He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3063 Where did the ancient god of Carlos die?

Chapter 2860 Where did the ancient god of Carlos die?

After simply praising him, Chaomeng's eyes instantly turned cold again:

"But if the so-called strongest human being can only do this, he won't be able to satisfy me!"

The next moment, Chaomeng was suspended in the sky, veins popped out on his forehead, and there were visible fluctuations of thought power all over his body, which even caused the surrounding air to rotate, forming a strange vortex.

For Mewtwo, attribute restraint is no longer important.

Even when faced with evil-type Pokémon that are immune to super moves, his telekinesis bombs can still easily destroy them.

Mega Gardevoir also quickly teleported to Kaluni's side, ready for battle.

She could feel that Chaomeng's power was constantly rising. Damn it, wasn't the previous power the opponent's upper limit?

Kaluni also showed a panicked look for the first time.

This humanoid Pokémon has unparalleled strength, but its erratic and erratic personality is a catastrophic time bomb!

More dangerous than Team Flare!

"Tsk, why did I stop him just now? Let's just let him and Fradali blow themselves up!"

Karuni felt regret already welling up in her heart.

No wonder Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town is so cautious and rigorous.

However, just as Chaomeng was gathering strength, the atmosphere at the top of the Prism Tower became tense.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, countless streams of green light suddenly flashed across the sky, gathering from all directions, and then all falling towards a street to the west of the Prism Tower.

A vast and majestic energy momentum also continued to emerge at that location.

"This is?"

Kaluni looked at this scene in a daze, was this another extraordinary existence born?

Can they, Carlos, get better?

The momentum formed by countless green lights made Chaomeng pause his movements and turned his head to look, showing a novel expression:

"Oh? Is he the local ancient god?"

Each region has its own ancient gods.

They all have their own responsibilities, have different personalities and preferences, and will not show up most of the time.

But they all have one thing in common - they will protect the area where they are.

When powerful ancient gods from other places enter their own areas, the local ancient gods will basically become resistant and attack the former in an attempt to drive them out of their own land.

For example, in the Fangyuan region, regardless of Groudon, Kyogre is fighting among himself all day long.

But if one day a Lugia lands in the Fangyuan area, then the God of Earth and the God of Ocean will join forces to launch a critical attack on it!

But what makes Chaomeng curious is

Where did the ancient god of Kalos die?

In the previous fairy fight incident in Desert City, there was no local god in it, which was quite strange.

Now, Chaomeng finally met Carlos's first ancient god——


Whoosh! !

Countless streams of light entered the body, and Zigerd's body was constantly deforming and rising.

Black hound, giant monster snake

Until Zygarde reached the height of the top of the prism tower, thousands of green lights gathered, and the dual-core Zygarde officially entered 100% complete form.

With such majestic momentum, he seemed to have become the absolute overlord of this planet for a while, as if even the creation god Arceus was powerful enough to suppress him!

"This power?!"

Even as arrogant as Mewtwo, he couldn't help but widen his eyes in shock.

The other party's power has definitely surpassed my current one!

Is the local ancient god so powerful? !

As for Zygarde, the complete body that rose to the sky, its target was naturally not Mewtwo, but the huge plants scattered in Miare City.


Following a high-pitched shout, Zygarde's voice was almost as fast as light and spread towards the entire Kalos region.

The first thing that can be heard in the city of Miare is naturally the most direct one.

"What an amazing power!!"

Mewtwo had completely lost interest in fighting with Karuni next to him. Instead, he stared directly at the perfect Zygarde in the air, the feverish fighting spirit in his pupils gradually rising.

His goal is to become the strongest Pokémon and the strongest trainer.

Now that Chaomeng has fought against the strongest trainer among humans, he has confidence in his heart.

It feels like it shouldn’t be difficult to become the strongest trainer!

Then the next thing to achieve is naturally to become the strongest Pokémon!

"Zygarde, is this the ancient god of Carlos?!"

Chaomeng secretly memorized the name. His opponent did not cast any hostility towards him, and Chaomeng did not immediately rush to provoke him.

It is true that the other party is stronger than himself now

But my current self is by no means in peak condition!

As for Zigerd, who suddenly took off into the air, his energy spread out and began to clear away the huge plants between all the city buildings and streets.

call out!

call out!

All the huge plants that came into contact with Zigerde's energy ripples turned into green light spots in an instant and slowly floated around.

"Is this Pokémon a friendly party?"

Kaluni stood on the top of the tower, looking at the entire city that was gradually becoming "clearer" from a distance, and felt relieved.

The huge raging plants have all disappeared!

In other words, all we need to do is comfort the humanoid Pokémon in front of us. This catastrophe caused by Team Flare will be completely over, right?

Seeing Mewtwo suspended in mid-air, quietly looking at Zygarde's figure, Kaluni didn't dare to make any move for a while, fearing that she would anger this moody Pokémon again.

"Say, Fradali"

Karuni suddenly remembered Fradali and turned her head to look.

The latter was thrown out by Chaomeng before and hit a stone wall. The strong pain made Vladali wake up.

Without the raging of giant plants, the whole city became quiet for a while.

Vladali endured the severe pain in his waist and slowly climbed to the edge of the top of the prism tower.

What happened next? The punishment of the earth is supposed to last for a whole day, but why did it stop happening so quickly?

But when he looked at the entire city of Miare, his eyes suddenly stood out in disbelief.

"How can it be?!"

Where are those huge plants? Why are they gone? !

Nowadays, the degree of damage in Miare City has dropped from 100% to 60% at most. This is far from Fradali’s expectation!

"Since you are such an ancestor, let me complete your great deeds in the past again!!"

Vladali's expression was completely crazy, his eyes were cracked, and he quickly pressed the instrument on his wrist.

The three ancient gods of Kalos, God X Xerneas was stolen, and God Z Zygarde is currently saving the city of Miare.

So now, let Yveltal, the Y-god who likes to plunder other people’s lives, appear! !

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