He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2817 Chaomeng shaking his legs

The long semi-finals officially came to an end with the referee's decision.

Serena and her Demon Fire Red Fox immediately looked at each other, with the same excitement rising in each other's eyes.

Made it to the finals!

There is only one last battle left before the final victory.

Her relatives and friends were also cheering and celebrating in the audience, and they were very conspicuous as they glanced over from the center of the field.

Serena smiled and waved to where Xiaozhi and his group were. Just as she was about to leave, she suddenly noticed something strange in front of her.

The almost scorched Squid King fell to the ground, losing the ability to fight.

And it has been maintaining the hypnotic illusion, which is an active skill. As the Squid King became dizzy, the expressions of the trainers behind him also changed.


Miss Junsha, who was standing on the contestant platform opposite, looked up and suddenly woke up.

Then he looked blankly at the crowded Miare venue, completely unaware of what was happening.

Especially many of the audience members looked at her with admiration and admiration.

After all, the Squid King pushed four strongly, and in the end almost knocked down Serena's Demon Fire Red Fox. Naturally, his strength was recognized by everyone.

Especially in the end, Miss Junsha and the Squid King seemed to be possessed by their souls, and they had the same "bonded state" with the same dull expression.

The most talked-about thing in the Kalos region is the bond between trainers and Pokémon!

"Uh, why am I here?! What's happening here?"

However, this Miss Junsha just scratched the back of her head, looking puzzled.

The palms of his hands also touched his long, disheveled hair and his face, which seemed to be covered with heavy makeup.

The last thing she remembered was that she received a tip that there were often creepy sounds coming from the outskirts of Gumu Town at night, and that a nearby unmanned power plant seemed to be operating on its own.

So Miss Junsha took her thunder beast, one person and one dog, to investigate.

Then a huge figure suddenly emerged from the bushes, and a pair of strange eyes with circles of light. Then she fell unconscious.

"Are they the eyes of the Squid King?!"

Miss Junsha naturally noticed the Squid King lying on the ground in front of her.


After a while, the squid king also got up from the ground again. After first glaring angrily at Serena in front of him, he turned his head and met Miss Junsha's eyes.

call out.!

Without hesitation, the Squid King took off and flew towards the outside of the venue.

It’s better not to use hypnosis again and run away in public!

This scene also put the entire audience in a state of confusion. .

How did you manage to bond a good partner, but the Squid King seems to have defected?

"Well~ Miss Junsha, let's leave first. It just so happens that your dogs also need treatment~"

In the end, Serena was able to save the situation and stepped forward to take Junsha's arm and leave.

Speaking of which, her five Pokémon and Junsha's five dogs are in urgent need of treatment.

Halfway through, Serena was still trying to explain what happened to Miss Junsha:

"Miss Junsha, you seem to have been controlled by that squid king these days to attend the conference."

"Huh? It didn't do anything to my body, did it?!"

Miss Junsha covered her mouth and exclaimed. As a police officer, she often had to investigate and destroy banned comics, and sometimes she secretly read hundreds of millions of them.

In these vulgar comics by Carlos, the male protagonist is the Squid King, and the female protagonist is not only Mega Gardevoir, but also Fairy Eevee and even appalling humans!

In addition to the popular Karuni and Ma Xiu, Miss Joy and Miss Junsha are also the hardest hit!

Serena: "?"

On the other side of the spectator seats, there was the private box where Chaomeng stayed.


He silently retracted his palm and frowned deeply.

The sudden disconnection of the spiritual connection led to the final defeat of the game.

But if he had always controlled the Squid King before, could he really defeat the human girl's Demonic Fire Red Fox?

"Sure enough, human trainers are very interesting!"

Chaomeng suddenly looked at his open palm, his brows stretched, and he even revealed a crazy smile. Combined with his pale skin, his appearance looked quite strange.

The uncertainty of victory in the battle was a fatal stimulus to him!

Compared to going up to fight on his own and using unparalleled mental destruction to defeat his opponents, Pokémon battles are more attractive to Mewtwo.

"Hurry up and start my most powerful meeting!"

Chaomeng sat back on his sofa, and even one of his feet began to shake unconsciously.

This seems to be an instinctive action that humans do when they feel excited.

Needless to say, it’s quite exciting. Once you start shaking, you can’t stop!


At this time, there was a knock on the door, which somewhat ruined Chaomeng's elegance.

He stopped shaking his legs and his expression tensed up instantly.

As the door opened, three squid kings walked in one after another.

The leader still had many scars on his body, and as soon as he entered, the strong smell of grilled squid emitted from the sealed box.

The two squid kings at the back had the same gloomy expression.

The tentacles on both sides of the three squid kings stretched out in front of them, and after seeing Mewtwo, they all rubbed them with a flattering expression.

"!" "!"

Especially the two squid kings at the back are exactly what my old cousin said, they are seniors with unpredictable abilities.

Just by taking a look, they completely dissipated even the thought of fighting against them and plotting behind their backs!

"Following such a senior, we will definitely be able to rule all mankind!!"

Then the two squid kings also turned into flattering expressions.

In response, Chaomeng temporarily put away his dissatisfied look and nodded towards the three of them.

Indeed, they are all completely different beings among Pokémon, and they have awakened their consciousness to be independent of humans.

You can all join his counterattack team!

On the other side, after sending away the confused and unfortunate Miss Junsha, Serena gathered with her friends and walked out of the Miare venue.

"Let's go~ Auntie's treating us today and having another celebration banquet!"

The wealthy Sachi waved her hand and once again led a group of young people to a local luxury restaurant.

I have much more time today.

The previous celebration party was held in a hurry because Serena had to prepare for the competition the next day.

However, the period from the semifinals to the finals was the only day of rest in the entire conference, so Serena could temporarily relax.

"That's fine. We've reached the finals. It's time to celebrate."

This time, even Serena accepted it happily.

Her goal for this Miare Conference is to reach the finals. Now that the goal has been achieved, the result of the next finals is no longer so important.

"Of course I have to work hard like an armored rhinoceros and win the championship~!"

Saqi waved her fists and shouted as if she was participating in an armored rhino riding competition, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

Xiaozhi is also holding the back of his head and leaning back, looking at the sky:

"It shows that the schedule of the Miare Conference is so tight. But why do I feel like I've been watching it for almost half a year?"

"Uh, don't tell me, I feel the same way."

"You can skip to the finals~"

Several people left the venue in a hurry, but they didn't notice that a white-haired gangster not far away was also leaving the venue with a step that he didn't recognize his relatives. His back looked a little lonely.

Guzma curled his lips, looked at Serena's back and sneered disdainfully:

"Hmph, it's this little girl who's going to be the finalist!"

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