He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 260 Sharing Pokémon

"What kind of riddles are these two big guys playing?"

When Qinglu left completely with a livid face, the three of Xiaozhi just looked dumbfounded.


What realm?

"Wait until you're at the level of a league champion to think about that."

Chi just replied indifferently.

Xiaozhi undoubtedly has him, completely forgetting Xiaomao and Qinglu, then looked at the Viking Pan Gym in front of him, took a deep breath, pushed open the door and walked in slowly.

Here I come, my last badge!

Can you beat Xiaomao to the point of autism?

Is it the legendary Boss Sakagi...?

I hope there will be a battle without regrets today!

Xiaozhi's heart suddenly boiled with enthusiasm, Ling Ran's intention was in his chest, he was full of pride, and he swallowed mountains and rivers with anger.

The two Spartan guards parted their spears this time and let Xiao Zhi in.

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang in the back were blocked out, and Viki Pan Gym challenged the rules, and only one person could enter.

Of course, the two of them didn't intend to enter at all. When Xiaozhi's back was swallowed by the gate, the two of them had already turned around and returned to the elf center to drink tea.

"The two of us can't fight Landlords anymore."

"It's not a big problem, just ask Miss Joy to call together."

"You understand."



Inside the Viking Gym.

It seemed that they had experienced a massive battle before, but at this moment the air of the gymnasium was filled with a dangerous smell of gunpowder smoke, and even the surrounding walls and floors showed signs of cracking from time to time.


Xiaozhi swallowed, not daring to be careless and continue to move forward.

You must be prudent when facing Boss Sakagi. This time, just be a cute new trainer who doesn’t understand anything. The goal is only the gym badge, and the rest will be ignored for the time being.

Soon, he came to a training ground, and the light source was not very bright.

This training ground is full of pits and pits, full of traces of the war, even the surrounding walls have much larger cracks, and even a few walls have been smashed into a big hole, and the ground is full of gravel mounds.

"It seems that this is where the battle took place just now..."

The fine smoke and dust are still floating, proving that the time has not passed too long.

Xiaozhi stood on the challenger's exclusive challenge seat, then his voice sank, and he shouted:

"I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and I'm here to challenge Changpan Gym!"

Although he can't be too arrogant, his momentum must be displayed.



After more than ten seconds of silence, there was a sudden sound of lights turning on from around.

I saw an extra figure on the railing platform on the second floor at some point. I couldn’t see the specific appearance, but I could only see the black shadow under the strong round light, with protruding front and back, and long hair. It should be a woman figure.

"Although you didn't ask a question, I still want to tell you mercifully!"

Xiaozhi frowned, the voice and tone of voice were a bit familiar.

Another beam of strong light swept over, and a figure of light also stood on the other side of the railing.

"To prevent the world from being destroyed!"

"To protect the peace of the world!"

"Carry out love and true evil!"

"Lovely and charming villain!"



"We are Team Rocket traveling through the galaxy!"

"White hole, white tomorrow is waiting for us!"

The lights are fully on.

Musashi and Kojiro, who haven't seen each other for a long time, are posing a handsome pose on the railing platform on the second floor, while Miaomiao is controlling fancy lights in the background in the distance, and is matched with a cool bgm, unable to join the battlefield.

"It lacks flavor."

Xiao Zhi stared blankly, and couldn't help but say.

Although I finally heard Team Rocket's lines again, but without Meow Meow, there is no inner flavor.


Xiaozhi suddenly reacted, didn't he mean that the opponent was the boss Sakagi, why did he suddenly become Musashi and Kojiro?

Xiaomao was beaten into autism by these two people?

Cold knowledge, when he was still in the third gym, the illustration book gave Xiaozhi a comment, saying that he could fight two Rockets with one.

After so much tempering, now Xiaozhi is confident that he can play 10 Rockets by himself, so it shouldn't be a big problem, right?

No, this is the trainer he will fight for the last badge, this is what he didn't expect...

Behind the Viridian Gym is the Rockets, and he never considered that these three people maliciously occupied the magpie's nest.

"Hey, little devil, what kind of eyes are you looking at?"

"Who do you look down on?"

Musashi Kojiro realized Xiaozhi's eyes, and his expression was immediately sullen.

That's right, Boss Sakagi went out to hunt the old man in the Johto area. Secretary Matori is also continuing to investigate suspicious novice trainers in other areas at this time. The Viridian gymnasium, for a while, there is no big boss in charge.

There are no tigers in the mountains, and the three form the Overlord.

After all, they are also directly subordinate cadres of Boss Sakagi, and their status is a little bit higher than ordinary people. The three of them naturally became the masters of Viki Pan Gym.


Since there are no big bosses in the gymnasium at the moment, they even showed their holiness in front of people, openly preparing a gaudy opening speech.


"Ah this..."

Xiaozhi's face darkened suddenly, why did the last battle have to be vigorous, and this is the end?

"Little devil, this time we are a brand new Rocket team, don't look down on cats, meow!"

Meow in the backstage lighting room flipped and landed in front of Musashi Kojiro. The sharp claws on the tip of the cat's palm stood up and pointed at Xiaozhi.

"And your electric mouse, this time it must belong to Team Rocket, meow!"

Seeing that Pikachu next to Xiaozhi's trouser legs turned into a gopher model on the spot, and the electric pouch on his cheek was even more electric, with a bad expression, Miaomiao shuddered immediately, and quickly changed his words:

"Ahem, but this time we are just the gymnasium masters, the electric mouse can take a while..."

Damn, maybe they haven't been online for a long time, why does it feel like the strength of this electric mouse has increased a lot.

"All right..."

Seeing a green leaf-like badge held in Musashi's hand, Xiaozhi had no choice but to stand on the podium of the training ground again. After taking a deep breath, his expression became serious.

Since it is the last gym, even though the opponent is a little hip, he still has to fight vigorously!

Arbor Snake and Gas Bomb...Let Pikachu push it directly.

However, to his surprise, the Rockets did not take out their own Poké Ball this time, but dragged out a gashapon-like machine from behind, with a big letter "R" engraved on it, through the transparent Glass, you can also see that there are a lot of purple-black poke balls piled up inside, there are probably dozens of them, and each one is also engraved with the letter "R" representing the Rockets.

Trademark anti-counterfeiting.

"Is this...?" Xiaozhi asked suspiciously.

Seeing the latter's expression of Wuxia Amon, Kojiro showed a complacent expression, and said in an airy way:

"Huh, this is the latest invention of our Rocket team. It aggregates powerful Pokémon so that every member can use them immediately when they need them, and return them in time when they are used up, and give them to the next member who needs to use them. Let resources be recycled to achieve maximum utilization.”

This is the so-called shared Pokémon.

"Bike sharing, you know, is copying the idea of ​​our Rockets."

Xiaozhi: "..."


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