He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2811 The Wind Speed ​​Dog was suddenly boosted!

Serena killed four Pokémon in a row with an overwhelming advantage, and her popularity immediately caught up with the previous star player Ai Lan!

"Hey, hey, look at Ai Lan, Serena seems to be a better player than you!"

On one side of the audience, Manon pulled Ai Lan's arm and screamed.

She and Serena had met once before, near the Oath Tree in Biyi City.

The other party is obviously about the same age as me, but I didn't expect him to be so powerful!

Although Manon is on the short side, he is the same age as Serena, and they are both newcomers who received their starter Pokémon this year.

Seriously, she started traveling a few months earlier than Serena!


Ai Lan sat next to him without saying a word. Naturally, he could see through the whole story of the game at a glance.

His eyes fell more on the Squid King behind Miss Junsha, and he immediately thought of the dangerous Flame Team:

"A Pokémon that controls humans. Is that Squid King the work of Team Flare?"

Indeed, Team Flare seems to have been plotting something big behind the scenes.

It's just that as an outsourced thug, he can't find out the organization's more important confidential information, and Ai Lan doesn't know what Fradali's purpose is.

"Always have a bad feeling?"

Ai Lan looked serious, and her heart was beating inexplicably.

It wasn't until he saw the girl next to him who was shouting with excitement because of watching the game that he finally settled down and made a decision secretly:

"No matter what happens, at least I can't let Manon get hurt!"

On the field, the manipulated Miss Junsha had already defeated four Pokémon in a row, and soon the fifth Pokémon came out.


This time it was a majestic orange-red dog with a head like a lion. The top of the head, lower jaw, limbs and tail were covered with thick yellow mane.

It is the wind speed dog from the Kanto region!

"Hmm~! Wind Speed ​​Dog is still handsome enough~!"

After seeing the dog from his hometown appear on the stage, Xiaozhi crossed his arms and nodded with satisfaction.

The police dogs in Kanto are much more handsome and intimidating than the police dogs in Carlos!

"Pre-emptive strike, super-armored rhinoceros, use rock to hit critically!!"

This time it was Serena's turn to take the lead in attacking. The Super-Armor Rhino raised her arms, and huge rocks continued to spray out of the holes in her palms.

Of course, it is far less powerful than the rock cannon.

But the advantage is that the rocks are constantly flowing, and it feels like a machine gun.

The wind speed dog on the opposite side also quickly ran, leaping and leaping, avoiding critical strikes from rocks one by one.

The yellow mane on his body was dancing elegantly backwards while he was running, and his movements were particularly handsome.

Bang! Bang!

After getting closer, the Wind Speed ​​Dog's hind limbs kicked on the face of the Super Armored Rhinoceros continuously, kicking it back several steps with considerable force.

"Double kick? Don't even think about running away, use Dragon Tail!"

Serena quickly attacked with her backhand, and the Super Armored Rhino also rotated its body. The heavy rock tail swept out, aiming directly at the wind speed dog's head.

call out.!

However, Wind Speed ​​Dog used his strength to step forward and rolled back to avoid the blow.

"Spray flames!"

After landing, he opened his mouth and spit out a beam of flame, which rushed straight into the chest of the super-armored rhinoceros, pushing it out several meters.

This also made Serena raise her eyebrows.

Is it the continuous fighting that consumes too much physical strength of the super-armored rhinoceros? Or is this wind speed dog stronger than the other four dogs?

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that the surface of this wind-speed dog's body seems to be covered with a faint blue light?

The stroke effect of this color is somewhat similar to the special effect when being controlled by strong mental thoughts?

Could it be that the squid king behind was doing something? !


This scene also made the Squid King behind him bend his eyes and let out a cold and wild smile.

It was the one who took action!

Its super power can only hypnotize and hypnotize the target, but it cannot increase the target's whole body abilities.

However, the Wind Speed ​​Dog, who was originally about the same strength as the other four dogs, has suddenly increased in strength, and there is also this faint blue light of telekinesis. It is obviously the one who took action!

"It's incredible that the master's power can not only double my health bar, but also directly increase the target's ability?"

The Squid King was overjoyed, as he was worried about being beaten by Serena all the time.

Now it's my turn, the Squid King!

"Close combat!!"

Miss Junsha, who was being controlled, suddenly shouted loudly, and the wind speed dog in front of her suddenly leaped over.

The four legs turned into fighting hands and feet for a moment, and the attack of fists and flying legs came in an airtight manner!

The fighting attribute is extremely effective against Super Armored Rhinoceros, so you must not suffer such a big move!

"Sacrifice yourself and charge!!"

Serena shouted quickly, and the Super Armored Rhino quickly stabilized his body, and then he was covered in golden light and charged forward!

It’s just that the timing of launching the moves is a bit off, so even though the Super Armored Rhinoceros is more powerful, it still has the blessing of the “sacrifice” characteristic.

Bang bang! !

But in this confrontation, both Pokémon fell backwards at the same time, and neither one took advantage.

"Damn it, what a waste!"

This also made the Squid King immediately very angry.

The strength of this wind speed dog itself is too poor, so even if it is improved by Lord Mewtwo, it can only be as good as the Super Armored Rhino.

Did the idiot Miss Junsha she controlled force-feed the Fire Stone to Kati Dog when she was young? ?

"Searching the house."

On the other side, the super-armored rhinoceros who was retreating was already panting continuously and looked very tired.

Hyper-Armor Rhinoceros is a burst-type strongman, not a durable Pokémon.

If you can successfully push the team to raid, it won't be a big problem. But once there is an opponent in the team that cannot be defeated within a few rounds, this will suddenly reduce the efficiency of Super Armor Rhino's raid.

"Damn it. Earthquake!!"

Serena gritted her teeth and could only continue to attack.

In short, it is enough to kill this Wind Speeder, and leave the remaining Squid King to the other five Pokémon.

The super-armored rhinoceros hit the ground with both fists, causing the ground to tremble violently and the earth to shake.

However, the Wind Speed ​​Dog, who had gained the blessing of abilities, had already jumped up. After jumping to the highest point, his four legs maintained a trampling posture and dived towards the super-armored rhinoceros. It was a move similar to a "flying dive".

"High temperature and heavy pressure!!"

The next moment, Wind Speed ​​Dog's whole body turned red, like a hot jack, swooping down!

At this moment, the rock in the hole in the palm of the super-armored rhinoceros has long been consumed, and it is unable to fight back with the strongest rock cannon. Serena gritted her teeth and could only choose to change her move:

"Don't lose to it, use your full arm pound!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Super Armor Crazy Rhino raised his arms, and clasped his palms together to form a heavy hammer. After a deep white light was attached to the surface, he swung it hard against the high temperature and heavy pressure in the air!

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