He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2480 Xiaomao appears!

Salo City is located in the northwest corner of the Carlos region, a peninsula-shaped town protruding toward the sea.

It is also a city by the sea, with houses and buildings built along the undulating coastline according to the terrain.

But the most commendable thing about this city is the Tower of Refinement!

This ancient and magnificent stone tower stands on a separate island north of Salo City. Only trainers who are constantly improving their fighting skills will climb the tower to practice.

There is a beach path connecting the island and the town.

In most cases, the tide will not cover it and it can be passed directly.

At this moment, four figures were standing outside the beach of the Refining Tower Island.

The human figures among them, one old and one young, are none other than the former and current Sara Gym, Kerni, and her grandfather Cocobul.

As for the two figures in front of them, they are similar. They are two handsome Lucarios, but the Lucario in front of Cocobul is slightly larger.

And both Lucarios wear mega stone arm guards called "Lucario Knights" on the back of one hand.

Apparently, Korni, who returned to Salo City, had successfully turned the original mega stone into an exclusive prop that could be worn.

"Grandpa, I'm going to start!"

Korni suddenly focused her eyes and called out in a low voice. Cocobul also moved away slightly and nodded seriously.


The next moment, Korni pointed her finger on the key stone.

"Mega evolve! Lucario!!"

In an instant, the key stone and the mega stone on the back of Lucario's hand burst into dazzling light at the same time, and the latter's figure suddenly changed.

His body was stained with bloodstains and lines, and he officially evolved into Mega Lucario!

call out.!

And at this moment, with it as the center, an invisible light blue torrent blew up, continuously undulating outward.

"Sure enough, this Lucario's waveguide is very powerful."

Cocobul thought to himself, but the expressions on his and Kerni's faces did not ease much, but became more solemn.

Having just completed its evolution, Mega Lucario can still barely maintain his figure.


However, before she could hold on for long, Korni's Lucario suddenly had all the black belts on his head floating up, a roar coming from his mouth, his pupils suddenly shrank, and they lit up with blood!

Lost my mind again!


Cocobul also shouted in a low voice immediately. Lucario, his old partner, understood and immediately swooped out and hugged Mega Lucario's waist.

Taking advantage of the situation, he pushed it into the sea water next to it.


The cool sea water slapped on his face, and Mega Lucario finally regained his senses for a moment. His figure flashed and returned to his original appearance.

Just losing your mind to the mega evolution seems to consume extra stamina.

"Luca. Luca!"

It's obvious that it hasn't done anything yet. It's already gasping for air in the sea water. It's exhausted like a dog, as if it's exhausted.

Seeing this, Cocobul's face darkened, and he finally shook his head.

"As expected, I still can't use this power at all!"

Korni, regardless of getting her shoes and socks wet, quickly ran into the sea and carefully helped her Lucario ashore.

But the face that was originally full of energy now looked rather wilted.

"Lucario. Why on earth?!"

It is obvious that his level as a trainer is not weak, and Lucario's level is also completely adequate, not to mention the bond between the two of them who grew up together.

Other trainers are weaker than me, weaker than Lucario, and even their bonds are just like that, but they can still use this power with ease!

Kerni has somewhat broken her guard these days.

You clearly have powerful power, but you are told that this power cannot be used? !

“What exactly is missing!!”

Korni couldn't help but look up to the sky and ask.

Is it possible that the fancy singing stage during the mega evolution is missing?

But his grandfather didn't chant either, so he could still successfully use mega evolution with his Lucario.

Even if Kerni looked at Cocobul for help, the latter could only shake his head with regret and was equally confused.

"Grandpa, my Lucario successfully evolved to mega for the first time without any side effects."

He was not a stranger and could not answer at all.



This made both Korni and Lucario look angry, and they couldn't help but hit the beach with their fists.

Maybe we should wait until Ash comes to Sara City and let the latter show off his Lucario's mega evolution?

"Hmph. Can such a simple problem not be solved? I have some doubts about the strength of the new leader of your Sara Gym~"

Just when Korni was at a loss what to do, a burst of teasing and slightly sarcastic sounds suddenly came from behind the nearby rocks.

"Who is this!!"

These words immediately made Korni furious. She quickly stood up and looked at the source of the sound bitterly.

The grandfather and grandson took a closer look and saw that at some point, there was an extra person beside the reef.

He is not too old, not even as old as Kerni, but his handsome face already has a more mature temperament.

He has thick short brown hair that stands up like spikes. He is wearing a tight black leather jacket with a stand-up collar and brown jeans.

There was also a brown-gray cloak draped on his back rather coquettishly, like a dusty wanderer.


Korni's brows were still furrowed and she didn't understand who was in front of her at all.

She looked two years younger than her, but the proud and arrogant look on her face always made Korni want to punch her.

"Oh! Xiaomao, when did you arrive in Carlos!"

Cocobul seemed to be expecting it, and immediately greeted him in surprise!

"Xiao Mao?"

Korni tilted her head, as if she had heard this name before.

The person who came was none other than Xiaozhi’s old friend, the current Evergreen Gym Leader, and the most popular genius scholar in the Kanto region, Xiaomao!

"Long time no see, teacher! You still look like you're still going strong!"

Xiao Mao walked over with a smile, his conversation was a little less lively than in the past, and he bowed to Cocobul quite solemnly and respectfully.

As the grandson of Dr. Oak, Xiaomao was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. When he was a child, he didn't just spend every day in Zhenxin Town, frying Kentero cow dung with Xiaozhi everywhere.

When he was five years old, Xiaomao studied in the Johto area and trained for three months under the master of Azure Gym, Ah Si.

When he was six years old, he studied abroad for three months in the Kalos area under the master of the Salo Gym, Cocobul.

When he first started traveling at the age of ten, Xiaomao's knowledge and vision were definitely not something that a pure newbie like Xiaozhi could touch.

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