Chapter 2890 Little Hupa’s battle on stage!

boom! !

The acrobatic stunt hit Bulbasaur hard in the face, and the Warrior Eagle's brute force immediately pushed the latter back and forced it to slide half a meter!

However, Chaomeng under the cloak remained indifferent, just thinking silently in his heart:


The next moment, Bulbasaur forcefully arched her head and raised the warrior eagle in front of her directly above.

And in the huge petals behind it, the white-green energy has been accumulated...

Boom! !

In a sunny environment, the sun's flames instantly activated, and the blazing energy beam penetrated the body of the warrior eagle and shot straight into the sky!

When the blow fell, although the Warrior Eagle was not directly killed due to its effect, after the latter circled into the sky again, its whole body was covered with scorch marks, and its injuries were serious.


Even Xiaozhi in the stands couldn't help but be surprised.

Originally, he thought that Mewtwo was just trying to be new and simply wanted to experience the life of a trainer.

Unexpectedly, I didn’t just do it casually, I actually have a lot of skills!

Accurate and decisive command is no longer inferior to the command level of elite trainers.

"This guy!"

At one end of the field, Balza's expression also became solemn.

Viewers from a distance may not be able to see clearly, but he was standing right opposite Chaomeng and could see it most clearly.

This is a Pokémon, not a human!

Oh my god, Pokémon can actually conquer other Pokémon like this and command it smoothly?

This made Balza's worldview shaken a bit!


While distracted, Bulbasaur finally got a chance. Seven or eight thick vines came out and successfully tied up the warrior eagle in mid-air.

"End the battle weather ball!"

In the mind of this strangely patterned Bulbasaur, Chaotwo's cold commanding voice emerged.

Bulbasaur understood. This time, a pure white energy light bomb rose from the center of the petals on its back and suddenly shot into the sky.


After receiving sunlight, the weather ball burned instantly and turned into a menacing fire bomb.

The Warrior Eagle struggled vigorously, but the vines of Bulbasaur completely locked its power-generating part, and it was unable to exert any brute force.

Obviously, this is a Pokémon that is very good at using basic moves like Vine Whip.

Basic moves don't necessarily mean they are worse than big moves like Sunshine Flame. If you practice to the extreme, you can also reach the pinnacle state.

Boom! !

In the end, the flame weather ball hit the chest of the Warriors Eagle, causing a fiery explosion in the mid-air of the arena!

The latter's body also quickly fell from the sky, losing its ability to fight.

"Damn it, did you lose?"

Balza frowned, he was defeated despite his submission.

And he still lost to a Pokémon! ?

Oh, my Creator!


Even little Hupa, who was watching the battle, had sweat falling on his forehead.

The "human" opposite is actually a Pokémon? !

"What say Hoopa, do you want to fight, or abstain?"

After Balza took back the Warrior Eagle, he turned his head to look at Little Hoopa and asked.

The opponent this time is too strange. There is no need to go on stage to fight. If you don't want to go on stage, you can just admit defeat and be done with it.

Hupa took out a small hand and touched his chin, thinking secretly.

The humanoid Pokémon on the opposite side obviously didn't move at all, but the dangerous aura it exuded made it feel frightened.

But what we are facing now is not that dangerous guy, but a big tattooed toad...


"Leave it to me~!!"

Hupa patted his chest with his little hand to cheer himself up, and immediately took the initiative to fly onto the field.

The sudden appearance of Little Hoopa on the stage made Chaomeng finally react and glance up slightly.

"A fantasy Pokémon?"

And the aura is very similar to that guy who could summon six ancient gods at will.


Chaomeng couldn't help but snorted. He didn't know why, but seeing this small and exquisite fantasy beast that liked to pretend to be cute, he wanted to crush it with his hands!

"Oh! Is Hoopa on the stage?!"

In the stands, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, just to see how good Hupa was now.

And somewhere high up in the venue, a sun lounger was set up, and the human-sized Demon God Hoopa was lying on it bored. Occasionally, when there was a wonderful battle below, he would take a brief glance.

It wasn't until he saw little Hupa on stage that he half-raised his back.

"Kusuo, don't embarrass me!"

Today, he and Little Hupa are not mortal enemies, but rather have a relationship similar to that of a senior and a junior.

On the field, the battle has begun.

Compared with the bloated Bulbasaur, Hupa's size is very inconspicuous.

"Shadow ball!"

Little Hupa took the lead, raising his two magic hands above his head and slamming out a shadow ball!

However, the command on Chaomeng's side was more simple and crude.


Under the naturally sunny sky surrounding the arena, the sun's blaze has completely turned into a small skill that can be easily cast instantly.

Boom! !

The bright green beam shot out, directly piercing the shadow ball and shattering it. The power was breathtaking!


Little Hupa quickly threw out the golden ring hanging on his horn, enlarging it to a width of three meters in front of him, absorbing all the incoming sunlight and flames.

Then with a move of his little hand, the corresponding golden ring appeared out of thin air on the top of Bulbasaur's head.

The sun's blazing flames were actually guided from this golden ring and fell brazenly!

Boom! !

Bulbasaur had no time to defend itself, and was instantly hit by its own solar flames, causing a heroic explosion of heat all around!

"Hehe~ don't underestimate me~!"

After succeeding, little Hoopa covered his mouth and smiled slyly.

However, this golden ring, which can deflect the opponent's attacks at will, looks familiar to many people.

"Wait a minute, isn't this the golden ring of the demon god Hupa? I used that to travel directly from Miare City to Desert City!"

"Speaking of which, this Pokémon is very similar to Hupa. The whole body is pink and gray, and the arms are also separated from the body."

"Isn't it the initial form of the demon god Hupa?!"

The little Hoopa who threw the golden ring made the venue explode.

By teleporting thousands of tourists from Miare City to the Golden Ring in Desert City, Saliman naturally did not forget to help the Demon God Hupa to promote this as his supreme power. As a result, almost everyone here now knows about the Demon God Hupa. Great name and extremely popular.

Such a convenient ability, if used to deliver food

No, it is so convenient to use it as a substitute for airplanes and cruises, just like any door!

"Hmph~ It's just a so-so performance."

High up in the venue, Demon God Hupa lay back on his chair, crossed his chest and snorted coldly.

However, the corners of his mouth rose slightly. Punishing Hupa was his initial evolutionary form?

He didn't dislike this statement.

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