He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2704 Desert City with a gap between the rich and the poor!

As soon as I came out of the Valley of Creation, I was hit by a strong hot wind. As soon as we came out of the Valley of Creation, we were hit by a strong hot wind.

The endless yellow sand scene, the scorching sun is like fire, and there is even a blurry scene of evaporation over the desert in the distance.

“It’s so hot”

Xiaozhi and others couldn't help but stick out their tongues and fanned their necks repeatedly.

It’s only been 3 minutes since I left the Valley of Creation, and I’m already missing it!

Hupa was also so hot that he lowered his flying altitude, huddled in the shadows of a few people and sighed:

"It's a pity that Mei Yali didn't come with us~"

Because of the sudden kowtow incident, the Valley of Creation is now very busy, and Mei Yali cannot leave for a while.

She had no choice but to ask a few people to take Hupa to Desert City alone.

The problem is not big, the two places are not too far apart, each other can see the rough outline of each other, and will not go in the wrong direction.

"If all of Hupa's golden rings are here, I can send you directly to Desert City~"

Hupa shrugged his head and said disappointedly.

Serena quickly comforted her and quickened her pace:

"Let's go, let's go. It's said that there are air conditioners installed on the streets in Desert City. They blow cold air 24 hours a day, so it won't be so hot."

If it is a normal hot environment, she can release her newly evolved Ice and Snow Dragon. The latter's characteristic is snowfall. Once it comes out, cold snowflakes will appear within a few meters.

It's just that the desert environment is too extreme. Even the ice and snow dragon whose level has been greatly improved may not last long. He may faint from heat stroke in less than half an hour.

“It’s a pity there are no windsurfing boards here.”

Xiaozhi looked around and saw that it was deserted and there were no windsurfing rental shops.

He remembered that when he passed through a vast desert in the Fangyuan area, he let the flying Pokémon drag him in front and stepped on the windsurfing board to surf the desert. It was very convenient and exciting.

Seeing that Hupa was still flying with his head down all the way, Xiaozhi simply hugged him in his arms and covered him with his clothes from the harsh sunlight.

"Don't worry, Hupa, we will see Mr. Balza soon. When the three golden rings are gathered together, your strength will be back to its peak~!"

"Xiao Zhi."

Hupa was moved, but had a vague premonition, and always had a worried expression.

About half a day later, several people successfully arrived in Desert City.

It's just that this city doesn't have the luxury that many people imagine.

Even Serena, Citron and several locals from Kalos knew very little about Desert City and had only seen it in newspaper news.

Since it is not adjacent to Miare City, Desert City is more like a foreign city to Carlos?

The group of people entered from the west side of the city. There were no high-rise buildings here, but stone buildings and stone houses with a similar architectural style to the Valley of Creation town.

They are all two or three stories high, with trimmed square edges, like protruding brown-red square stone pillars.

Three-quarters of the area to the west of Desert City is like this. Stone houses are densely packed and quite crowded and messy.

The streets in the middle were also built very randomly. The roads were rugged and undulating, not like the roads of a modern city at all.

But when Xiaozhi and others looked up to the east of the city, they could see many high-rise buildings in the distance.

That part of the city only accounts for 1/4 of Desert City, separated by a river that runs through the town.

On the other side of the river are oasis bushes and low-lying lakes, and the high-rise buildings in that area are strangely designed, with different heights. There is even a very tall building in the shape of a sailboat, giving off an aura of luxury.

"It seems that the gap between ordinary people and rich people is quite obvious."

Citron pushed up his glasses and glanced at the modern high-rise buildings in the distance. Some of the towers were even more sci-fi than the prism towers in his hometown.

But when he lowered his head and looked around, he saw only yellow sand and stone buildings, which were quite primitive.

Among the people passing by, Mayali was dressed similarly, wearing a coarse white robe and a headscarf, and she did not look very wealthy.

“It seems like what I see online is not trustworthy.”

Serena couldn't help but complain.

She had only seen on the Internet that Desert City was a city of rich people, but she had never seen that only a quarter of the area was rich.

"Let's go, Yurika wants to go to the other side of the river!"

Yulijia couldn't help but urge.

The scene in the civilian area is not much different from that in the Valley of Creation town. It is even more chaotic. The climate is hot, and the daytime temperature has a high probability of exceeding 40 degrees.

Might as well stay in the Valley of Creation.

It’s better to go to the other side of the river for a stroll!

A few people nodded, and after buying a few bottles of bottled water from a roadside stall to quench their thirst, they walked towards the river without stopping.

The river in the center of the desert city is not very spacious, only about five or six meters.

You can't jump over it, but with the help of Pokémon, you can cross the river easily.

But when Xiaozhi and others approached the river bank and looked into the river, they saw dense fish figures swimming in the water.

They are basically wild bass, with red and blue stripes on their heads.

The heads of many savage basses are slightly out of the river. Their sharp upper and lower jaws are constantly opening and closing, and their sharp eyes are looking at the pedestrians on the river bank. Anyone who wants to cross the river will be given a big bite of meat. of.

One bastard is a mouthful of meat, but there are so many bastards hidden at the bottom of the river that if they swarm up, only bones may be left in the blink of an eye.


Ash and the others couldn't help but swallowed. These savage bass looked different from normal Pokémon. They were truly wild piranhas!

The river cannot be crossed, and there are some tall stone bird's nests built a few meters apart in the center of the river bank, with vultures lying there.

It also has a fierce look and will not let people pass easily from the air.

If you want to get to the wealthy area on the other side of the river, you must pass the official bridge.

"No wonder this city is not officially recognized by Carlos. Although the buildings are modern, the code of conduct is too primitive."

The ferocious Savage Bass and Vulture Na made Citron break out in cold sweat.

He quickly shrank back to the shore, fearing that his feet would slip and fall.

These ferocious Pokémon have completely blocked off civilian areas and people want to sneak through!

So the group of people walked north along the river bank. After walking for about a hundred meters, they saw a simple bridge.

It's only about two meters wide, barely enough for a car to pass.

Although it is a stone bridge, it looks like it has been there for some time, and the rocks on the edges have been broken and damaged.

There is a figure standing at the end of the bridge. It is a middle-aged man wearing a turban. His face is always tense and serious.

There is also a huge gray-black dog tied to the wooden stake next to it, lying on the ground, looking majestic and fierce.

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