He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 276 Fighting Zong strong, so terrifying...!


"Our circus has always used the performance of the magic wall puppet as the finale, that is, stunt performance and air wall magic..."

Ajin sighed and continued:

"My magic wall puppet Zeng Jin can also carry the banner. It can be said that half of our entire regiment's income depends on it. We are also to blame, so we have become too fond of it, which led to Now it has become a lazy dog ​​on the sofa, and it does not do any training, even the air barriers and stunts it was proud of were unable to perform half a month ago."

It can be said that it was doting, and ruined this magic wall doll, which made Ajin feel very regretful. Every night when she went to bed, she hugged it and touched the fat on its body. She was full of remorse.


Xiaozhi looked at Pikachu beside his legs, he seemed to be very indulgent towards Pikachu...


Pikachu turned around with a flick of his ears, pretending not to understand human language, but a drop of sweat fell on his forehead.

"So, our circus is famous for its magic wall dolls, so we plan to catch another one, but this kind of Pokémon is rare, so we finally found a wild one near Zhenxin Town. The wall puppet exists, so there is everything just now..."

Tomorrow is the performance of their circus, but now there is no protagonist. At this moment, Ajin's mentality is actually a bit explosive.

If the trouble is not good, the entire circus may have to rush to the street to disband.

After explaining everything, Xiaozhi and the others sighed for a while. Looking at the lazy fat magic wall doll in the tent, they couldn't help shaking their heads.

"Kind and just trainer, can you help me?"

Ajin stared at the big watery eyes, looked at Xiaozhi and the others, and begged sincerely.

"I promise!"

"Too poor, we will definitely help you."

"That's right, we are all trainers of justice."

Without the slightest hesitation, the three agreed immediately, and pushed Xiaozhi back in front of Ajin.

Xiaozhi: "?"

"Xiaozhi, this is Zhenxin Town, and it's your place."

"As a ground snake, it's easy for you to catch a wild magic wall puppet."

"And you are still a powerful trainer with 8 badges, so it's not a big problem."

Before Xiaozhi could speak, the three of them had completely blocked his words, opening his mouth was a classic moral kidnapping.

Helpless, he could only bite the bullet and walked up to Miss Ajin.

He really couldn't refute these words, and was even secretly happy.

"Okay, who told me that I am the trainer of Zhenxin Town, or I accidentally got eight badges, and I will be responsible for capturing the magic wall doll!"

Xiaozhi patted his chest, his expression full of vigor.

How can I say that he has a lot of Pokémon now, so it shouldn't be too difficult. He is very confident in himself.

"Ah, you agreed, that's great!!"

Ajin immediately smiled and bowed to Xiaozhi, and then explained:

"But I don't need you to catch the magic wall dolls. After all, it takes a while for wild ones to perform on stage. All I want is your body."

Xiaozhi: "?"

He suddenly remembered what his mother Hanako said to him at the very beginning of the journey, and couldn't help hugging his body.

"Boys must learn to protect themselves outside, and remember to wear xx..."

While thinking wildly, Ajin has brought everyone inside the largest tent. This is a temporary stage, and below it is an auditorium with a size of 100 people. It is colorful and very in line with the atmosphere of a circus. Tomorrow's performance will also be held here held.

"Pokémon's circus performance is too difficult to get started, so I think it's very suitable for a real person to act, Xiao Zhi, your height and body."

Before Xiaozhi could say anything, several figures came up, holding pink and white leather doll covers in their hands, and covered them all over Xiaozhi's body, wearing a gray-blue clown Boots, and finally put on the toy head of the magic wall doll, and a magic wall doll appeared in front of everyone.

"Not to mention, I really don't see any difference..."


The three of Xiaogang couldn't help being shocked, and they couldn't see any flaws. No wonder there was an urban legend that the magic wall puppet was actually a human in disguise.

"Time is running out. Let's start the special training overnight. One night is enough for you to learn acrobatics. As for the magic air wall, it is replaced by strings tied around your waist. You only need to keep your body balanced in midair."

As long as tomorrow's performance is hidden, the next performance will be in Fangyuan area 2 months later, enough time for them to find a new magic wall doll.


There was a cold sound of whipping, which shocked Xiaozhi who was still playing with his companions, and turned his head stiffly.

Ajin didn't know when he was already holding a bunch of long whips in his hand, and his gentle and friendly face suddenly changed, becoming very stern and fierce.

Because she dotes too much on Zeng Jin's magic wall doll, once she enters the working state now, she will no longer show any affection, and she will be ruthless.

Simply put, she is possessed!

"Hehe, Commander Ajin, there should be no need for a whip..."


There was another whipping sound, although it didn't hit Xiaozhi, it just hit the floor beside his feet, which also made Xiaozhi startled immediately, and he didn't dare to play the slightest joke again.

"Both, turn right!"


"Speak animal language!"

"Come on!"

2 seconds, training complete!

The three of Xiaogang: "..."

Feeling as if they had unknowingly cheated Xiaozhi, the three quickly picked up Pikachu and walked out of the tent.

Still hxd.

But slip away...

And Xiaozhi and Ajin began to learn how to clean the glass even though there is no glass in front of them.

As well as being suspended in mid-air by transparent ropes, there is also a magic air wall performance that pretends to be walking on the ground in the void.

The God of the Volcano called the expert!



Early the next morning.

When the three of Xiaogang re-entered the big tent, the sight that caught their eyes made the three of them widen their eyes at the same time, almost kneeling down.

At this moment, Xiaozhi's magic wall puppet is floating in midair, without the slightest fluctuation in expression, walking in midair step by step, as if walking on the ground, the thin steel cables are completely camouflaged under the cover of the shady curtain, without the slightest fluctuation. Can't see any flaws.

Under the illumination of the light, the figure walking at high altitude cast shadows on the faces of the three of them, the visual impact was extremely strong!

"Walking in the void, this is the sign of a strong Douzong..."

"Tuigui, have you mastered this in one night..."

The three of them looked at Ajin, who had temporarily fallen asleep due to exhaustion all night, and looked at Xiaozhi on the high platform, who was still steel and iron, the champion of the night watch, playing in the midair with an infiltrating posture as if walking on the ground, even in the air. There was also a somersault in the void.


Finally, the three of Xiaogang couldn't help taking a breath at the same time, and said sadly:

"When it is so terrifying..."

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