He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2567 Evolution, Fat Hali!

Mrs. Hua Jie's tough attitude makes Xiaozhi and others quite troublesome.

It can be seen that this Pokémon not only has a special appearance, but also has special powers, and even its level is not low.

Although if you leave it to Pikachu, it shouldn't be a big problem, and you can still defeat the opponent.

On the other hand, Mrs. Hua Jie is actually strong on the outside but weak on the inside, and is not as confident as she appears on the surface.

More than twenty volleys of sunlight and flames were fired across the entire field at the same time. Naturally, they were not fired casually.

Although she partly relied on the power of the grass field, the blow just now also weakened most of Mrs. Hua Jie's physical strength, leaving her body empty of energy and blood.

Glancing at the grass hedgehog in front of her, she was slightly confused.

It stands to reason that only insect-type Pokémon that have endured his powerful whipping will be at his mercy.

This grass hedgehog does not have a bug attribute, and because he did not have the energy to use his ultimate move just now, he simply drew out a vine whip. How could he directly tame this grass hedgehog?

She looked around again, and saw that all the miscellaneous fish such as the giant armor and the pincer-tailed scorpion had been defeated. They fell to the ground in twos and threes, and there were not many flying insects left in the air. At this moment, she was almost a polished commander.

"Hua Jie!!"

Mrs. Hua Jie shouted, even so, she must take away this precious spring of life!

She then forcibly gathered up her strength and prepared to fire a second round of sunshine and flames in an attempt to end the battle at once.


However, Ha Lili in front of him showed his courtesy and jumped up in advance. His limbs were tightened and the steel needles on his back stood up!

Whoosh! !

The next moment, countless green light spiked cannonballs were released from the back of Ha Lili's head and back, and they were all shot in the direction of everyone!

"Missile needle?! No!"

Xiaozhi looked shocked and blurted out.

Although it is a special effect of missile needles, there are too many of them, and they attack five or six directions at the same time!

This is a bug-type move, and it doesn't enjoy the bonus of the grass field below. How come its power and scale are so much stronger all of a sudden?


The frog's eyes narrowed, and the condensed Iai Zanbai Blade in his hand chopped up the four or five incoming missile needles and detonated them. His movements were still crisp and clean.

Boom! ! Boom! !

The same scene also appeared in other locations, with long-tailed fire foxes, photoelectric umbrella lizards, etc. also resisting or dodging.

Although the power of the missile needles that attack in every direction has become more powerful than normal, this is a scattered attack.

What if these attacks are concentrated on one target?

Xiaozhi's eyes widened, and Halili's power inexplicably increased again! ?

Sensing that Ha Lili was not weak, Mrs. Hua Jie's face was filled with joy. It turned out that this little guy was of some use.


Then a vine whip hit Ha Lili hard on the back.

The whipping attack, which was supposed to be cold and painful, made Ha Lili extremely excited and his tongue stuck out.

"Nima niima.!!"

He even cursed at Xiaozhi and his group, completely becoming the enemy's lackeys.

"Hey Harry, wake up!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but shout loudly. Even if he used his bond power to connect to the other party, his thoughts were completely lost in the sea without any waves.

Poor Harry has no brain at all.

Xiaozhi: "."

He was planning to take back Ha Lili first, but he was simply doing a disservice!

Just when he took out the elf ball, he saw a green light suddenly appearing around Harry.


Immediately afterwards, countless streams of green light flew from all directions on the surrounding ground, and even further away, and focused on Ha Lili's body.

This made Ha Lili's breath gradually surge.


Everyone was shocked, a familiar scene appeared again!

Xiaozhi also quickly put down the elf ball. This phenomenon is rare!

"The power of waveguide!"

This time, he used his strength immediately and concentrated his mind, trying to see what these green streams of light were.

In the line of sight of the waveguide, you can see these streamers, like green tadpoles dragging a long light arc tail, and they look like they have been seen somewhere before.

"Zygarde's cells?!"

Xiaozhi was shocked to recognize it and blurted out.

It was exactly what I had seen before, lying in various small corners, resembling a ball of green ooze.

He took out a black-green polyhedron prop—the Zygarde Polyhedron—from his bag with his backhand, and raised his hand toward a streak of green light that passed by him.

call out.!

Sure enough, like a magnet, before this green stream of light reached Ha Lili's body, it was cut off by the polyhedron in advance and sucked in easily.

"It really is!"

Xiaozhi came to his senses, and sure enough, the strange landscape on Harili's body was related to the legendary ancient god of Kalos, Zygarde.

It's just that one side is a collection of huge energy, and the other side is the tail of a crane with no brains.

How are the two connected?

After absorbing a large amount of green light, everyone thought that Ha Lili was about to release the AOE big move that instantly killed several Team Flare Pokémon - the power of the earth, and they all became alert and alert.

Unexpectedly, Ha Lili did not pour this power onto the ground, but fully used it for himself.


The next moment, the rich green light on his body turned into a dazzling white light!

Ha Lili's body shape is also constantly changing and expanding in the light.


Xiaozhi looked happy, he didn't expect such an unexpected gain today.

Speaking of which, it's time for Harili's level to evolve.

As the light dissipated, Ha Lili showed a new attitude.

It still has a hedgehog-like body, a tan body, and the outside is wrapped in a green hard shell with some thick and long thorns.

It's just that during the Harili period, at least there was a neck connection between the head and the body (although it was a bit shorter).

But after evolving at this moment, the head and body were merged into one, turning into a big round ball, and the neck area disappeared directly.

It's probably similar to the Firestorm Monkey, with a spherical body and limbs and tails extending from both sides.

"Uh, why did you gain weight?"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows. Although Harili ate a lot, he was still small and light.

Now it has turned into a big fat ball!

So he took out the illustrated book with his backhand:

"Fat Hali, grass attribute, the evolved form of Hali. The strong shell covering the body can reflect the enemy's attacks, and it will counterattack with sharp thorns."

Even the names have become more abstract.

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