He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2513 Xiaozhi’s command vs. Thunder Drum!

"Xiao Zhi, why do you suddenly appear here?"

Chrissy couldn't help but stepped forward and asked.

Damn it, I just thought of Xiaozhi when the latter appeared.

"Well, it's a long story. Anyway, I'm not particularly sure."

Xiaozhi scratched his head and did not elaborate on the golden ring.

"You're not asking me to help you touch your balls again, are you? You're chasing me here. The two balls you touched last time made me soft for several days. I can't stand it anymore!!"

Ah Jin took a few steps back, not intending to have any intimate communication with Xiao Zhi.

Last time I helped him consecrate the eggs of the baby Tyrannosaurus and Ice and Snow Dragon, but they drained him dry.

The result was a disobedient Emperor Yan.

Blood loss!

There was nothing wrong with what A Jin said, but the words "touching the egg" made the people in the investigation team nearby tremble and look at him strangely.

Although they didn't say anything, they quietly took a few steps away from Ah Jin and Xiao Zhi.

"Oh~ Emperor Yan, you are here too~!"

Seeing Emperor Yan coming over, Xiaozhi stroked the hair on the side of Emperor Yan's head, which was a little prickly at the moment.

"Hey, why are you so angry?"

Only then did Xiaozhi look at the Thunder Drum again. He felt that the scene on this side was similar to the scene where the golden ring on the other side was teleported.

Over there is the dinosaur Suicune, and here is the ice dragon version of Raikou.

So is there another dinosaur version of Emperor Yan?

We are all three holy beasts, so it’s impossible for our own Flame Emperor to not be in Qixing kind of state, right? !

So, are Ah Jin and the others fighting against this Thunder God?

"Uh, um"

Suddenly interrupted by Xiaozhi, Akin also got into trouble.

He originally thought of replacing Yan Emperor and directly sending his ace Fire Beast to continue fighting.

But now Xiaozhi suddenly appears here, and Emperor Yan has not lost his fighting power. If he changes directly, he will always feel something strange.

"Hey, forget it Xiaozhi, you and Entei go first. If you lose, then you and Bakutaro will be replaced!!"

Finally, Ah Jinmao waved his hand impatiently and took a few steps back.

Everyone who sees it has a chance to conquer this violent thunder drum, and he can also watch the battle of Emperor Yan.


Xiaozhi was stunned, why was he about to fight as soon as he teleported here?

Judging from the tone, it sounds like I have won. Can I directly subdue this thunder drum?

Xiaozhi's heart gradually became hot.

"Yan drink!!"

Emperor Yan's eyes lit up completely, he lowered his head and cupped Xiaozhi, pushing him forward.

Finally a normal trainer!

Seeing this, Chris did not regard Xiaozhi as an outsider, and quickly reminded her:

"In short, the opponent has electricity and dragon attributes. It seems that he is good at long-range special attacks but not good at actions. He also has an exclusive move called Thunder, which is similar to the electric-type surprise move."

Xiaozhi listened blankly, is he actually a dragon again?

But since it's a fight, he won't refuse.

"Then the decision is yours, Emperor Yan!!"

Xiaozhi soon entered a fighting state, with fiery eyes, and with a wave of his big hand, he took the lead in launching an attack:

"Spray flames!!"

Emperor Yan nodded, immediately raised his head and roared, opened his mouth and sprayed out a beam of blazing flames!

Ajin: "?"

Is your dog playing a double standard? !

At this time, the flame spray is so smooth, so there is no need to stomp with the most effective effect?

Faced with the incoming flames, the violent thunder drum regained its strength, and a beam of electric current and an electric shock wave flew out from the rotating thunder cloud!

Boom! !

The two moves collided and exploded in the center, causing an explosion of smoke and dust.


But before the smoke and dust dispersed, a beam of flame broke through the smoke and came out, taking on the shape of a flame tornado, surrounding the figure of Meng Leigu.

It's a vortex of flames!

However, the Thunder Drum repeated its old tricks, and violent discharge moves were scattered in all directions, piercing and destroying all the surrounding flames.


Then the scattered electric current condensed into one point in the air again, and its power was compressed and increased, and it was shot out suddenly!

But on the other side, Emperor Yan's whole body was wrapped in blue flames, as if burning to the extreme, forming a fireball that was extinguishing and breathtaking!

With a kick of his feet, he destroyed the ground along the way and created a long ravine mark. He braved the billowing smoke and trampled and charged away!

Flash Charge! !

Crack! !

At the moment of contact, the flash charge easily broke through the incoming electricity, but the offensive did not weaken much and continued to rush out with great momentum.

Boom boom! !

In the end, the Flare Charge hit the Thunder Drum squarely in the chest, knocking it away, and finally hit the rock wall behind it heavily.

Suddenly there was a burst of gravel and smoke, and he fell to the ground again in a panic.

"Yan drink.!"

After a successful blow, Emperor Yan's body was filled with arcs of back-injury electricity, but he still raised his head and let out a low roar of satisfaction.

Sure enough, it would be fun to fight together with Xiaozhi!

This powerful and wild blow shocked the onlookers.

"Wait a minute, that person is Ash from Kanto, right?"

"No wonder it's so powerful!"

"Is it plastic surgery? I didn't recognize it at first."

The people in this investigation team whispered to each other, and they all recognized Xiaozhi.

After all, they are all from Johto, adjacent to the Kanto region, so naturally they are no strangers to Ash, one of the twin stars of Zhenxin Town.

It's just that Ash's face was partially modified by the Kalos region, so he didn't recognize it right away.

"Tsk, has Xiaozhi become stronger again?!"

Ah Jin looked solemn and focused.

It seems that he has to find time to have a battle with Xiaozhi. He wants to see how far this kid has grown now.

However, this blow did not completely determine the outcome.

There was an obvious burn mark on Meng Leigu's neck and chest, but he still stood up with support.

The opponent in front of me is not simple.

Moreover, he seemed to have an aura similar to his own, but he had never seen a Pokémon like Entei, which was really strange.

Meng Leigu's eyes narrowed, and the thunderclouds around his head began to rotate. This time it was his turn to take the initiative to attack.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, a dark whirlwind with a hint of light blue light blew around Emperor Yan's body.


Although the power is not high, it has the effect of causing continuous damage and restricting the opponent's movement.

"Fire roar."

However, Emperor Yan's eyes did not waver, and his figure was as motionless as a volcano, with only the white smoke of the volcano floating gently behind him.

A move of this level is not worthy of him!

Seeing that he seemed to be underestimated, Meng Lei Gu also became a little more angry, and his mouth hidden in the thunder clouds was exposed.

Boom! !

A dragon-shaped shock wave suddenly flew out of it, and dragon waves shot out! !

It is also a dragon-type Pokémon, so don’t underestimate it!

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