He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3060 100 Zigerd, complete body!

After landing on the ground, the two Zygards looked at each other and then closed their eyes at the same time.

A strange energy glow lingered around the body, causing two "little green mud" to float around and gradually rise to the top of several people's heads, even to a height of five or six meters.

The brightness of the gloss reached its extreme, and the body outlines of the two cores could almost no longer be seen.

The two are also merged into one in the dazzling light, forming a whole.

At this moment, Xiaozhi and his party could only see blue and red hexagonal patterns on the left and right in the sky.


Then there was a burst of vigorous and powerful high-pitched sound, which echoed twice, and seemed to be Xiaoruan and Z2 chanting and shouting at the same time.

The first thing to bear the brunt was the green light that suddenly shot out from the nearby ruins.

Then there is the entire city of Miare, the adjacent wild areas, and even all urban areas in the Kalos region.


Countless green streams of light cut through the sky, flying down and pouring into the dual-core individual in mid-air.

Even in the most remote desert cities, there are many individual cells that contribute their own energy.


Zygarde's appearance also began to condense, deform and become larger.

First, it took on the appearance of a black hound, but this time, two different-colored hexagonal gems appeared on the chest at the same time.

Then the size expanded again, turning into a giant monster snake, with a majestic black strip rising from its back.

10%, 50%

This time, the transformation is not over yet!

"Is it coming?!"

Xiaozhi raised his head and was amazed. The next step is Zygarde, who is 100% complete, right?

He has already felt that the opponent's momentum is constantly rising. It feels that it has surpassed ancient gods like Groudon, and it is still improving!

call out!

The height of Zigerde's rise reached tens of meters. This time, not only Xiaozhi and others nearby, but also many people in Miare City in the surrounding area could see it.

Countless streams of green light are overwhelmingly concentrated, and these cells seem to be endless, and they continue to pour and gather.

"Is that, Zygarde?"

Even Ms. Gejihua, who was far away in Baike City, raised her head in front of the Sundial Square and looked up at the countless green streams of light passing above her head.

At this moment, even the huge pink crystal sundial behind her was constantly flashing green light in response.

"The prophecy seems to have changed?"

Ge Jihua's face darkened, with a bit of confusion.

In her prophecy, the Kalos region should suffer an unprecedented catastrophe, covering the entire region

Ge Jihua was just calling the gym leaders from various cities, planning to unite to stop it.

But now this catastrophe seems to have been forcibly interrupted, and the scope is only limited to the city of Miare?

“It’s really weird”

But this can be considered a good thing, Ge Jihua smiled.

This phenomenon of sudden green light rising at this moment is not only seen in the Kalos area.

There are also Alola region, Kanto region, and Unova region.

Even the entire planet, the area behind the Kalos area, is glowing with green light!

Zygarde's individual cells are everywhere, spread throughout the planet, but are especially numerous in the Kalos region.

But when all the individual cells outside the Kalos region are added up, the contribution they can make is extremely high!

The high altitude of the planet has reached the height of space. There is no air here, and even the background is nothingness and darkness.

It was silent, except for a few meteorites floating occasionally.

At this moment, a particularly weird-looking alien Pokémon hidden on the back of the meteorite suddenly poked its head out of the meteorite and looked forward in surprise.


This wild Deoxys is a little confused. From its perspective, you can see green streams of light rising from all locations on the entire planet, sticking to the surface of the planet, cutting across the sky, and then all concentrating on one location and falling. !

And the majestic momentum shocked Deoxys even in space.

Originally, he wanted to use this meteorite to land on the planet and take the opportunity to conquer the indigenous people on it.

Are the natives here so powerful? !

Run quickly!

Deoxys's slender tentacles quickly held the meteorite and bent upwards, adjusting the direction, preparing to invade another planet.

But it didn't notice that a flying dragon with a winding and slender body was also shuttled around the periphery of the planet, its dark body almost blending into the space.

The latter opened his mouth wide and quickly approached the location of the meteorite where Deoxys was.

The above are not important.

And in the sky above the city of Miare, the power of all the individual cells on the entire planet was gathered together. The giant monster snake composed of two Zygarde finally changed its body again!

The originally huge body doubled again, extending in two directions: up and down.

The green light condensed and formed, and the final body of the dual-core Zygarde was like a giant in mythology, with a towering black body and some hexagonal green lines dotted around the body.

The wings with curved backs have red and blue hexagonal patterns on them, which means that this is a Zygarde that combines the core of Xiaoruan and Z2.

This is Zygarde who has gathered 100% of his energy, in his complete form! !

As for the specific limbs, the shape of the head, and the lightning-shaped lines on the chest

Xiaozhi couldn't see clearly, mainly because the green light gathering around him was too dazzling and never stopped.

Even before this process was completely over, there was a loud roar in the air!


The thunderous sound not only resounded throughout the city of Miare, but could even be heard from anywhere in the Carlos region.

This is not a demonstration by Zygarde, but a release of his power as the controller of nature!

Having reached 100% complete form, it can finally fully control the switch of "The Punishment of the Earth"!

The next moment, a wave of light green ripples of energy spread out from the center of Zigerd's body.

Any huge plant that comes into contact with this green light energy stops moving instantly, and its thick and tough dark brown rhizomes dissipate in an instant, turning into a faint green light and falling.

call out! !

call out! !

In the blink of an eye, the violent plants that were raging in Miare City turned into green light spots.

Are the city buildings and streets becoming a little empty?

call out!

Even in the center of Miare City, the giant ivy-like red-leaf tree on the Prism Tower disappeared in an instant, leaving only the Prism Tower with holes and cracks everywhere.

"Finally, recovered!!"

Seeing from a distance that his prism tower was finally free of annoying plants, Citron immediately beamed with joy.

But the sight of the devastated tower made his face darken again. He didn't know whether he should be happy or worried now. ()

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