He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2666 Serena’s last Pokémon?

After the battle, De Fu took back the defeated Blizzard King, rubbed his head and walked towards Serena and the Demon Fire Red Fox.

"Little girl, you performed very well~ Then this is proof that you defeated Yingxue Gym! Iceberg Badge!!"

Defu took out a hexagonal badge with a rather formal design, with a small snow mountain pattern in the center of the hexagon.

"So you have collected eight badges, right? I'm looking forward to your performance in the next alliance conference~!"

De said with a smile.

Last year, a player named Ai Lan pushed their Yingxue Gym with a fire-breathing dragon, leaving a deep impression on Defu.

Later, that player also won the tournament very smoothly, almost with an overwhelming advantage.

But this year, Defu is quite optimistic about Serena's performance.

I heard that Serena is still a new trainer who just started traveling this year. If she can win the championship in one year, it will be an amazing feat.

"Thank you for your advice, Mr. Defu!"

Serena quickly bowed solemnly, then took the badge with a smile, looked at it in her hand, and finally carefully put it into her badge box.

At this moment, eight exquisite badges of different shapes and colors have been neatly arranged inside.

"Congratulations to Serena, you have obtained the qualification to participate in the alliance conference!"

"You will definitely get good results!"

Xiaozhi and his group also came up to celebrate, and the gym was suddenly filled with an atmosphere of joy.

"Walking all the way from the northwest of Yingxue City, you can directly reach Miare City. The Alliance Conference will be held there just like last year~"

Defu paused again and said:

"But there is still a month until the conference starts. If you go directly to Miare City now, you will only have to wait for a month. I suggest you go to other areas of Carlos during this time~"

Speaking of this, everyone began to whisper among themselves, thinking about where to go next.

As for Miare City, there is no rush, just arrive in the last few days.

Especially the Citron brothers and sisters, who have grown up in Miare City since childhood and are somewhat indifferent to this city.


Serena also put away the badge box. She will need special training in the next month.

And find and capture her sixth Pokémon to form a complete team.

But the time is not long, maybe the last Pokémon will have to be conquered as much as possible, and it will be a Pokémon that can be beaten out of its mature stage.

It doesn't matter the location. Special training can be done anywhere.

"But we have already traveled all over the Carlos area."

Xiaozhi took out the illustrated book inexplicably. On the screen was a map of the Kalos region. They had almost traveled all the cities and even some famous scenery and roads, and they didn't miss anything.

"Well, young people~"

De Fu coughed and covered the picture book screen with a big hand:

"Sometimes, you can find better directions without relying on this kind of map~"

His words were not empty words.

All the maps marked in the illustrated book are official maps, and the town locations marked are basically the areas surrounding the city of Miare.

Regional towns far away from the city of Miare are not marked.

Everyone nodded blankly, but they were not in a hurry. After thanking De Fu, they left the Yingxue Gym, planning to go back to the Pokémon Center to discuss the matter further.

"Look! Mom, I have collected eight badges!!"

Back at the Pokémon Center, Serena immediately reported the good news to her mother.

Although the illustrated book can be used for portable communication, after all, it only has a palm-sized stereoscopic projection. However, the public telephone area in the Pokémon Center can achieve a one-to-one size projection of a real person, which is very realistic.

"As expected of my daughter~!"

On the other end of the phone, Saqi supported her waist and said proudly, as if she had obtained 8 badges.

The personalities of the mother and daughter are different. Serena is quite gentle and sweet in appearance and personality, while her mother Sachi is very capable in her actions. She is even a very famous armored rhinoceros rider in Carlos. She looks like a strong woman. Posture.

"By the way, Serena, your last Pokémon hasn't been found yet. I have a suggestion!"

At this time, Saqi suddenly spoke.

Serena had a bad premonition for no reason, and her heartbeat slowed down by half a beat.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Thatch happily pointed to the door, and the stereoscopic projection also revealed a blue-gray Pokémon, with its whole body covered in thick armor, and a drilled sharp horn on its head.

That's an armored tyrannosaurus!

Serena slapped her forehead suddenly and couldn't help but complain:

"I knew it. Wait a minute, armored tyrannosaurus?"

Shouldn't it be an armored rhinoceros? How did it evolve?

"Haha, it's my old partner for many years, the Armored Rhino. As you know, its level has long been enough to evolve several times, but for the Armored Rhino riding competition, it has always carried the Unchangeable Stone."

Sage rubbed his head and smiled awkwardly.

A few days ago, when she was scrubbing the armored rhino's body, she took off the aphrodisiac stone and accidentally forgot to put it on.

When I came back from shopping, the armored rhinoceros that was lying on the ground on all fours turned into an armored tyrannosaurus standing upright with two legs!

Saatchi was a little dizzy at the time.

But this is not a mega evolution, it is completely irreversible, so she has no choice but to accept it.

Sachi has not retired yet. He continues to compete in the Iron Rhino riding competition every year. Now he has to replace the new Iron Rhino immediately.

As for this armored tyrannosaurus

"Serena, my good daughter! This is my partner who has accompanied me in cycling competitions for many years. Now I will officially entrust it to you!"

Saatchi burst into tears as if he were acting.

Serena: "."

Why do I think you just want to find someone to take over?

"Don't worry Serena, my armored tyrannosaurus is of a very high level and will never hold you back~ And it has watched you grow up since childhood. Even if you take over, it will not be rebellious and disobedient!"

Sage assured quickly.

Serena held her forehead, feeling a headache.

She wants to find the last Pokémon by herself!

Moreover, she already has two behemoths, the Bully Panda and the Turtle-footed Giant Armor, in her team.

As for the last one, Serena plans to choose a cute Pokémon with good looks and strength like Fairy Eevee.

The result is now an armored tyrannosaurus?

"Don't worry, the armored tyrannosaurus can continue to evolve!"

Saatchi is still recommending without sparing any effort:

"After evolution, the body becomes more powerful and domineering. It matches well with Serena~ and it also has unparalleled destructive power!"

Serena: "."

In the end, she could only helplessly watch the teleportation device, and a Poke Ball came from a distance.

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