He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2582 It’s just a super dragon, should it be fine?

Chapter 2582 It’s just a super dragon, it should be fine.?

Xiaozhi hadn't noticed that there was someone behind him who was dumbstruck, and was minding his own business directing the Pokémon in front of him.

Unknowingly, my Carlos team has become quite large.

Needless to say, Pikachu, a veteran, was sleeping nearby.

The Kalos region didn't seem to be its home ground, and it didn't even notice that its role was taken away by others.

And the two classic Yu Sanjia, the Croak-headed Frog and Fatty Hali, have both completed the first stage of evolution at this moment, and both have considerable combat effectiveness.

In every previous private fight between the two, they always won with the overwhelming strength advantage of the croaking frog.

But since Fatty Hali completed his evolution, his strength has also improved by leaps and bounds, and he is no longer far behind the little frog.

At this moment, two Pokémon were nearby, having a daily private fight.


Fatty Hali's offensive was in full swing, and his two arms were all attached with green light, turning into two energy sledgehammers.

The two-handed wooden mallet was danced fiercely by Fat Hali, making it difficult for the frog holding the water wave knife to get close and attack.

However, in terms of speed and maneuverability, the frog has an absolute advantage.

The most important thing is that Fat Hali has no brains.

Therefore, in the private battle between these two Pokémon, it is still the Frog's side that maintains a 100% winning rate.

As for the Rocket Bird, it is practicing its flying ability in high altitude alone.

The body moved from time to time and burst out with flames. It was not known whether this was a sign of his imminent evolution or a sign of understanding the ultimate move "Flash Charge".

As for the remaining Pokémon, it’s Ash’s Kalosdragon.

The old dragon, the two-headed tyrannosaurus, stood at the front, baring its teeth and showing a high-pitched and rough aura.

The second in line is the steel dragon Nianmeier. A silver-white snail shell lies on the ground, with half of its body sticking out of a hole on one side.

Nian Meier's cute fairy tale style of painting can be said to be the most inconsistent with the nature of dragons.

Next came the poisonous dragon Garbage Algae who was the third in line. The seahorse's body was curled up and hugging the metal film, but his eyes were staring straight at the metal snail shell in front of Nian Mei'er.

Damn it, how cool it would be if I could hold this huge metal shell!

Although Junk Algae has not evolved yet and has not yet acquired the dragon attribute, some basic tornado and dragon breath moves can already be used.

Ranked fourth is the newly hatched Rock Dragon Baby Tyrannosaurus.


Although he is the youngest, he is also the most arrogant.

The obviously big head also opened its mouth to the maximum, and kept gritting its teeth behind it, roaring.

The target is focused on the two-headed tyrannosaurus at the front, and it seems that it will pounce at any time and seize the boss's position.

Even today, Xiaozhi brought over all the thunder drums that he had conquered during a wonderful trip last time, and played them all together.

This is the fifth one, Brontosaurus and Thunder Drum!

This is a legendary Pokémon. As soon as it appears, the thunderclouds spinning in circles on its slender neck make bursts of thunderous sounds, which is impressive.

With a sideways glance, all the dragon beasts could not help but feel frightened. Only Latias beside Xiaozhi could calm him down.

However, after half a month of recuperating at the Oak Research Institute, although Thunder Drum still did not obey Xiaozhi's command, he had become accustomed to being surrounded by human Pokémon and would not take the initiative to attack.

"Thunder Roar."

After letting out a low roar, Meng Leigu silently walked to the edge of the practice field.

He raised his slender neck slightly, like a giraffe, and jumped his head over the two-meter-high wall, eating the leaves of the local redwood, looking indifferent to the world.

Xiaozhi: "."

It seems that it will take some time before he can command this strange thunder dragon.

It's not a big problem. Today's focus is originally on the dragon team in front of us, and these dragon beasts have not reached maturity, and there are even a few babies.

"Well everyone, today I specially invited Latias to teach you a lesson, so that you can see what a real dragon is!!"

Xiaozhi coughed and said with a rare serious expression:

"Now everyone applauds and welcomes Teacher Latias!"

Suddenly, all the dragon beasts in front of him started to scream, and some of them even clapped their hands.

A baby Tyrannosaurus with a hand so short that it couldn't even touch the other hand would simply hit the ground roughly with its rocky head.

The powerful Latias can still be recognized by them. Even the arrogant two-headed tyrannosaurus maintains a humble attitude towards Latias.


The red-haired maid next to Xiaozhi also showed a sweet smile, and then a burst of red light flashed around her body, and then she turned into a red and white flying dragon, hovering into the sky, and her transformation movements were extremely smooth and silky.

Now she can be the sixth dragon in the team, a super dragon!


Serena, who had been standing in a wooden state on the back steps, finally shook her head and returned to her normal appearance.

Seeing Latias's "great transformation into a living dragon", she let out a sigh of relief.

Just now, Serena has already imagined countless plots between Xiaozhi and the red-haired maid.

But when I think about it again, yes, how could Xiaozhi do those things that Super Dragon did?

"It's okay, I have to work hard even if it's okay!"

Serena cheered herself up secretly, and then did not disturb Xiaozhi's training, but turned around and walked towards the other trainer.

It's just a Pokémon, so it should be fine.

"Latias, use Meteor Swarm!!!"

As soon as he came up, Xiaozhi directed Latias to use his ultimate move, giving these little guys a little shock first.

Latias understood, and immediately lowered his figure, but raised his slender neck, and then threw a black-purple energy ball into the air.

Boom! !

The energy ball that reached its peak exploded, forming countless densely packed small meteorites that suddenly fell down.

Boom boom boom! !

It splashed down on the playing field, the ground shook violently continuously, and the bombardment exploded countless gravel pits, and the scene was horrifying.

Just this move made all the dragon beasts look surprised.

Latias's AOE ultimate move feels like he can completely destroy them all!

Now, they admired Teacher Latias even more, and they all came together, hoping to master one or two secret moves from each other.

Even the giraffe Lei Gong, who had been grazing silently beside him, turned his gaze slightly.

The strength of this red flying dragon is not simple. It should be able to reach the same level as myself?

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