He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 268 I'm going to give you an injection


The turbulent venom spray covered and fell, completely engulfing the petite body of the cranium dragon, constantly making penetrating bubbles and churning sounds, and even bursts of white smoke.


The next second, a blue-gray figure broke through the huge wave of venom and reappeared. The top of its skull was still shining with metallic luster. The seemingly strong venom fell on it without leaving any traces at all. dripping.

Steel-type iron heads can completely ignore poison-type attacks.

But at this moment, only the cranium's skull has been rendered useless by the incarnation of steel, and the other parts are still flesh and blood, constantly being eroded by the mud wave.

Xiaozhi waved his finger and instructed:

"I can't drag it on any longer, Brachiosaurus, use the iron head on the front!"


After penetrating several waves of venom in a row, the head cover dragon with a thick silver light rushed towards King Nido, who was surrounded by venom.

"Keng Keng!!"

The force of the impact and confrontation is majestic and powerful, and the resulting air storm is to blow away the surrounding venom.

"Haha, good job!!"

Kojiro smiled proudly from behind.

I saw King Nido's two iron palms were raised in front of him, firmly pressing on the attacking iron head, and stuck it halfway, unable to go any further.

For a while, it seemed that the skull dragon was restrained.

"Don't lose to him!!"

Xiaozhi's roar seemed to have infinite power, and the blood-colored pupils of the head-covered dragon suddenly froze, and the energy of the terrifying prehistoric red-clothed beast covered its body, gushing out like flames!


King Nido was taken aback by Xiaozhi's roar of rejuvenation, and his men unconsciously let go, losing a little bit of strength.

This gave the cranium dragon an instant opportunity, twisting its body in the air to break free from the restraints, and landed on both feet again.

As soon as it landed, without the slightest hesitation, it immediately stepped on the ground and pushed forward, hitting King Nido's stomach with its head.


Iron head hits!

Although the effect was mediocre, the strength made King Nido let out a muffled groan. Just as it was about to reach out and hit the little beast in front of it, it saw that the skull dragon had disappeared and came to a blind spot behind King Nido. With a kick of footsteps, he rushed up again.


This time, the iron head successfully hit King Nido's back, hitting the vital point!


Before King Nido had time to turn around, he saw an iron head that had successfully hit the vital part of the cranium. At this moment, the head was still attached to its waist. As soon as the foot landed, he kicked away again, without even moving his head. Hit the same spot again.


Cunjin iron head - broken waist! !


There was a sharp pain in the waist, which made King Nido extremely angry. His body was greatly hurt, and his soul was even more humiliated. Venom wave, roll away!


This time, the cranium dragon no longer dodges, its eyes are extremely determined, and its feet jump up in mid-air again, its feet land on the ground, its head is in front, its body turns into a cannonball, and it rushes forward!

"This is..."

On the red energy coat billowing around his body, Xiao Zhi actually saw a strange purple light.

The purple light energy condensed around the cranial dragon's skull, and the moment the surging venom touched this purple energy, it disappeared as white smoke on the spot, and it couldn't be stopped for a moment, as if with natural restraint.

And with the help of this purple light energy, the head-covered dragon once again hit King Nido's chest head-on, and suddenly the terrifying force and the strange attribute energy exploded at the same time, blasting King Nido several meters away on the spot. It smashed hard on the wall, splashing countless rock debris.

A small beast less than one meter in size hits a giant beast nearly 3 meters away with its head, and the visual sense is extremely strong


The smoke and dust gradually dissipated with the waves of mud, and the continuous blows of the violent wind and rain, the Nido King in the rock ruins had completely lost his fighting ability, his eyes were spinning, and he was wailing again and again.


But the skull dragon won the first battle, venting its fighting spirit freely, standing on the ruins with its petite body, looking up to the sky and howling, quite like a wolf dog.

"how did you do that..."

Even Xiaozhi, who is a trainer, stared blankly at the howling little dinosaur in front of him, a little surprised.

"Beep beep. This is the new skill of the skull dragon: mind hammer."

The illustrated book recognized the keyword, prompting in time.

The steel attribute only makes the venom ineffective, but the mind hammer of the super energy attribute restrains the poison attribute, and the turbulent sludge wave is directly destroyed into slag, especially when facing the source, Nido King, who has the ground attribute and the poison attribute .

The effect is outstanding!

"Mind head hammer...you are really good!!"

With a happy expression on his face, Xiaozhi ran into the ruins and hugged the skull dragon tightly.

A low-level victory over a high-level, and the lower level defeats the upper level. This is a truly rare and precious record!


The latter has completely dissipated the red eyes and red light of the prehistoric blood at this moment, and looks like a harmless baby to humans and animals. Although the expression is tired, the tongue is spit out to dissipate heat, and the tail is shaking wildly, asking for credit in front of Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi rubbed its head, smiled and encouraged:

"You have done a great job. One day you will be able to hold the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, King's Landing... No, one day you will be able to overthrow the most powerful ancient beast Huskies."

Halfway through the pie painting, he found that he seemed to have taken Pikachu's pie by mistake, so he quickly moved out the example of the husky, trying to use the power of the example to make it go further.


The head-covered dragon's eyes suddenly brightened, and the future is full of expectations...


"I lost..."

Unlike Xiaozhi's beaming, the Rockets' face was livid, and Miaomiao even smashed the champagne on the spot.

The glass shattered, one person and one cat suddenly shook their bodies, their eyes became fierce, and even Musashi, who was lying dead next to him, sat up in shock.

The so-called smashing the cup is the number, now is the time to really attack!

Kojiro backhanded his poke ball, and a cute double-bomb gas appeared on the stage.


Musashi was powerless, and slowly raised her elf ball. Miao Miao, an old teammate, didn't know it, took the elf ball and threw it backhand, and a cute Arbo monster appeared on the stage.

The situation is tense in an instant!

Xiaozhi frowned, and first accused:

"Rockets, I've already won, what else do you want to do?"

"Win what to win? We are the Rockets, not the trainers of Viki Pan Gym!"

"That's right meow, today this iron-headed baby and that electric mouse will only belong to our Rocket team... Hey, where's Pikachu meow?"

In the middle of talking, Miaomiao suddenly found that Pikachu, who had been eating melons and watching the show, was gone.

What about rats?


A crisp cry came from behind, and at some point, the three of them found a yellow electric mouse standing between them, less than one meter away.

The lighting in the Viridian Gym is not good, and the lights are dim. Only then can Pikachu become the elf of the night again, with a grimace.

"PikaPika (come hold hands)."

Pikachu showed a smiling face, raised a small paw, and Meowow subconsciously grabbed it.

"Oh, are you going to turn your back on the little devil and join our Rockets from goodness, meow?"

"You understand." Kojiro couldn't help laughing.

"Abaa..." Coke Musashi also nodded beside him.

In the next second, the corner of Pikachu's mouth curved, and the electric light surged across its cheeks, and a hundred thousand volts erupted instantly! !

Threesome: "?"

The terrifying power of thunder and lightning erupted on the three of them, triggering a terrifying energy explosion. The power directly blasted the three of them into the sky, leaving a big hole in the ceiling of the Viridian Gym, which turned into a huge hole in less than a few seconds. The meteor disappeared into the sky.

"Oops, my green badge!"

People may have already flown into the ozone layer to stand side by side with the Rift Seat, and Xiao Zhi finally realized it.

You won the battle, but you haven't got the badge yet? !

It's over, it's over, and I'm going to find a new gym! ?


But Pikachu stood where he was, with a finger on his little paw, and waved at Xiaozhi, with a very smug expression on his little face.

Don't panic, Big C will always be me.

Then it pulled out a badge in the shape of a green leaf with a backhand, showing an expression that I wasn't claiming credit.

"Beep. Pikachu has copied a new skill: Thief."

The picture book suggested.

Xiaozhi: "..."



The depths of the Viridian Gym.

Two Team Rocket soldiers are busy, holding a few needles and tubes in their hands, as if they are about to give an injection, and their target is a humanoid Pokémon covered in steel armor.

He didn't make any movements. Under the steel armor, he didn't even know if he was still conscious. His breathing rate was extremely low, as if he was lifeless.

"Secretary Matori ordered that this Pokémon be put into a deep sleep, and then put it in a frozen sleep until Boss Sakagi comes back. We have given 3 injections of tranquilizers and sleeping pills, which is enough for a Kentaro to sleep on. It's been a month, can I freeze it?"

"The freezing machine was broken by Kojiro and the others to make quick-frozen dumplings. Let's inject a few more injections of sleeping pills and wait for the maintenance department to come and repair the freezing machine."

"You understand."

So the two soldiers got together and immediately prepared to inject a few more injections of tranquilizers on Chaomeng's buttocks.


A gust of dark wind blew, and there was a slight high-frequency tremor in the air out of thin air, which was a little weird.

In the next second, the syringes in the hands of the two suddenly moved by themselves, and flew up as if they were alive, then turned around and stabbed them directly in the thighs of the two.

Ten kanteros could faint on the spot, so naturally the two miscellaneous soldiers also fainted on the spot.

"You want to turn him into a quick-frozen dumpling? Huh..."

After a long while, there was a deep, cold snort in the air, but the source was unknown.

Immediately afterwards, the needle was pulled out from the soldier's thigh again, and the remaining medicine was completely squeezed out, and the needle tip lit up a burst of fire out of thin air.

Injections need to be sterilized.

After the disinfection was completed, the needle moved again, and this time it moved in front of Chaomeng who was bound by the steel armor, and the needle tip shone with a cold light.

"Hmph, I'm going to give you an injection..."


(3 thousand words big chapter, the last day of August, please subscribe!!)

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