He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2486 Celebration, looking for the keystone bracelet!

"I see."

Xiaozhi and the others were quite touched by what they heard. It was an incredible piece of history.

However, the people participating in the celebration were talking a lot and whispering to each other, as if there was no such legendary history at all.

Cocobul on the stage ignored the comments in the audience and handed the microphone back to Xiaomao.

In fact, he is not sure whether these histories are correct. Anyway, they are all told by his ancestors.

It just so happens that he also has a strange habit of telling stories to other people, so every time he holds a Sara celebration, he has to enjoy it.

So cool!

"Um. So this year's Sara Festival is a little different~"

Xiao Mao's tongue was still very good. Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, he quickly raised his tone and made the atmosphere lively again.

"Because next, Mr. Cocobul will step down, and the new leader of the Salo Gym will be Korni on my right~!"

Korni and Lucario walked up with stiff faces, like two wooden figures.

They were so nervous that they accepted the battle badge handed over from their grandfather - the exchange between the museum owners was actually an exchange of the right to issue badges.

This time, the audience burst into cheers and applause. Kerni's popularity was still very high in Salo City.

"Then, let's mega evolve! Lucario!!"

Korni took a deep breath and suddenly placed her finger on the keystone bracelet.

In an instant, Lucario's whole body glowed brightly, and the Lucario Knight on the back of his hand glowed bright orange.


As the light scattered, Mega Lucario completed its evolution, and in an instant, it blew out a strong waveguide wind, causing many people in the audience to subconsciously raise their hands to block it.

"It's mega evolution! Mega Lucario!!"

"Has Korni also mastered this power?"

"That's right. After all, he is the new Sara Gym Leader, so it's natural."

“It’s really exactly the same as the statue at the back!”

The celebration participants in the audience immediately started talking, with different focuses.

The locals are used to it. In the past, they could see Cocobul displaying Mega Lucario at every celebration, but today it was replaced by Korni.

But many outsiders were greatly surprised. It was their first time seeing it, and warm cheers echoed in the Refining Tower.

"Kerni, this guy has a lot of skills. He has completely mastered mega evolution."

Off the stage, as an understanding brother of Lucario, Xiaozhi could see through the state of Mega Lucario on stage at a glance.

It was a perfect Lucario state. Even though he released the surging waveguide airflow, he still showed no signs of losing his mind.

This actually made Xiaozhi curious. How could Erni solve this problem in such a short period of time?

"Hehe. As the leader of the Sara Gym in the future, I will protect this city well! And if you want to challenge our Sara Gym, I, Kerni, welcome the challenge at any time!!"


Korni and Lucario raised their palms at the same time and shouted excitedly.

This is considered an acceptance speech.

During the process, he glanced at Xiao Mao and nodded gratefully.

Without the latter, she should be just the normal Lucario next to her now. In this case, her new owner would be unconvincing.

Taking the phone again, Xiao Mao cleared his throat and looked at the people in the audience with a smile.

"Today's official project has ended, but the highlight is next. I guess many people here are here for this reason, right~?"

Sure enough, like a flame igniting a barrel of dynamite, the atmosphere in the audience was suddenly aroused.

"Then I won't give in. Next is the group participation event that is usually held at the end of the Sara Festival. But this year, the prize is a key stone! And it is a finished key stone bracelet made by the Sara Gym. !!”

These words completely made the audience excited, and everyone's face was full of passion.

Even if the key stone is placed in the Kalos area, it is definitely a rare item!

As long as you can master this power, it means that you can easily enter the elite trainer level and greatly improve the strength of Pokémon!

"Well, everyone, please be patient, I will talk about the rules next~"

Xiao Mao slightly lengthened his tone, and everyone in the audience fell into silence for an instant, with their ears propped up eagerly waiting for the next words.

"This year's rules are like this. We have placed the Keystone Bracelet somewhere in this Refining Tower. It's very simple. Whoever finds it first will get the Keystone Bracelet!"

“Everyone can participate, there are no threshold restrictions.”

As soon as he finished speaking, many people turned around and started looking for him.

Take the first step and you will naturally gain an advantage!

"The location is in the Refining Tower, including the rooftop, eaves, outside walls, etc. Remember, as long as the door is open, you can search for any room in the Refining Tower, but please do not enter if the door is closed. .”

Xiao Mao couldn't help but remind him that Cocobul and Kerni usually lived in the Refining Tower, so outsiders could not be allowed to randomly enter the room and rummage around.

"You can use any method to find the keystone bracelet. The only thing is that you cannot destroy the building. Violators will be eliminated directly~"

"Similarly, there can't be any conflicts between contestants, otherwise both players will be eliminated~!"

"The time is before dusk. If no one can find the keystone bracelet by the time, then I'm sorry~ Let's save it as a prize at the next celebration~"

As the host of the show, Xiao Mao was obviously very interested in the different expressions on the stage at this moment.

He also has the keystone in his hand, so naturally he is not interested in this prize.

"Then, everyone can start!"

Xiao Mao made a gesture of raising his hands, indicating that everyone could take action.

As soon as the words fell, the crowd that had previously gathered in the hall began to scramble and disperse in every direction of the Refining Tower.

"Let's look for it together, the three of us!"

Tierno immediately rolled up his sleeves and roped in his two childhood sweethearts to join him.

Doropa glanced at Xiaozhi with some reluctance, then turned to follow Tierno.

It turns out that the content is not a battle.

It's a pity, he still wants to have a battle with Xiaozhi.

But in this case, he seems to have a chance, maybe he can get the Keystone Bracelet faster than Xiaozhi?


Shana secretly looked at Xiao Mao who was communicating with Cocobul on the stage. After saying goodbye to Serena, she also turned around and started looking.

As for Xiaozhi and his party, they naturally formed a team temporarily and prepared to act together. Even Yulijia rolled up her sleeves with enthusiasm.

However, the content of this activity made Xiaozhi want to laugh a little.

"If you're just looking for something, don't you just have hands?"

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