He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2539 The large underground cave in Sinnoh!

Since the legendary diamond mining country has never been found, the people behind naturally did not continue to search so feverishly.

Until modern times, even this legend has rarely been mentioned, and it only occasionally appears in some ballads and fairy tales in the Carlos region.


After listening to Yan Kai's story, Xiaozhi frowned deeply.

A mythical legend with no credibility or anything like that.

You can't just find a random spot in the Kalos area and just dig down to search for it, right?

"In short, this legend still has some credibility, because many people have indeed discovered intricate natural cave tunnels under Carlos, and there are more than one. These other underground tunnels have been found in various places."

"Maybe there really is a branch cave connecting the entire underground world."

Yan Kai looked serious and continued:

"It's just that there is no direction at all between the caves, and most of them lead to dead ends. I haven't found the real diamond mining country yet."

"And these caves are all super caves with a depth of at least more than 100 meters. It is too difficult to dig and explore. Even for Pokémon with ground attributes and good at digging, it is really difficult to operate them."

"Now, no one will continue to carry out this project."

Yan Kai sighed helplessly.

As a middle school knight, he still likes this kind of fantasy epic style legend.

"100 meters?"

Xiaozhi's frown did not relax.

The hundreds of meters of solid ground have exceeded the detection limit of his waveguide power.

I originally thought about using the power of waveguide to explore on the ground, but now I can't do it.

"Oh! It seems that this legend really exists. Many people were looking for it twenty years ago!"

Next to him, Citron also retrieved some relevant information on his laptop.

Although, it all came to nothing in the end.

"But I also checked recently in the Sinnoh region, and it has been clearly discovered that there is an inner earth world there!"

Citron pushed up his glasses and looked at Xiaozhi curiously:

"Xiao Zhi, haven't you traveled to the Sinnoh region before?"

"Is there another inner earth world in the Sinnoh region?"

Xiaozhi was stunned. This was the first time he heard this statement, and he quickly came over and looked at the screen.

There was a piece of latest information on the screen. It basically said that underground in the Sinnoh region, there was an intricate underground world like a labyrinth that extended to the entire region.

This has been named the Great Underground Cave by the Sinnoh Alliance!

Moreover, the environment of each area in this cave is different. Every time a slender cave tunnel is separated, there will be an open secret nest stone cave. The environment and climate inside these secret nests are different.

In addition to the common rocky and grassland terrains, there are even some secret nests in ice, snow, and lava environments, which are incredible, so the wild Pokémon that live in them are also different.

Currently, only professional exploration teams can enter this large underground cave.

But in a few years, ordinary trainers in the Sinnoh region will not only be able to travel and explore on land, but there will also be a vast and strange land underground where they can go and adventure.

Just find a piece of land, drill down, and appear in another world!

"Is there such a thing?"

After reading the latest information, Xiaozhi looked regretful and envious.

Missed it!

If he had traveled to the Sinnoh region two years later, he might have ventured into the underground world of Sinnoh by now!

"However, since the underground world has been discovered in the Sinnoh region, then the legend of the diamond mining country that represents our Kalos region is not completely false!"

Serena couldn't help but said, looking a little excited.

An underground world full of diamond mines.

It is estimated to be even more dreamy and beautiful than the scene in the Mirror Cave Cave!

Picking them up randomly on the ground, they are all precious and gorgeous gemstones and jewelry!

"But the actual operation is a bit difficult. After all, the exploration of the underground world is not the focus of development promoted by the Carlos Alliance."

Heavenly King Yankai shook his head and sighed.

After all, the Sinnoh region is still a more traditional region, and special attention is paid to the exploration of its own geographical environment.

I even heard that Miss Zhulan, the local league champion, is also a scholar who is keen on archaeological research.

Naturally, this kind of project to explore and excavate the underground world will be vigorously promoted.

But the Carlos area has a completely opposite style.

People here prefer a variety of projects that favor fashion, leisure, and literary styles.

For example, armored rhinoceros riding, sky battle, or rock climbing, painting, surfing, and triple crown satellite performances, entertainment stars.

Xiaozhi has seen a lot along the way, and we can get a glimpse of how popular these projects are in the Kalos region.

And Miss Kalunai, the league champion of the Carlos region, is also a famous movie actress herself.

"Even the Flame Team is focused on high-tech development."

Heavenly King Yankai spread his hands, and there was a friction sound between the armors.

There is no market at all in Carlos for exploring the underground world.

"I can only think of the evolutionary props your crystal rock snake needs at the moment. But where exactly is this mysterious country? It's up to you to find it yourself."

Finally, Heavenly King Yankai patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder, left a word and walked into the power plant.

He has to stay here for a few days as a precaution.

Originally, he wanted to invite Xiaozhi to his chivalry gym, but after thinking about it, it seems that if Xiaozhi goes to that place, he can speedrun his own gym.

Well, let’s invite some young and promising trainers.

Soon, Xiaozhi and his team also returned to the lobby of the power plant to take a short rest, and had a heated discussion about the underground diamond mine country.

"Humph! Science is the only way to open up the future!!"

Citron had already rolled up his sleeves with a blushing face, preparing to design a set of instruments specifically designed to detect the existence beneath the ground.

And Xiaozhi couldn't think of any good solution for the time being.

You can only release your crystal rock snake every time you go to a place and let it dive underground on its own to see if you can find any special traces.

Maybe you're lucky, and one day you can simply dive and dig a hole, and fall directly into this so-called diamond mining country.

"By the way, are there any ancient gods or phantom beasts with ground attributes?"

Xiaozhi muttered something. With Pokémon that can search such an underground country, it is estimated that only mythical beasts or fantasy beasts can do this, right?

After rolling his eyes, Xiaozhi's eyes fell on Harili who was still holding his breath and charging up his evolution outside the door, and his eyes couldn't help but shine.

The "Divine Power of the Earth" move that Ha Lili used earlier was a ground attribute move, right?

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