He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 270 Pokémon that can be expected in the future must be caught

Suburbs of Tokiwa.

The three of Xiaozhi have already left the very noisy Viking City at this moment. After all, the Rockets are behind the Viking Gym, and they understand everything, so the sudden big explosion in the Viking Gym has become intriguing.

"Nine times out of ten, they were approached by the enemy."

This is most people's guess.

The Rockets have always acted domineeringly. They only think that the next-door Water Fleet, the Lava Team, and the Milky Way Group are all unworthy country gangsters. It is normal for them to be attacked by enemies.

But strangely, the entire gymnasium was completely blown into ruins by unknown forces, and even several secret bases inside were blown up, but the personnel of the Vikipan Gymnasium were not damaged at all, and they all appeared strangely within the range of the explosion. On the flat ground outside, it was dizzy.

But the first thing this group of people did after waking up was to run away overnight.

With Boss Sakagi's temperament, as soon as the front foot left, the rear foot's lair was blown up, and the word "dead" had already appeared on their heads.

"Go join the alliance now, and betray the Rockets' information backhandedly, maybe there is still a glimmer of life..."

Their eyes lit up at the same time, and they fled together towards the west of Viridian Gymnasium, toward the Quartz Plateau...

Of course, the three of Xiaozhi don't know all this. Now that he has collected 8 gymnasiums, Xiaozhi plans to go back to Zhenxin Town to rest for a while. After the rest, he is ready to enter the final preparation stage.


On a certain section of the road between Changpan City and Zhenxin Town, the three of them came to a small river with beautiful scenery, so they planned to rest temporarily.

Holding an egg in her arms, Xiaoxia took off the backpack, stretched herself, then suddenly looked at Xiaozhi and asked slowly, with a somewhat strange tone in her tone.

"Speaking of Xiaozhi, do you feel a little familiar here?"

"Here...? I don't have a big impression. It was the first day I went out to travel, and I was gank by a big sparrow at the beginning, and I almost hit the street on the spot."

Speaking of this, Xiaozhi still has some lingering fears. If he hadn't established a bond with Pikachu at that time, and the latter was the incarnation of the demon god in charge of the Nine Heavens God Thunder, he might have really knelt down.

Xiaozhi looked around, the shady bushes, which made him feel a little itchy, picked up a stone with his backhand, and threw it in the direction of memory.

At that time, he just hit a sparrow, which caused him to be chased and killed by a group of sparrows. In a hurry, he borrowed a bicycle from a passerby whom he didn't know and ran all the way, so the impression of the scenery here is really not particularly great.

After all, people will be gone, who will remember the surrounding environment.

"Oh, then let me give you a hint. At that time, a beautiful girl was fishing for a tyrannosaurus by the river, and a thief snatched her without asking..."


A heavy beating sound interrupted Xiaoxia's words, and a black shadow of a bird Pokémon floated up, and the faces of the three of them darkened immediately, wondering if they hit another sparrow again.

Soon, the bird Pokémon was fully exposed, with brown and yellow feathers, and a soft expression, except for a big meaty bump on its head.

"Oh, so it's Bibi Bird, it's all right."

Immediately, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief. Pokémon like Bibi Bird are not a big problem.

"Pika pickup!"

Pikachu even stepped forward and waved his chubby hand to drive them away, signaling that it was time to eat, and this Bibi bird should not disturb their meal.

"By calling..."

Looking at the fat electric mouse in front of him and the powerful electric current reserve on the electric bag, the unlucky Bibi Bird had no choice but to give up and fly away.

"Damn it, I must be reincarnated as a sparrow in the next life! Be an evil bird!"

The Bibi swore secretly.

Bibi Niao clan, Niao Shan is bullied by others, and now he even dares to despise an electric mouse at will, how can he be cultivated!


"Now that Bibi Bird is gone, let's continue the topic. At that time, a thief robbed my self..."

Xiaoxia attacked for the second time, desperately hinting, but this time she was interrupted again in the middle of her words.

"Hey Xiaoxia, your eggs are glowing!"

"It seems to be cracking!"

Seeing the shocked expressions of Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, Xiaoxia frowned.

"She's a girl, how can there be any eggs... Fuck, my eggs are cracked!?"

In the middle of speaking, Xiaoxia's tiger body shook, and the Pokémon egg in her arms trembled for a while, and a white light lit up, and when the light dissipated, the upper part of the eggshell cracked several cracks.

Xiaoxia didn't dare to be careless, and quickly placed it carefully on the ground platform.

This was at the Grand Canyon that day, and everyone was digging for fossils, but she found a different way and got a Pokémon egg.


Several pieces of broken eggshells fell, and the upper part of the Pokémon egg was pushed open, revealing a pale yellow spiked head, while the lower part of the eggshell was cracked a few times on the side and bottom. A small hole, with short yellow hands and legs protruding from it.

Most of this Pokémon's body is still surrounded by eggshells. Looking at the three giant two-legged beasts surrounding it, it has no fear, but blinks a pair of small eyes, and waving its short hands back and forth. It's cute.

"A few beeps~~"

Its voice carried a bit of innocence and charm, and it captured Xiaoxia's maternal love in an instant.

"Ah awsl!!"

Xiaoxia wished she could hold him in her arms and pamper him, but at the moment most of the latter's body was still wrapped in eggshells, so she could only resist the urge and wait for the latter to remove the eggshell by herself.

Pokémon comes out of the eggshell. This is the second test that Pokémon has to go through since its birth. Only you can complete it.

The first test is naturally racing against hundreds of millions of brothers and sisters.

After waiting for a long time, the eggshell on this petite Pokémon never fell off, as if it was naturally attached to it.

I have waited until the latter can walk on the ground, but the eggshell still hasn't fallen.

The latter even ran a few steps on the ground, and fell in the middle, and finally stumbling and hugging Xiaoxia's knee, dawdling for a while, very cute.

"Hehe, this movement is intended to throw Xiaoxia over her shoulder."

"Do you want me to help it remove the eggshell?"

Seeing that there was no trace of damage to this peculiar Pokémon, Xiaozhi and the two also became bolder, and couldn't help but tease.

Xiaoxia rolled her eyes at the two of them, then softened her gaze, and carefully embraced her in her arms.

Xiaozhi took out the illustration book with his backhand, and aimed the light at this thorny egg Pokémon, and at this time he still had to rely on it to show the operation.

The illustrated book then trembled for a while, and the cpu fan was also blowing wildly. It seemed that it was because of the anti-virus software. Now it takes a lot of effort to run a built-in illustrated book function.

"Didi. Pokemon, a super lucky Pokémon, with magical powers in his hand and dancing. It is a Pokémon that can be expected in the future. It is recommended to catch it."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was shocked, secretly shocked by this petite Pokémon, his eyes widened.

You must know that not every Pokémon has the label "the future can be expected". The evaluation of "the future can be expected" given by the last illustrated book is still in the face of the extremely rare miniature in the Kanto area, which is known as the quasi-god of the future. dragon.

Even at that time, the subsequent suggestion was "to catch or not to catch".

And this time the suggestion is...

must catch! ?

"Turtle, is it possible that this Pokémon can turn into an airplane..."

Xiaozhi is a little hungry...

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