He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2694 Ancient God Level? vs Arceus clone! !

Obviously, the Arceus clone in front of him is self-aware.

His expression was still solemn and serious at first, but the next second he raised his eyebrows and looked Xiaozhi up and down.

"Aren't you a citizen of the Valley of Creation? I didn't expect outsiders to be able to enter this space now."

The clone of Arceus sent out a low and confused telepathic response.

"Uh, what's the problem?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head and asked tentatively.

Are you aware of the illegal intrusion and want to kick yourself out?

The clone of Arceus lowered his head and thought for a moment. In fact, the divine power left by his body on this statue, in addition to being triggered by the power of transcendence, can also be triggered by anyone who has had a causal connection with him.

It seems that this young man must have had direct or indirect contact with his own body somewhere outside?

"It doesn't matter. Now that you've come in, you can accept my trial."

The clone of Arceus suddenly raised his head, and his telepathy was like a loud bell, reverberating over the entire pseudo-beginning hall, making people sit in awe.

"Is this the power of the God of Creation? It's really incredible."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was stunned again.

Just a clone left behind can be both conscious and powerful.

Even if he has seen so many ancient god-level beings before, no one can do it, right?

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the God of Creation. In many myths and stories, Arceus is even more powerful than the ancient gods, standing at the top of them all.

In fact, speaking of it, this Arceus clone was also helpless.

He's self-aware but not too much.

Although it can think independently, it is more like a program left here by the main body, which is to respond to the tester and complete the simple act of the test, and can no longer do anything else.

Even as a creation god, there is an upper limit to the amount of divine power he can leave behind at one time.

Normally, he could probably provide the people of the Valley of Creation with hundreds of trials, and his mission would be considered successfully completed.

You must know that the divine power in this statue is from hundreds of years ago, or even thousands of years ago. If it is only used for 100 times, it should have been exhausted long ago.

The clone can also think and have emotions.

I usually sleep in this illusory space when I have nothing to do. Occasionally I get up and walk around twice, and then continue to sleep, day after day.

"What a bunch of fools."

Even he couldn't help complaining. Normally, he could only stay in this space for two years before running out of energy and disappearing.

But now, I don’t know how many years it will last!

If we describe it in terms of mobile phone power, the power of the clone is still about 99%.

Because the people in the Valley of Creation are so pious, the number of trialists who have come in over the past hundreds of years can be counted on one hand!

You are really stupid people. I specially left my divine power for you to use. You must treat it as a treasure and offer it up! !

After the main body left his clone, the connection between the two was temporarily interrupted, and neither party knew what was going on with the other.

Now, instead, his emotional and thinking clone was trapped here as if in a prison!

"Then humans, accept my trial!!"

Although on the surface, Alzhou's clone's voice was still calm and steady, there was still a bit of excitement in the ending.

Finally someone can use up its power!

"That's exactly what I meant!"

Although Xiaozhi was a little surprised and the other party seemed to be in an inexplicable hurry, these were all trivial matters and he became interested in the content of this trial.

Is it just to fight against this clone?

"The content of the trial is very simple. Although I only have 1/10 of the power of my body, I am still no different from an ordinary ancient god."

"You can send out one Pokémon, or all your Pokémon together. You can complete the trial by trying your best to defeat me."

"As a reminder, no one has passed this trial yet."

Xiaozhi heard telepathic responses in his mind, and his tone was urgent.

He also didn't know if this clone's personality was consistent with Arceus's true nature. It sounded like he was impatient?

"Does this mean that single combat, wheeling and dealing, or even group fights are acceptable?"

Xiaozhi nodded. After all, he was the clone of the God of Creation, so this kind of courage was normal.

If, as the other party said, it was an ancient god-level opponent, then the focus of this trial should not be on passing, but on the process.

Being able to fight an opponent at the level of an ancient god is a rare experience, plus being able to repeat the challenge

After fighting a few times and then leaving this space, both the trainer's psychological quality and the Pokémon's quality and combat power will probably be transformed!

The trainer in the Valley of Creation is really a natural choice. When you leave the valley, you will have super powers + outstanding combat qualities!

"Okay, then let's try the 1/10th level of the God of Creation first!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, although he didn't know if this 1/10 number was meaningful.

It sounds like this trial can be repeated many times. The locals in the Valley of Creation don’t dare to come in anyway, so it’s just a good time for yourself!

"The decision is yours, Pikachu!!"

Xiaozhi raised his hand and pointed, and directly sent his general!

It was already the latter part of Carlos' journey. Although most of his opponents were killed by Koga Ninja, Pikachu was always paddling behind and becoming invisible.

But its strength has already returned to its peak.

Even getting better!

You must know that when in the Hezhu area, Pikachu can already face opponents at the level of the Three Dragons of Hezhu!


Pikachu nimbly flew down from Xiaozhi's shoulders, his eyes fixed on the opponent in front of him, his cheeks sparkling with lightning, eager to try.

It was the one that defeated the "Arceus of the Crystal Tower" in one fell swoop.

In the past, we killed the fake Arceus, and now we kill the cloned Arceus. Then in the future, we will naturally give electrotherapy directly to the God of Creation!

"The electric mouse from Kanto?"

The first Arceus clone that saw Xiaozhi turned out to be just an electric mouse, the Arceus clone frowned slightly, somewhat displeased.

Can you do something powerful? This will consume more of its power and prevent it from staying in this boring place all the time!

As for Pikachu, it can't even consume 1% of his power!

And I don’t know why, but I always feel that the way this electric mouse looks at him has some kind of inexplicable malice?

"Then, the trial begins!"

As the loud telepathy rose, both Xiaozhi and Pikachu felt a sense of being locked, and the hairs on their bodies stood up, as if they could no longer escape.

"Electric rat then!"

The clone of Arceus immediately raised its forelimbs and then trampled on the ground.

Wow wow wow.!

The next moment, with Arceus' clone as the starting point, countless hot quicksands suddenly spewed out from the ground, rising up layer by layer like rough waves, and finally all of them surged towards Pikachu!

Hot sandy land!

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