He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2595 A Sandu-level master! ?

After thinking about it again and again, Xiaozhi did not get the reward for exposing Kuailong, which he regarded as a treasure, but only three grapefruits that were rotten on the street.

Even shriveled and inferior fruits that have been stored for many days and have lost their moisture.

After all, Kuailong works so diligently, even if he is extremely tired, and may even suffer work-related injuries such as being buried by an avalanche, he is still working hard because he is supported by three precious gold beads as compensation.

As long as the salary is high enough, not to mention 996, 007 can continue to work!

Now if you know that you only have three pomelo fruits in your hand,

He hadn't recovered from his physical injuries, but he died suddenly psychologically!

Moreover, collecting treasures is just a hobby in Kuailong's heart. He hides it like a miser and doesn't use it.

So there seems to be no difference between three big golden beads and three pomelo fruits?

Carefully supporting Kuailong's fat body, Xiaozhi walked slowly towards the stone room where Frozen Stone was.

It is very cold inside the frozen cave, and there is heavy snowfall outside the cave, making it even colder. On the contrary, the location of the strange frozen stone is the most comfortable temperature.

Latias was also behind, using his magical power to lift Kuailong's body.


Finally, Kuailong fell down next to the frozen stone, and the ground shook slightly.

Kuailong, who was restrained four times by the surrounding environment, could finally take a deep breath. At least the environment here would not make him feel too uncomfortable.

Seeing that Kuailong's body was gradually recovering, Xiaozhi couldn't help but ask:

"Speaking of Kuailong, who is the person who wants to hold the competition?"

This guy with powerful hypnosis seems to be able to hypnotize even an average second-level god, right?


When he thought of that existence, Kuailong's expression became solemn.

Only it, the messenger, has definitely seen the other party, and only it can understand how terrifying the other party is.


So Kuailong raised his claws and raised three fingers towards Xiaozhi!

Based on the communication through the power of bond, Xiaozhi roughly understood what Kuailong meant.

"That guy's strength is unprecedentedly powerful. He's like a god who can control everything in the world. It's the first time I've seen such a powerful existence!"

"At least we can make three crossings!"

As a dragon-type Pokémon, Kuailong still knows Du in his hometown, and subconsciously regards Du as the highest-level unit.

"Can you actually beat three Mr. Du?"

Xiaozhi was a little surprised, Du was a powerful league champion.

An existence far beyond the league championship level. Who is he?

Is it possible that there is a new realm beyond the championship level?

Xiaozhi also subconsciously thought that the other party was a human trainer.

Just other information about this Sandu level master. Even the messenger Kuailong knows very little.

The origin and purpose are unknown.

But the only thing that is certain is that with so many things going on behind the scenes, this competition for the strongest trainers is no longer a child's play.

"In other words, will there really be many masters gathered by then?"

"You can also fight against Sandu level masters!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but feel elated when he heard it. Even though he was in the ice cave, his chest was getting hotter.

He even rubbed his palms together and stared directly at the letter on Kuailong's waist.

"So. Does this contain my invitation letter?"


Kuailong Mengmeng tilted his head, a little dazed.

Then he grabbed the letter in the bag and rummaged through it for a while. Finally, he spread his hands and gave Xiaozhi a helpless expression.

Not really.

"Ah? How is that possible! I have challenged many masters in Kalos recently!"

Xiaozhi suddenly became frustrated.

The guy with the dreadlocks I saw at the Pokémon Center before didn’t look very strong. Even he could get an invitation!

"Wu, Wu~!"

Kuailong quickly put the letter back carefully and comforted him.

It probably means that it has been sent for two or three months, and the letter was delivered based on the information given by the employer.

The information at that time was given in one go, so the targets were all well-known at least three or four months ago, and were trainers operating near the Kalos area.

For example, in the Carlos Alliance conference held four months ago, Kuailong sent an invitation letter to Ai Lan, the winner of the conference.

"Ah, four months ago?!"

Xiaozhi understood and turned into a bitter melon face.

He had just arrived in Kalos four months ago, and maybe others didn’t even know that he had arrived in Kalos!

"Damn it, I just missed it!"

Xiaozhi held his head in frustration and said it was a pity.

However, Xiaozhi saved his life. After thinking about it, Kuailong took out an invitation letter from his bag and handed it to Xiaozhi.

Repayment from Kuailong.

"Um, can you give me this?"

Xiaozhi took it blankly. Although he had seen the invitation letter before, there was no specific name of the contestant in it. He could just grab someone else's to participate like Team Rocket did.

Just because Kuailong gave it to himself, doesn't it mean that another person can't receive it?

"Wu, Wu~! (A human I was about to deliver was accidentally washed away by the waves and his whereabouts are unknown, so this is an extra invitation.)"

Kuailong explained.

Previously, it was delivering a message outside the beach in Guxiang Town. The recipient of the delivery was a surfer. At that time, a big wave hit him and swept him directly into the seabed.

There is a description in the illustrated book that "often rescues human beings in distress at sea", so Kuailong naturally flies over to rescue immediately.

It was just that the sea water was very rough at that time. Even if Kuailong mastered the three secret skills of flying, surfing and diving, he could not find the surfer in trouble.

Now it is probably buried under the sea, treated as garbage by wild garbage algae, and corroded into natural nutrients, right?

Xiaozhi: "."

Gu Xiangzhen, a surfer and an expert trainer

Couldn't it be the fossil researcher he met before?

Well, it shouldn't be such a coincidence.

However, since it was an open invitation, Xiaozhi did not refuse, and finally got an invitation to the competition as he wished!


But in the end, Kuailong still reminded him with a serious face.

This competition may not be a serious competition.

When it received the information and letters from its employer, the other party's expression and eyes were not right.

The other party always feels like he wants to kill someone?

When he recalled it, Kuailong couldn't help but trembled, and then quickly shook his head.

The other party shouldn't have summoned a large group of human masters just to wipe out all these humans, right?

Strangely enough, the employer himself is also a Pokémon.

Why should we imitate humans and become a "trainer"?

At that time, the opponent was wearing a concealing cloak, but Kuailong still vaguely saw several black elf balls that he had never seen before on the opponent's waist.

Hell, a Pokémon can actually conquer a Pokémon? !

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