He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2783 Fradali and Karuni!

At dusk at the end of the top 32 game, Guzma, who had just come off the court, was stopped by a reporter in an aisle of the venue.

"Can I interview you? Player Guzma, why are you so ruthless in your fights...?"

This is a female reporter with long pink hair and a particularly voluptuous figure. She is wearing a tight sleeveless top and tight trousers. The color of the clothing is fashionable and bold.

Pachira, the most famous newscaster in the Kalos region, is also one of the Four Local Kings.

Although she is not a screen actress, her popularity is so high that she can almost surpass Elle, Queen of Carlos.

There was also a personal photographer behind him, with a camera on his shoulder and a fill light in his hand, pointing the lens at Guzma.

Strong in strength, but with a cruel fighting style, and still an outsider... Guzma is now also a hotly discussed player in the Miare Conference.

Facing Pacila's inquiry, Guzma curled his lips and snorted coldly:

"Hmph, I am not here to play house. If we fight, I will naturally defeat my opponent completely. What's the problem with this!?"

Hearing this, Pachira raised his eyebrows.

She originally thought that Guzma came from the Alola region specifically to cause destruction...

But from what the other party meant, it seemed like it was just a matter of personality?

So Pachira smiled and continued:

"It seems that Guzma is very confident. How about it? Is the goal this time to win the tournament?"

Guzma gave a thumbs up directly to the camera and spoke in an arrogant tone:

"Winning the conference? You're laughing so hard. The alliance conference is just a ridiculous competition. Let the next champions wait. I will defeat them all and make this alliance conference a big joke!"

Guzma used throwing harsh words.

Ignoring Paqila's eyes, she turned and left with a step of disowning her relatives.

Pachira: "..."

Uh, are all the trainers in the Alola region so brainless...?

No, the last contestant named Ilima was so gentle!

She admitted that Guzma was very strong, but let alone the battle champion Karuni... Even she, the king of the alliance, felt that she could defeat the opponent's armored warrior, right?

"The trainer from out of town... his tone is quite serious."

At this time, a low sound suddenly came from behind.

Pachila turned her head and saw a man with a majestic face. The black slim-fitting suit with orange edges made the latter's figure very slender and straight.

The explosive orange hair and beard look like a male flaming lion.

Fradali, the leader of Team Flare and the richest entrepreneur in the Kalos region.

"After all, there is no Pokémon League in the Alola region~ That's understandable."

There was a woman in white standing next to Fradali, who smiled softly and was not annoyed by Guzma's remarks.

It is the league champion who just came out of the studio, Karuni!

"Oh~ Such a scene is really rare. The leading entrepreneur Mr. and Miss Karuni are walking together?"

Pachila pushed up her orange sunglasses, teased, and signaled to the photographer next to her to put away the lens first.

"It's just an invitation to a beautiful lady to have a cup of coffee."

Fradali looked serious, with an expression that was unfamiliar to Pachira.

This actually made Karuni look around at the two of them, and couldn't help but reveal a meaningful smile:

"You two look like old acquaintances...don't you say hello when you meet?"

Fradali did not answer this, but Pachira just smiled and waved her hand:

"I'm just an ordinary reporter, how could I possibly know Mr. Fradali~"

There is nothing wrong with his expression, he is just telling lies with his eyes open.

Kaluni didn't say anything, even though she had known for a long time that in private, Carlos King Pacilla seemed to be very close to Team Flare, and their relationship was quite ambiguous...

Vladali and she are old acquaintances, but the former has been acting quite strangely recently.

She always has bad thoughts.

It just so happened that the other party invited her to have coffee and chat today, so Kaluni simply agreed to see what the latter would do.

"Then farewell, Pachira... I look forward to playing against you in the next game~"

Karuni nodded slightly to Pachira, and then walked side by side to the exit of the venue with Fradali.

She and Pachira will participate in the strongest trainers conference next, and maybe they will bump into each other.

Watching the two people drifting away, Karuni, who was wearing high-heeled white boots, was already over 1.7 meters tall, but next to Fradali, who was 1.9 meters tall, she looked petite.


Paqila lowered her head and pushed up her glasses. A cold light flashed on the mirror. She didn't know what she was thinking.

A corner of Miare City, in the Rising Sun Cafe.

Fradali and Karuni were sitting across from each other at a small dining table, and the customers around them seemed to be non-existent. They were just sipping coffee quietly.

"By the way, why did you come to the alliance venue all the time today? You probably weren't interested in Pokémon battles before, right?"

Kaluni's eyes were covered with beautiful purple eyeshadow. She raised her cup and took a sip before asking leisurely.

"This year I want to see if there are any outstanding talents that can be absorbed into our Flare Group, just like the Galar region next door."

Fradali said, it is said that behind the champion Dan Emperor over there, there is strong support from a large financial group.

"This year? As far as I know, your Flare Group has been recruiting outstanding trainers from all over the country very early, right?"

Kaluni squinted her eyes, as if pointing.

For example, the winner of the last tournament, Ai Lan, seems to have a close relationship with the Flare Group.

Fradali did not deny it, but directly changed the subject:

"Karuni, we have known each other for a long time... You played a young and lively girl on the big screen back then. That role is still fresh in my memory even now..."

There was unabashed praise in Vladali's tone.

Faintly, with a bit of fanaticism.

Karuni couldn't help but frowned. What did this person want to express?

"You were born to be a star that attracts everyone's attention. It is your duty to always remain beautiful in front of everyone, right? But now that young and beautiful role can only be found in the movies of the past..."

"I don't agree with your point of view... People will always grow, and I am very satisfied with being able to play roles of all ages."

Karuni directly interrupted Fradali's strange words.

"Really... I just hope that this world can always remain beautiful."

There was a bit of obsession in Vladali's eyes, and then his expression suddenly changed, full of madness, and his voice became much louder:

"If this world cannot remain beautiful...then I would rather end everything at the moment before it ends being beautiful!"

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