the land of Kalos for three thousand years. This time he can finally go and see the outside world. "Hehe~ Leave it to me~!" Little Hupa was also quite moved by this. He immediately threw out the golden ring with a smile, enlarged his mind, and connected to the distant space. As for where it leads to, it doesn't know, it's just a random place on this planet. Seeing this, AZ was very grateful. Xiaozhi and Xiao Hupa helped him too much! He looked at Huayedi, who understood and flew lightly to the middle of the crowd. Then he grabbed the petals on his shoulders, like a red and black umbrella, turned it upside down, and shook the stamens towards the ground. "Flower Woo~!"

Huayedi closed his eyes, exerted his strength secretly, and a green light flashed around him

And on the ground, three identical red and black flowers grew rapidly and broke out of the ground.

"This is the eternal flower! It will never wither. This is a thank you gift!"

Listening to the telepathic induction in their minds, several people were secretly shocked.

This is a desert, how can three flowers grow out of thin air?

"This is the first time I have seen such flowers."

Serena couldn't help but be surprised, because she also had a flower-leaf flower. She had studied the types of exotic flowers from all over the world before, but this was the first time she saw this kind of flower.

"Why does it smell so ominous?"

Balza frowned, looking a little wary.

This kind of aura is just like the feeling when Demon God Hupa was on his body when he was still violent. It gives people a chaotic and evil feeling?

Even the color and shape of this petal——

The front side of the petals and flower stem are blood red, while the back side is black.

There are only three pointed petals in total, each one is exactly 120 degrees apart, and two of them are longer and one is slightly shorter, like the letter "Y".

Just like the God of Destruction, Yveltal! ?

This is not a friendly ancient god. All vitality will be absorbed wherever it goes, turning it into a wasteland.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a flower~"

Xiaozhi was brave enough to be an expert, so he picked one directly. It was exactly the same flower as Huayedi's hand.

"Is it called the Flower of Eternity?"

Indeed, there is an ominous aura in the petals.

But this breath is also very powerful. If used properly, it can explode with amazing power in battle!

"What a beautiful flower, so charming and beautiful~!"

Serena did not resist this and picked the second one with her backhand, holding it in her hands with joy.

Eternal flowers, flowers that will never wither and die, are just perfect to plant in your backyard garden! (End of chapter)

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