He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2686 The fantasy Pokémon, Hupa!

As Xiaozhi continued to dig, he dug a small pit about half a meter deep.

Sure enough, there was something buried underneath. It was a ball of pink, soft stuff, and the first thing that showed up was a small sharp corner on the sand.

Seeing that there was really something, the other people also helped out, especially the long-tailed monster manipulator arm extending from Citron's backpack, which could easily assist in digging even at a depth of half a meter.

Soon, everyone saw that this was a Pokémon buried underneath!

He carefully moved it out, carried it to the shadow of a nearby cactus, and laid it flat on the ground. It took several people to see the full appearance of this Pokémon.

"What is this Pokémon?"

It is small in size, only slightly larger than Pikachu.

The whole body is pink and gray, in the shape of a little gray devil, with weird pink patterns covering its wrists and body, and a pair of gray horns on both sides of its round head.

It has no legs and only a ghost-like tail on its lower body.

Neither of the two small hands seems to be directly connected to the body, but there is a little distance between them.

"This is the fantasy Pokémon Dr. Bratano mentioned, Hoopa, right?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help being surprised. He didn't expect that they had found this rare fantasy beast before they arrived in Desert City.

But why did it appear in this desolate desert and be buried in the sand?

I don’t know how long it has been buried.

"It looks like she's suffering from heatstroke, so it's not as good as us."

Xiaozhi hesitated to speak, but Serena next to him understood and quickly handed over a kettle.

Then he gently opened the corners of Hupa's mouth and poured some water in.

Sure enough, after coming into contact with water, the latter also had some reactions.


Hupa snorted softly, twitching the corners of his mouth, and managed to drink some water.

"By the way Nian Mei'er, come out and help too!"

Xiaozhi had an idea and sent in the foreign version of Nianmeier that he had conquered.

It's just that the hot environment is not friendly to slugs. The latter's soft body is visibly shriveled to the naked eye than usual.

Xiaozhi made an apologetic gesture, and then quickly gave instructions:

"Just one tap will do it, Nian Mei'er, use the Life Water Drop!!"

Nian Meier nodded reluctantly, poked her head out of the metal snail shell, opened her mouth, and condensed a blue water droplet onto Hupa's body.

"You come out too, Demon Fire Red Fox, and use Imitation!!"

Serena also released her own Demon Fire Red Fox. Although it doesn't know the healing moves, it can imitate them!

The demon fire red fox nodded, and in the blink of an eye he remembered Nian Mei'er's spell-casting movements. He waved his wooden staff and also condensed a drop of life water and threw it out.

clatter! clatter!

Two water drops fell on Hu Pa's body, glowing with a faint green light. Hu Pa finally woke up leisurely and opened his eyes slightly.

"Thanks a lot.!"

Xiaozhi quickly took Nianmei'er back first, before it would be its turn to faint from heat stroke.


Hupa gradually opened his eyes and murmured drowsily.

Covered by the shadows of cactus, it was quite cool here, and then came the sight of several human heads.

"scared me!!"

Hupa suddenly opened his eyes wide, took a big step back, and shouted loudly with a milky voice.

Everyone was also startled by Hupa's movement, and then they were surprised and stunned.

"Um, can all of you fantasy Pokémon talk freely now?"

Yulijia looked curiously at Dianxi next to her, who shook her head blankly.

"No, Hupa's mouth seemed to have moved just now."

Citron raised his glasses and looked at the little devil carefully.

Although the latter, as a fantasy beast, has a physical quality that is better than that of ordinary Pokémon, at this moment, when its stamina increased, it couldn't help but fall weakly from the air and fell limply to the ground.

However, it was quite courageous. It looked at Xiaozhi and his group and asked:

"Well, who are you?"

This time everyone saw clearly that Hupa did not use telepathy, but directly used his words and hands like Team Rocket Meow.

"Oh hello Hoopa, I'm Ash, this is my partner Pikachu, and Dianxi~"

Seeing that the other party looked much better, Xiaozhi felt relieved and introduced himself with a smile.

Several people nearby also introduced themselves.

"Xiao Zhi? Pika? Tian.?"

But I don't know if this Hupa is intentional, or if he really can only remember half of the name. When recalling everyone's name, he will be short of weight.

The other party was not afraid of strangers, so Xiaozhi picked up Hupa who fell on the ground. The latter did not struggle and simply lay in Xiaozhi's arms.


Dianxi was a little angry, and her gem eyes stared.

She has never been held in Xiaozhi's arms before. Everyone is a fantasy beast, and they have to be first come, first served!

But after all, she still wanted Hupa, so she could only look away angrily, forcing herself not to see this scene.

Well, even if you can’t see it, it doesn’t happen!

Xiaozhi took the water and food handed over by his friends, and Hupa refused all comers, nestling in the former's arms and feasting.

Within a few moments, most of his body had recovered, and Hupa was able to float dangling in the air again.

He even came closer suddenly, so close to the faces of Xiaozhi and others, that they were so frightened that they subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Hehe~ You must be shocked~!"

Hupa then covered his mouth and let out a bad laugh, and his two little hands could move freely away from his body as if by magic.

It seems to be a naughty Pokémon that likes to play pranks.

Probably having some understanding of the character of this fantasy beast, Xiaozhi smiled helplessly, and then asked the question that everyone was curious about:

"Speaking of Hupa, why are you buried here alone?"

Hearing this, Hu Pa, who was originally quite excited, his eyes suddenly dimmed, and his suspended body and arms dropped weakly.

"Hey, because Hupa got into big trouble!"

Since Hupa can directly speak human language, under its narration, everyone finally knew the general idea——

It turns out that Hoopa does not live in Desert City.

Instead, he lives near Desert City, in a small village called the Valley of Creation.

It is surrounded by valleys on all sides and is isolated from the world. It is also a natural oasis area with abundant water, grass and trees.

It is said that that small town was once connected with Arceus, the creator god, so the people in the town also believed in Arceus as their main god.

"I have lived with Balza and Mayali since I was a child, but it is said that my body still contains huge power, which is sealed in the lost pot."

Hupa lowered his head as he told the story, full of regret and annoyance.

Balza and Mayali are a pair of human brothers and sisters who grew up with it in the Valley of Creation.

"Later, in order to help me regain my former strength, Balza went through great troubles to find the pot."

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