He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2496 Fierce battle, Blastoise vs. Lucario! !


Seeing this, Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless at all. This Blastoise was Xiaomao's starting Pokémon.

Although Xiaomao's cultivation is based on an average style, each Pokémon's ability will not be weak, but it will not be too outstanding.

But he had also fought against this water arrow turtle before, and his opponent was extremely powerful, so he couldn't slack off at all!

"Xiao Mao, let me see if your level as a trainer has dropped over the years!"

Xiaozhi naturally retorted and threw a Poké Ball at the same time.

"The decision is yours!!"

The red light fell, and a familiar Pokémon appeared in front of everyone.

The upright dog-headed Pokémon has a handsome and cool appearance.

"It's Lucario!!"

Among the crowd of onlookers, Korni was the first to stand up excitedly. Is this Xiaozhi's Lucario?

Although the appearance is no different from my own, the waveguide energy is simple yet faintly spreading outward.

It seems to be many times stronger than my own Lucario!

"This Lucario was Xiaozhi's traveling companion in the Sinnoh region. He was also one of the aces in the team at that time. He was proficient in the power of the waveguide and was extremely powerful."

As a big fan of Ash Zhi, Doropa couldn't help but introduce this Lucario to everyone.

"Don't be careless Lucario, the opponent this time is completely different from the Boscodora we fought in Haruka City before!"

Xiaozhi quickly reminded him, but his Lucario was well versed in the power of waveguides and could sense the strength of the opponent to some extent, so naturally he would not be careless in the slightest.

Although his Lucario has been in trouble since the time of the Pokémon Egg.

But after all, after Master Ajin’s consecration and blessing, he received the inheritance of the power of waveguide in the ancient city of Orudolan in the Fangyuan region, and even received the dreamy enlightenment.

Today's strength is also strong enough!

"Then, the battle begins!!"

With a low shout from Cocobul, the two instantly entered fighting mode, and their fighting spirit reached its peak.

"Lucario, Bullet Punch!!"

At the beginning of the battle, Lucario took the lead and rushed out, leaving a mark on the ground with his soles, his body turned into a stream of light, and his silver-white fist hit the water arrow turtle's shell and belly directly!

Bang bang! !

There was a crisp sound, and the Water Arrow Turtle couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Then the wave missiles!!"

Just as he put away his fist, Lucario turned his fist into his palm, and a dark blue wave missile condensed into shape almost instantly and was thrown out.

Such a wave missile release speed was difficult for Kerni and even Cocobul, his old partner, to achieve.

"Is it still such an airtight attack? Use high-speed rotation to bounce away!"

Although he was at a disadvantage at the beginning, Xiao Mao's expression did not change and he responded quickly.

The water arrow turtle immediately retracted its limbs and head, and its hard turtle shell spun in mid-air, rushing towards the wave missile in an attempt to fly it away.


However, Lucario behind him raised his arm and pressed his fingers to the left.

call out.!

The missile that was thrown away also flew in a horizontal arc, avoiding the water arrow turtle rushing towards it.

Then it made a big circle in the air, and the wave missile flew towards the water arrow turtle's back yard again!

"Fuck a wave missile?!"

Korni stood up again, her Lucario had just mastered this technique.

And whether it was speed or the arc of the trajectory of the controlled wave missile, he was far inferior to Xiaozhi.

"High pressure pumps!"

Xiaomao gave a quick reminder, and the water arrow turtle understood, and while spinning at high speed, it extended two cannon barrels separately.

Boom! !

Boom! !

The next moment, strong and fierce water flow blasted out from it. With the reaction force, the body of the water arrow turtle also "popped" and fell into the sea water next to it.

There was great movement and exaggerated splashes of water!

And with the cover of sea water, the wave missile that can freely control and move naturally completely loses its meaning.

Obviously, such a half-beach and half-ocean arena is more beneficial to the water arrow turtle.

At this time, Xiao Mao suddenly raised his palms above his head and said excitedly:

"Then this! Blastoise, use Surf!!"

Speaking of which, after changing careers for many years, he hasn't been so excited for a long time.

Sure enough, I have to fight Xiaozhi to rekindle this passion!

Wow wow wow.!

Before the falling water splashed down completely, there was another exaggerated wave of four or five meters high on the sea, like a tsunami, which was as scary as a tsunami!

The water arrow turtle stepped on the top of the wave, his eyes glowed blue, and he controlled the surf to surge forward!

Such a movement startled the people watching on the shore, and they all moved further away from the beach, for fear of being affected.

"At least it's a battle at the level of the Alliance King. No, it should be higher."

Although Cocobul's face is old, the excitement in his eyebrows is no less than that of these young people.


Tiereno also opened his mouth wide. He had dared to challenge Xiaozhi before.

What a difference! !

"Is this Serena's sweetheart?"

Shana also covered her mouth with a look of surprise.

But his eyes fell more on Xiao Mao opposite him. This man's strength was also unimaginably strong.

Are they really the same age? !

Facing the exaggerated surf attack, this is an attack that takes advantage of the environment and is difficult to resist.

"In that case, mega evolve!! Lucario!!"

Xiaozhi didn't hesitate for a moment, and immediately raised one arm high and pointed his finger on the key stone.

In an instant, a brilliant light appeared on the surface of Lucario's body.

Wow wow wow.!

Allowing the exaggerated and huge waves to water the cover, Lucario remained motionless in the light, as if he had entered an invincible state, letting the water flow by, and the bright light continued to flicker.

Wait until the water falls completely


There was only an exciting low voice heard, Lucario had completed the mega evolution, and his appearance became even more cool and handsome.

Moreover, a circle of wave-guided wind spread out automatically around his body. Even Xiao Mao had to raise his hand to block his forehead to prevent his carefully-kept hairstyle from being blown away by the airflow.

"Is this guy starting to get serious?"

Xiao Mao grinned and glanced at the beach ground soaked by the surf current, which looked like a muddy land at the moment.

"Blastoise, use Earthquake!!"

Instead of retreating, he advanced and instead launched a strong attack!

The beach solidified by the current at this moment is enough to support the Blastoise to perform ground-type moves with outstanding effects!

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