He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2680 The curtain comes to an end!


To say that the most confused person at the moment is Saizo who is trapped in the middle, wearing a cunning Tengu mask.

Although he couldn't move or move his eyes, he could still see the scene in front of him.

Why do the two white-haired ninjas in front of Hao Duan Duan seem to be sweating profusely?

Trying to raise his gaze, Qi Zan also saw Xiao Zhi walking over.

Are these the friends Sanping made outside? Could it be that he is the source?

Qi Zan couldn't help but take a breath - he couldn't even move his eyes at the moment, but he could still take a breath.

What is the origin of this young man? He has allowed three mysterious and dangerous foreign ninjas to behave like this before he even takes action?

When facing the Dark Trio again, Xiaozhi had no intention of attacking them.

After all, they are tool killers who have been brainwashed and raised by Queqis since childhood. They are also pitiful people.

It is estimated that this time, the local rebel ninja leader in Carlos was inexplicably deceived and used.

"You three, stop it. There is no need to continue working for those traitorous ninjas."

So Xiaozhi said loudly, his face solemn and upright.

This move actually made Qiuzang, who was watching the show next to him, feel sarcastic and sneer in his heart.

Although this young man is extremely powerful, he is too naive. Do you think he can make those three foreign ninjas surrender with just one sentence?

The kid is indeed a kid, but he is still too naive.


However, the next moment, Qiuzang's eyes widened, and his eyeballs almost jumped out of their sockets.

But seeing that Xiaozhi didn't do anything, and just shouted those words, the Dark Trio actually stopped their hands at the same time, dissipating their weird and powerful superpowers.

Qiuzang is so confused right now. Why do you suddenly listen to the enemy so much? !


The restraints around him disappeared, and Qi Zang suddenly let out a sigh of relief, and his body relaxed.

Although he didn't know what happened, as an experienced jounin, he flew back immediately, distanced himself from his giant turtle-footed armor, and pulled out the blade from behind to be cautious.

Although the combined formation of these three ninjas can trap people and Pokémon at the same time, as long as the distance between you and the turtle-footed giant armor is far enough, then the opponent will naturally have to choose one of the two.

But his worries were completely unnecessary at the moment.

After the Dark Trio stopped, the three of them lined up one after another, looking at Xiaozhi with ugly expressions.

"Well, even though it looks like he's had plastic surgery, he's really the same person!"

The same idea came to the three people's minds.

At least Xiaozhi's sense of oppression is stronger than that of the Hezhong skin!

The three of them can be said to be the people here who know Xiaozhi's strength best.

Whether it's their superpowers, Pokémon battles, or even the terrifying attack launched by the ancient gods under the command of Lord Quechis.

But they were all defeated by this young man.

The Dark Trio raised the white flag on the spot to express surrender.

No match at all!

"That's good. Don't worry, as long as you don't take action, I won't take action against you either."

Seeing the frightened expressions of all three of them, Xiaozhi nodded with satisfaction and said immediately.

It seems that the magical skill of exploding clothes that I once had is still a strong deterrent to the three of them!

It's a pity that the three of them didn't try to use his super powers again, otherwise he could show off his clothes-exploding magic in the Carlos area.

Now, if my clothes suddenly burst out of nowhere, I would be the only one embarrassed.

Hearing this, the Dark Trio breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he nodded slightly, just standing there like three wooden figures, and didn't make any move.

If we want to say who is the most vulnerable right now, it is undoubtedly Qiuzang.

"Could it be that these three people are moles?!"

Qiuzang wanted to vomit blood in his heart, how could he stop all three of them with just one sentence? !

After Lianglianban was defeated, the Dark Trio became neutral NPCs, which suddenly made the situation on his side not good.

"It's better to worry about yourself first!!"

The situation was reversed. Seeing that Qiuzang and his big Niula began to become confused in both their mentality and actions, Yiping's fighting spirit became even higher.

Speaking of which, this is still his last battle before taking over as leader, he must succeed!

"For real, Koga Ninja, Flying Water Shuriken!!"

The eyes of Ippei and his Koga Ninja became focused at the same time. As the successor of the leader, the strength of one person and one frog is definitely not weak.

In the outside world, there is also a king of the shawl alliance.

The Koga Ninja nodded. Although he was not able to condense huge shurikens like the little Chi Koga Ninja, the flying water shuriken condensed in his hand flew out very quickly.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! !

It shot out of the air in the blink of an eye, but failed to hit the big Nula. Instead, it flew away from the body.

Just when Izou thought the opponent had missed the target, he saw the Koga Ninja pull his palm inward, and the flying water shuriken that flew out unexpectedly changed its direction and shot towards the back of Onuura!

In the air that was difficult to observe, one could see extremely fine silk threads hanging on the flying water shuriken, and the source was connected to the finger of the Koga Ninja.

It is the secret technique that only the leader of their Koga style can learn——

Fuck the flying water shuriken!

Qiuzang's expression suddenly became panicked. This was the first time he had seen this kind of secret technique.

Oniura was about to counterattack, but right in front, the Koga Ninja had already drawn out the secret attack short blade and was coming straight towards him.

Being attacked both on the front and back, Da Niula also began to feel dizzy, not knowing which side to resist the attack.

Bang bang! !

The result of the panic was that as soon as he blocked the secret attack in front of him, he was hit hard by flying water shurikens in the back.

His movements were chaotic, and he found an opportunity to attack, and his face was hit by a secret attack from Koga Ninja with all his strength!

Bang bang! !

Da Niula's entire body was thrown flying and fell heavily in front of Qiuzang.

As the surrounding smoke dispersed, the big Nula fell to the ground, having lost its ability to fight.

And a ninja long blade also hovered in front of Qiuzang's forehead.

"You lose, Qizang!"

Yiping had already taken out his ninja sword and pointed it at the prisoner from a high position.

The ninja sword carried on the back of the ninja Murakami is not a decoration.

Generally speaking, the enemy will first have a Pokémon battle. After defeating the enemy, the ninja will use his ninja sword to chop off the enemy's head.

Of course, this is something that only ancient ninjas would do, and it is very cruel and bloody.

Now, the direct pointing of the ninja sword is more of a finishing move that symbolizes defeating the enemy.

"Lost. Everything is over."

Qingzang was also despairing and fell to his knees in despair.

The successful capture of the rebel leader also means that tonight's raid has finally come to an end!

(I wish my family good health in the new year and all their wishes coming true~!)

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