He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2804 Today’s speaker cricket is still so stretched out!

"Giant Pincer Mantis, Cross Scissors!!"

As soon as the battle started, Guzma shouted out dangerous moves. The giant mantis trembled its wings and rushed out with its pincer-like arms crossed!

Lin Dou responded quickly:

"Use high-speed movement to avoid!"

Ye Yibu moved lightly, jumping and running with his limbs, and even produced a stream of afterimages, barely avoiding the cross haircut.

"Air Blade!"

All the moves of the Giant Pincer Mantis are extremely effective. This time, its wings swung out several sharp air slashes from a distance!

"Use sword dance to block it!"

However, this time Yeyibu did not use speed to dodge. Instead, he tapped the ground with his forelimbs, raised his lower body, and quickly spun on the spot.

The whole body lit up with an amplified red light, like an unsheathed sword, which actually deflected all the air blades.

"Now, pass the baton!"

Rinto had obviously considered his tactics and suddenly changed Pokémon.

Yeyibu jumped up, turned into a baton and took it back into the elf ball.


The next moment, a crimson cricket with a black beard appeared on the field. Its two tentacles were still in the shape of sharp sickles.

This is a speaker cricket from the Sinnoh region.

rub! ! rub! !

And as soon as he appeared on the stage, two sharp red lights of increasing intensity appeared on the speaker cricket's body.

The baton move can amplify Yeeb's ability and pass it on to the next Pokémon.

The speed and physical attack of the Speaker Cricket have been greatly improved!

"You have a small skill, but you still dare to do the same thing?"

However, Guzma just sneered with disdain and actually sent a speaker cricket in front of him?

Rinto's Pokémon are all cutting and slashing types, while Guzma's Pokémon include Giant Claw Mantis, Armored Warrior, Aridos, Spade and Cannonball. All of them are insect-type Pokémon.

He is a trainer specializing in insect attributes!

“Let me, an expert on insect properties, tell you that even dogs don’t need to use bugs like speaker crickets!!”

Guzma didn't even look at the speaker cricket and shouted sharply:

"Bullet punch!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Giant Pincer Mantis came out with lightning, and the next second his silver fist hit the Speaker Cricket's abdomen hard.

Even though the speed has increased, it still cannot surpass the preemptive bullet punch.

"Let him see your current power, Speaker Cricket, Cross Scissors!!"

Lin Dou quickly retaliated and attacked.

The Speaker Cricket endured the pain in its abdomen and raised its two sickle arms to rush towards the Giant Pincer Mantis.

rub! rub!

After the addition of Sword Dance, the gray-green light attached to the two sickles greatly increased, and the power of the cross scissors was particularly powerful!

"It's useless to us, use Yan Hui!"

However, when the Cross Scissors rushed forward, the Giant Pincer Mantis suddenly accelerated to meet it.

call out!

Just when it was about to be hit, the giant pincer mantis turned back at an extremely fast speed, bypassing the cross scissors, and came to the side of the speaker cricket.

At this location, the speaker is like a gate wide open.

Crack! !

The Giant Pincer Mantis struck hard with its claws on the side of the Speaker Cricket, causing the latter to scream in pain immediately.

The effect is outstanding and it hits the vital point!

The speaker cricket's body was immediately thrown away and fell heavily to the ground.

After a while, the speaker cricket was unable to fight anymore and fell to the ground with its eyes spinning.

"Uh, so the speaker cricket is such a badass?"

"Two consecutive ability increases, I thought I could push the team?"

"Mud can't hold up a wall."

“The effect of passing the baton might not be as good as passing it on to someone else.”

Immediately, there were cheers and cheers from all around the venue, thinking that they could perform brilliantly.

Today's speaker crickets are still crotchless.

Lin Dou: "."

He could only take back the Speaker Cricket with a grim face. There was no other way. No matter how the speed and attack were improved, the Speaker Cricket itself was still a big squishie.

Seize the opportunity, the effect is outstanding and the key point is hit, it can be instant!

But the most important thing is that the opponent's giant pincer mantis' movements are so capable and sharp that the speaker cricket can't find a chance to fight back!

"In that case, Ancient Armor, prepare to fight!"

Rinto sent out the second fossil Pokémon from the Fangyuan area, but it was a coincidence that despite the tall and sturdy appearance of the ancient armor, it was actually an insect-type Pokémon.

"Haha, do you want to be educated by me again?"

Guzma sneered. Although their Alola region is just an archipelago, the fossil resurrection technology has long been mature. He is also quite familiar with insect-type Pokémon such as Archaic Armor.

"Ancient armor, primitive power!!"

The battle started again, Archaic Armor raised its arms, and raising its hands was the classic move of the Fossil Pokémon.


Several boulders twisted and rotated in front of him, and then they all shot forward.

The giant pincer mantis's response is very simple and crude.

"Bullet punch!"

The giant pincer mantis once again drew away a stream of silver light, and lightning rushed out, dodging back and forth between several boulders.


Then a pincer punch hit the chest of Taikoo Armor, forcing the latter to take several steps back.

"Now, grab it!"

However, this ancient armor resisted the urge to retreat, and its two hooked arms suddenly stretched out, just in time to hold the giant pincer mantis in its arms.

In terms of pure strength, the Giant Pincer Mantis is no match for the ancient armor.

"Use the knock-down trick directly!"

Others' knockdowns were done by jumping up and raising their hands to knock down the opponents in mid-air.

The shooting down moves of this ancient armor are more simple and crude. After grabbing the target, it directly smashes it to the ground!

Boom boom! !

The Giant Pincer Mantis was thrown to the ground so hard that even the man of steel felt dizzy in his mind.

"Now, sharp stone attack!!"

Seizing the opportunity, Rinto launched a series of fierce attacks.

This time, the ancient armor punched the ground directly, and a row of sharp stone blade pillars suddenly rose up from the ground in front of him. One of them happened to hit the giant pincer mantis from bottom to top!

Boom boom! !

There was a violent explosion in the arena, and countless stone fragments exploded. The Giant Pincer Mantis, which had been hit hard in succession, also fell to the ground on the spot, losing its ability to fight.

"Wow, the fight was really back and forth?!"

"Now, both sides have lost a Pokémon and are back to the starting point!"

Upon seeing this, Xiaozhi and his group exclaimed. It was not a one-sided situation.

After successfully regaining a victory, Lin Dou also looked at Guzma quite proudly.

"Damn it. Useless guy. Did he fall down so quickly?!!"

Guzma, on the other hand, took back the Giant Pincer Mantis, swore at him through the elf ball, and then replaced it with another elf ball.

"Rainwing Moth, kill it for me!!"

His next Pokémon, like Primordial Armor, comes from the Fangyuan region.

Is it just that the graceful Rainwing Moth, hovering on Guzma's shoulder, seems a bit out of place? (End of chapter)

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