He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2571 Aromatherapy City and Yuanzhu City

After successfully conquering Nianmei'er, who has added steel attributes, Xiaozhi and his party embarked on the journey again.

Walking along this long Route 14, an ancient city appeared in everyone's eyes.

Aroma City is famous for its red-leafed trees that grow all over the city.

As soon as they entered the city, the first thing everyone saw was the red-brown trees on both sides of the street, which were somewhat similar to maple trees. The trees were covered with frost-red leaves that swayed gently in the breeze.

Below the feet, in addition to the normal brick streets, the city is covered with grass of different colors such as tea green and lemon yellow.

Even though it was still daytime, the whole city was dyed red like a brilliant dusk.

"This city looks so familiar?"

Xiaozhi had just walked in, and he always felt that Aromatherapy City felt inexplicably familiar.

Even the buildings here are quite quaint, and they are not the medieval stone castles of Carlos style, but more like traditional wooden houses in the hometown style.

"Enzhu City?!"

After walking through a few streets, Xiaozhi finally came to his senses. The style of this city was so similar to the quaint Enzhu City in the Johto area!

Even the ladies passing by on the street were not wearing the fashionable European style that Carlos usually wore.

Instead, he wears a colorful Japanese wide-sleeved kimono, but the details are still somewhat different from the traditional kimono shape in the Johto area, and it seems to have been modified to a certain extent.

"These clothes are so beautiful!!"

Serena couldn't help but be so excited that she even wanted to dive into a local clothing store right away, where she would definitely be able to buy all kinds of exotic kimonos!

"Oh, that's it"

While walking, Citron flipped through the guide book and suddenly realized something.

"It turns out that Miss Ma Xiu's hometown is the Johto area, and it is said that she was once a geisha model there."

Later, after moving to the Kalos area, he served as the gym leader of Aroma City, and vigorously promoted the culture of his hometown to take root here.

To this day, the fashion culture popular in Aroma City is more in line with the Johto region, rather than the common fashion elements in the Kalos region.

"So that's the case, no wonder."

Xiaozhi nodded, and his guess was indeed correct.

"Hey! Speaking of Miss Ma Xiu!"

Serena finally came to her senses and realized that she still had her sixth gym badge to collect.

She has done a lot of training along the way and is full of confidence.

"And Miss Ma Xiu is an excellent fashion designer. Why should I go to other stores?"

Serena's eyes narrowed and she was suddenly full of energy.

In addition to daily battle challenges, Aromatherapy Gym is also a comprehensive shopping mall with a catwalk stage, clothing store, and styling design store!

Miss Ma Xiu often holds model catwalks in the gym, and the clothes on display are all wide-sleeved kimono styles she designed herself, which are also sold in the gym store.

"Let's go! Everyone, it's still early today!!"

This time it was Serena's turn to become impatient and quickly led her friends to the Pokémon Center.

After taking a short rest and replenishing the Pokémon's energy, they rushed to Aroma City without stopping.

It was just after noon when they entered the city. They could complete the gym challenge on the same day and then enjoy shopping.


Regarding Serena's fanatical shopping habit, Xiaozhi and the others could only smile at each other and followed helplessly.

After some rest, everyone had arrived at the entrance of the Aromatherapy Gym.

The location is also very easy to identify. Behind the gym stands a huge red-leaf tree. It is said that the tree is thousands of years old and is a surface attraction in Aroma City.

Although the size is not as exaggerated and huge as the Oath Tree in Biyi City, at a height of nearly ten meters, it still stands out among the buildings and trees in Xiangxuan City and is very easy to recognize.

"Speaking of which, the history of many cities in Carlos seems to have originated around a thousand years ago."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but think.

For example, the dilapidated manor castles in Gumu Town, the weird boulders in Shixiang Town, the Trial Tower built in Saluo City, and the Tree of Oath planted in Biyi City.

I don’t know what happened at that time, but it seems that many places in Carlos had their original origins at the same time.

Without thinking about it, Xiaozhi looked at the Aromatherapy Gym in front of him.

The architecture of the house naturally imitates the architectural style of Yuanzhu City. It is a simple wooden building with blue tiles, which is somewhat similar to Yuanzhu Daoguan.

The huge red-leaf branches at the back extend over, giving the gymnasium a natural shade.

There are several floors in the gym. On the third floor, a wooden floor protrudes, which is probably where the gym challenge will take place.

Boom boom! !

Even when Xiaozhi and the others looked up, they could hear explosions coming from above.

I guess someone is challenging the gym?

"Guys, what are you doing? If you want to buy clothes, go through the back door. The front door is for gym challengers~"

At the entrance of the Aromatherapy Gym, there was a sweet-looking older sister wearing a light blue wide-sleeved kimono. She came up with a smile and introduced her.

When she first saw the stylish and beautiful Serena, she thought she was a customer coming to the Aromatherapy Gym to buy clothes.

"Oh, my name is Serena, and I'm here to challenge the Aromatherapy Gym!"

After Serena and her friends looked at each other, they quickly stepped forward and introduced themselves.

"Do you want to challenge the gym?"

The big sister in kimono was stunned. Most beautiful girls in the Kalos region were aiming for the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament. There were very few who challenged the Gym Alliance Tournament like Serena.

Generally, such female trainers will have an obvious sharp and heroic aura about them.

But Serena's temperament, gentle and sweet, doesn't seem like this type of trainer.

But it wasn’t a big problem, she still smiled and said:

"But our gym owner is currently accepting challenges from other people. We only accept one challenge a day, so you can only come again tomorrow."

Seeing Serena suddenly become dejected, she added with a smile:

"But although I can't challenge the gym today, I can still watch their gym challenge? How about it, how about some of them who want to go up and be spectators now?"

"Although the time is calculated, the above game should be almost in the second half."

"I want I want!!"

Yulijia from behind was the first to raise her hand.

She had long heard that Miss Ma Xiu was a Carlos beauty as famous as Miss Kalunai, and she wanted to see this future sister-in-law candidate.

Well, in Yurika's eyes, even Karuna can be included in the queue of candidates.

"Well, we want to see it!"

Serena also nodded solemnly, just in time to see the strength of this Miss Ma Xiu and have a solid foundation.

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