He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2797 Turn the Squid King upside down and sing the opposite tune!


As soon as it came up, the squid king sneered and narrowed his eyes, and the hypnotic light spread out smoothly.

As for the trainer at the back...she has nothing to do with him at all, he just stands there like a piece of wood.

"It's not that simple, Bao no Suke, Mud Shot!!"

Louis has been fighting the weird squid king in front of him for several rounds in a row, so naturally he is not as easy to hit as he was at the beginning.

I saw the super-armored rhinoceros raising its rocky arms and shooting out two balls of mud from the holes in its palms at an extremely fast speed.

Since the power of Mud Shot is not very high, its attack speed is extremely fast.


Before the Squid King's hypnotic wave was released, he was covered in mud, and his hypnosis was interrupted on the spot.

Even most of his face was covered in mud, which made him look a little funny.

"Jie hum...!"

This also made the squid king start to get angry. The two tentacles swung wildly in front of him for no reason, dancing in an airtight manner. If you look closely, you can see that the front end of the tentacles is touching a key point on his body!

The unique acupuncture technique can greatly improve certain abilities by stimulating your own acupoints!

Da da da…!

It's just that other people's acupuncture can only improve one ability at a time, but this Squid King's hands are so fast that afterimages dance out of his tentacles, and the amplified red light appears one after another...

No, what appears is not the amplified red light, but the weakened blue light? !

"what happened?!"

Louis on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, why was his ability reduced after acupuncture?

"It's the devil's characteristic!"

In the audience, Xiaozhi glanced at Ding Zhen and blurted out.

This characteristic is still rare and usually appears in Pokémon with rebellious and eccentric personalities. It just so happened that his previous Monarch Snake had this characteristic, and he could recognize it at a glance.

The acupuncture trick that originally gave me an improvement, but now my ability has begun to decline.

Everyone was still puzzled when they saw the squid king suddenly levitate and slowly turn its body upside down in the air.

Miso miso miso!

The originally weakened blue light turned into an amplified red light in an instant!

"This is an inversion trick that reverses all changes in one's abilities. It is the Squid King's exclusive move."

Beside him, as a native of Kalos, Citron explained.

Inversion + naysayer... The changes in this Squid King's abilities are really confusing.

"Hmph, it's so fancy! Baosuke, let me smash it with all your strength! Use Super Horn Strike!!"

Louis thrust the big umbrella forward and shouted.

The super-armored rhinoceros lowered its head, and the sharp horns on its head were illuminated by a sharp gray-green light, and then it suddenly stepped out of the ground.


The speed of the Super Armored Rhinoceros is not very fast. It runs like a heavily armored tank. The ground is shaking violently, creating a sense of oppression.

Miss Junsha in the back was a wooden figure throughout the whole process. The Squid King fought completely alone and flew directly into the super horn attack with outstanding effect.

When he got close, he had sharp eyes and quick hands, stretched out two long tentacles, one on the left and one on the right of the Super Armored Rhinoceros' shoulders.

Bang bang...!

The ground behind was dragged out by the Super Armored Crazy Rhino's feet, leaving a long ravine mark. With a heavy muffled sound, the Super Armored Crazy Rhino's fierce and brutal impact was actually forcibly blocked. came down and stopped in the middle of the arena.

The two Pokémon suddenly turned into a wrestling situation, pushing each other's bodies into a stalemate.

The sharp and dangerous super horn strike even hovered less than three inches from the Squid King's face, but it could not move any further...

This is the brute force trick of the Squid King!

Although this squid king is always capable of performing hypnosis, it is actually better at melee physical attacks, and its two squid tentacles are particularly powerful when swung!

"No, this brute force move...!"

In the stands, Xiaozhi was a little surprised and made a sound.

Every time a brute force move is performed, one's own attack and defense will be reduced.

But at this moment, the Squid King, who was playing the opposite tune, completely turned everything around.

bass…! !

While wrestling with the Super Armored Rhinoceros, a red light rising from his body increased his ability, and the Squid King's power also continued to rise.

Until it surpasses the Super Armored Rhinoceros!

"Searching the house...?!"

While they were wrestling with each other's arms, Super Armor Crazy Rhino suddenly felt that the opponent's strength suddenly increased a lot. His palms were pressed backwards and his body tilted backwards.

In the end, the Squid King's whole body was filled with steaming mist, and a tentacle was thrown out with lightning, and it hit the chest of the super-armored rhinoceros!

Bang bang! !

Even the heavy-bodied Super Armored Rhinoceros was whipped off the ground by the brute force and flew backwards. In the process, the faint sound of rock cracking could be heard.

Outstanding effect!

"Searching the house..."

By the time this super-armored rhinoceros landed on the ground, its eyes were already spinning and it had completely lost its ability to fight.

"Baunosuke! Damn it...!"

Louis exclaimed, and when he looked at the evil squid in front of him again, he didn't know how much his abilities had improved.

The brute force of the heavy whip turned the skin all over its body into a light red color as if it was high temperature. The devil's characteristic made its strength rise to another level.

"Hiss... playing devil's advocate has become as troublesome as my Lord Snake."

Xiaozhi's expression couldn't help but become nervous.

Squid King's brute force moves, like Monarch Snake's Flying Leaf Storm, are moves that perfectly match the anti-chorus characteristics. Not only can they completely avoid the negative effects of using big moves, but they can even get stronger with each fight!

At this moment, it was boosted, and Luiko on the opposite side only had the last Pokémon left.

It’s certain that this squid king will be Serena’s opponent in the next semi-finals.

Seeing Serena's solemn expression next to him, Xiaozhi patted her shoulder and comforted her:

"Actually, there's no need to be too nervous. After all, this is a 6v6 team battle..."

Now he was sure that Miss Junsha behind was hypnotized.

The Doremia and Thunderbolt used before are both dog Pokémon, and they are probably the police dog Pokémon of this Miss Junsha.

It is full of momentum and has the ability to intimidate, but its level is not high.

Thundermon is a Pokémon that can mega evolve, but let’s not talk about whether Miss Junsha has key stones and mega stones...

His mind is hypnotized, he has no emotional connection with his Pokémon, and he cannot use mega evolution at all.

In other words, with Serena's strength, there is basically no need to consider the other five Pokémon, and she can directly turn a Squid King.

Although the latter is strong, it cannot withstand the wheel attack of Serena's six Pokémon.

Finally, Xiaozhi came to a point:

"You can already think about your opponents in the final!"

There is a high probability that either Guzma or Rinto using Aluredo will enter the finals in the off-duty division...

This year is the most promising year to win the championship!

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