He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3036 Crazy plants at the city level!

Chapter 2833 Crazy plants at the city level!

Facing the sudden attack of the spiked roots, Serena's pretty face turned pale.

This was also true for the Pokémon around her. They had just experienced a battle. Although they could barely stand to receive the prize, they no longer had the extra energy to use their moves.

Not to mention the huge plant rhizome that is falling down at this moment, its power is completely equivalent to a full-strength crazy plant trick.


Serena suddenly heard a steady sound coming from her ears, and then a blue figure jumped up.

The white light of the sharp blade was dazzling, and he raised the knife with his hand and slashed along the roots of the attacked plants.

call out!

The seemingly flexible and strong vine, nearly two meters in diameter, was actually cut off on the spot!

"It's okay, Serena!"

At some point, Xiaozhi appeared next to Serena and warned her.


Serena tilted her head in shock, not fully reacting yet.

But after seeing Xiaozhi's face, my heart suddenly became much calmer.


Next to him, the Koga Ninja Frog had also flown down in front of the Demon Fire Red Fox, giving a reminder that the Iai Zanbai Blade in his hand had not completely dissipated.

The former's cold and elegant back gave the Demon Fire Red Fox a dazed expression similar to that of his trainer.

The flame at the front of the wooden staff held by the demon fire red fox suddenly rose, reflecting the redness on his cheeks.

"Fox Library"

By the way, sometimes falling in love with your first love again doesn’t seem to be a problem?

"A really big deal happened!"

After successfully blocking the blow, Xiaozhi had enough energy to look around.

In a very short period of time, the Miare venue has completely changed.

Countless huge dark brown vines jumped over the high walls at the edge of the venue in all directions, with red energy cracks on the surface, as if these vine roots would burst at any time.


Not only did the ground shake violently, the heavy vines also crushed many ceilings in the venue, and the falling gravel caused the audience to scream in surprise.

"The end of the world?!"

"What the hell is all this? I'm just here to join in the fun and watch the game!"

"The plant has become a spirit? Run!!"

Thousands of spectators immediately became confused, screaming in panic and fleeing towards the exit of the venue, and the scene of the grand event disappeared in an instant.


The Koga Ninja standing in the center of the arena let out a low cry. Only then did the nearby officials, reporters and some contestants come to their senses and fled for refuge.

The Koga Ninja still held the Iai Zanbairen in his hand, protecting Xiaozhi and Serena behind him, and carefully guarded the surroundings.

Xiaozhi was also looking around intently.

In fact, he himself had not expected that he could be rescued so quickly just now.

Originally, he was watching from the bottom edge of the auditorium with everyone, but the elf ball around his waist suddenly bounced away.

Before he could figure out why the Koga Ninja Frog ran out on his own, huge vines came over the high wall.

Koga Ninja seemed to have a premonition and jumped to the podium in advance, so he quickly climbed over the railing to follow.

This was the timely and swift rescue just now.

"Come on, Doropa, Serena, Ash!!"

Not far away, Tiereno was already shouting and waving, signaling for Xiaozhi and his group to quickly follow everyone to escape and seek refuge.

Xiaozhi glanced at the Koga Ninja in front of him, and then said:

"You guys come over quickly, I want to stay temporarily."

Serena and Doropa beside them were frightened by the huge vines around them.

The main reason is that the Koga Ninja Frog looks very strange at this moment, as if it is sensitive to these huge plants.

Although he didn't know what happened, Xiaozhi decided to stay and take a look.

"Oh okay Serena, let's go!"

When Doropa came to his senses, he subconsciously took Serena for shelter.

There is no need to worry about Xiaozhi's combat prowess.

Without thinking, Serena took back all her battle-damaged Pokémon. She looked at the boy beside her, gritted her teeth, and decided to stay where she was.

"Doropa, you go first, I want to stay here too!"

Doropa glanced at Serena in surprise, seeming to see something.

"Then you must be careful!"

He did not hesitate and ran quickly in the direction of his friends. After taking the chubby hand extended by Tierno, he dragged the latter towards the exit.

"Wait a minute, my goddess is still there."

"Farewell, Goddess, Serena is protected by Xiaozhi, so you should take refuge as soon as possible!"

Shana directly interrupted Tierno's words, and she and Doroba held the big fat man from left to right and forced him to run away.

"Yu Lijia, let's go too!"

Citron took one last look at the only two people left in the center of the arena. With Xiaozhi's help, it wasn't a big problem. He had better take care of Yulijia's safety for the time being.

Korni was also at the back of the crowd, releasing her partner Lucario, always ready to use a powerful bone rod to break the stones that fell along the way.

As the oldest person in the team, she naturally shouldered the heavy responsibility of protecting everyone.

None of them noticed that Xiaoruan suddenly poked his head out of the small satchel on Yulijia's waist and was scanning the surroundings nervously.

Seeing his friends running towards the exit from a distance, Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Serena, are you okay?"

Seeing that the girl next to him had a pair of big eyes, staring closely at him, Xiaozhi did not say anything.

The last time the gods fought, Serena had to temporarily separate and go to the Valley of Creation in order to protect others.

I guess this time, you want to see the big scene up close, right?


So Ash gave a low shout, and Pikachu next to him understood, and landed on Serena's shoulder.

With Pikachu's protection, he didn't have to worry about Serena's safety.

Then he raised his hands, and the power of the waveguide quickly spread around like ripples. The entire venue, and even scenes from several streets outside, appeared in his mind.

"Are they all rhizomes of this plant?!"

Xiaozhi frowned, what on earth is this? !

Moreover, he seemed to have seen this kind of plant rhizome that was black and had red energy cracks before.

It's in the deepest part of the End Cave, right? Is there such a plant under that pit? !

It’s just that those plants are dead

The huge plant rhizomes in front of me are all alive, and the front ends are constantly extending and growing, whipping and swinging randomly.

It seems like some powerful Pokémon has used a "city-level" crazy plant ultimate move! ?


The Koga Ninja in front of him also protected the two of them, scanning the surroundings alertly.

Last time in the Terminus Cave, it felt like its Iai Slash was naturally capable of restraining these weird plant roots.

The same is true now. The roots and vines as hard and thick as rocks were split open by it as easily as tofu with the Iai Slash before? !

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