He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2457 What kind of peerless prodigal is this? !

Deep in the jungle, a five or six-year-old boy, with an arrogant look on his handsome face, looked at the girl sitting down next to the roots of a tree with disgust on her face, crying.

"Hey, women from out of town, don't let anything happen to my grandpa's summer camp!"

"You have been sitting there, your legs are not broken, right? Do you want me to carry you on my back?"

"Damn it. What a useless woman. Come up here!"

After a while of impatient complaints, the spiky-haired boy still squatted down with a reluctant look on his face and turned his back to the girl with an injured leg.

While telling her childhood memories, Shana exclaimed repeatedly, her face full of nostalgia.

"How about Serena!! Isn't the scene very dreamy!"

"The gentle young master at that time finally carried me back to the safe camp!!"

Serena: "."

Although the beginning is similar, the process seems to be completely different!

And listening to Shana's description, this person is not gentle at all, and he even feels vaguely like he deserves a beating?

After some questioning, Serena probably understood that it was indeed true.

Moreover, the Dr. Omu summer camp that Shana attended was a year earlier than her.

"Eshana, do you know who this young master is?"

Serena couldn't help but asked curiously. She remembered that most of the people attending the summer camp were children from the Kanto region.

It is estimated that there were many people posting advertisements in the Kalos area at that time, which attracted children from far away.

"I know! I have always remembered his appearance, and he is now the most famous researcher among the younger generation in the Kanto region~!!"

Shana immediately stood up excitedly. It was rare for her to reveal this secret to others, so she was a little bit dancing.

After all, her two childhood sweethearts are both boys, and Shana doesn't want to tell them about her daughter's family worries.

"And speaking of which, this person also knows your Xiaozhi!"

Hearing this, Serena's cheeks turned red and she quickly corrected:

"What, my Xiaozhi, we are only traveling together temporarily! And the focus now is obviously Shana's matter!"

"Okay, okay~"

Shana waved her hand and comforted with a smile.

But she was also snickering in her heart. The girl in front of her was very good at hiding her thoughts.

Just by briefly looking at Serena's comparison of Tierno and Ash, she could already see through the latter's thoughts.

But the focus now is indeed on myself.

Shana sat back quickly and returned to the topic.

"Anyway, this guy is very familiar with Xiaozhi. He is also from Zhenxin Town. It is said that they are childhood sweethearts who grew up together!"

Serena nodded. Seriously, is it true that people in New Town are very popular in rescuing damsels in distress in the wild?

Thinking of this, she unexpectedly joked back:

"So, do you want me to help you ask Xiaozhi about this young master~?"

It seems that Shana is completely fascinated by the thorn-headed young master!

However, Shana's expression was a little hesitant. After thinking for a long time, she looked at Serena with a serious face and asked seriously:

"Let me ask you a question. Do you remember a girl you once saved when you were a child?"

"Is it possible that the other party has forgotten these things a long time ago? If I get close to him like this, will it appear that I am a bit pretentious?"

"Of course, I'm not talking about myself. I just ask."

After talking about it, Shana's expression became awkward.

Immediately he changed the focus and threw the question to Serena:

"For example, Serena, you are the girl with an injured leg in the story just now, and a boy saves you, what kind of actions will you do to that boy!"

Serena: "."

Is Shana really not teasing herself on purpose?

But if she could know the answer, she would have already taken action!

"In short, trust your intuition, do whatever you want to do, and don't let yourself regret it!"

In the end, Serena could only offer metaphysical encouragement.

It’s like, encouraging yourself.?

Wait until night, return to the Pokémon Center, and meet up with your friends.

Seeing Xiaozhi sitting in front of her eating and talking casually, Serena's brows gradually widened.

She held her chin up, looking fascinated, and at the same time, she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly.

At least she is luckier than Shana, who currently only knows about her childhood hero through the Internet and has no actual contact with him at all.

And he can also travel with Ash!

"What's wrong Serena?"

Xiaozhi raised his head keenly and saw the other person staring directly at him, and couldn't help but touch the corner of his mouth and face curiously.

Got something on your face?

"Um, by the way, Xiaozhi, do you have a childhood sweetheart who should be an outstanding scholar now?"

Serena quickly came to her senses and changed the subject.


Xiaozhi was stunned and swallowed all the bread in his mouth:

"There seems to be someone, but he's not a childhood sweetheart, and our relationship isn't that close."

Xiaomao, I’m really unfamiliar with him.

Speaking of which, why did Serena suddenly mention that guy Xiaomao?

"Oh, I just accidentally saw the news about Mr. Xiaomao on the Internet~ In the Kanto region, he is as famous as Xiaozhi!"

Serena quickly smoothed things over.

"Mr. Xiaomao, you are now the most famous scholar in the Kanto region. Although he is the grandson of Dr. Oki, it is said that his current research has become a line of his own, and he has completely made a name for himself~"

Next to him, Citron couldn't help but interjected with a complimentary tone.

When he was investigating Xiaozhi's background information before, he also checked the other one of the "True New Town Twins" with the same name.

In short, the resume results of the two people in their respective fields are far beyond those of their peers, which is just outrageous.

"It seems that there is such a thing."

Xiaozhi responded casually, but he knew nothing about the field of research scholars and had no idea of ​​Xiaomao's current level of achievement.

"Then Mr. Xiaomao doesn't have a girlfriend yet, right?"

Serena suddenly asked a question casually.

This made several people at the table tilt their heads, looking confused.

Yulijia frowned deeply, puzzled and thought to herself:

"It shouldn't be. Serena's target should be Xiaozhi. Why are they discussing other men?"

Well, Serena's behavior was so obvious along the way that Yurika had seen through it at a glance, and she had been watching the show from behind.

Although the other two men in the team had thick heads, they were completely unaware of it.


Xiaozhi really thought about it seriously and replied:

"That guy Xiaomao had a girlfriend before he became a trainer. I remember the highest record was twelve girlfriends in one day, right?"

Just like packing eggs, girlfriends are replaced by the dozen.

Serena: "?!"

What kind of peerless prodigal is this? !


(Update today. A bit stuck, no ideas)

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