He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2391 Join the team together! Sitron brothers and sisters! (Down)

As soon as the Prism Tower was mentioned, the Xitron brothers and sisters became embarrassed again, and they turned their heads to look to both sides.

Now, they can't go back to their home!

And after getting along for half a day, Xitron has secretly made up his mind

He mustered up his courage, lowered his head suddenly, and asked in a very fast tone:

"Xiaozhi, can I travel with you next?!"

The confidence and ease of being a mature trainer. This is something I can't do at present.

But these qualities are particularly eye-catching in Xiaozhi.

Maybe traveling with this boy can make me a mature and confident trainer like Xiaozhi?

He has been staying in Miare City, and now Xitron has an inexplicable sense of urgency, and wants to go to the outside world to have a look.

This question made Xiaozhi a little stunned, why did the owner of a gymnasium suddenly want to go on the road with him?

No, it seems that there are no surprises just because he is the owner of the gymnasium?

But Xiaozhi didn't hesitate too much, and agreed casually.

"Traveling together? I'm fine~"

After getting along for a long time, Xiaozhi also got a general understanding of Xitron's character, and he is a very easy-going person.

If it was Shinji's character, he would sternly reject it.

And during the fall crisis during the day, while Xitron's backpack expanded into an elastic bed, it also scattered a lot of weird mechanical devices.

It broke a lot, and Xiaozhi helped clean it up later.

It seems that Citron should be an inventive genius like Mr. Akromar?

This made Xiao Zhi inexplicably familiar.

"Ah, that's great!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's hearty promise, Xitron was still stunned for a while, and after realizing it, he couldn't help but screamed happily.

"I want me too! Yurika wants to travel with you too!!"

Next to you, Youlijia looked anxious, and suddenly raised her little hand and said repeatedly.

"Ah Yurika, you are not a trainer yet, traveling in the wild is too dangerous, why don't you live with your father first?"

Xitron didn't intend to let Yurika go with him at first.

Their father also lived in Miare, but not in Prism Tower, but on East Side Street, where he owned an electrical repair shop.

"No, no!! I also want to travel with Xiaozhi!"

You Lijia had already grabbed Xiaozhi's palm, refusing to let go, acting coquettishly and threatening.

"If you don't take me on the trip, I will tell you about my brother's Miare Gym."

"Okay! Travel together!"

Before he finished speaking, Xitron had already covered Youlijia's mouth, and reluctantly agreed.

This made You Lijia bend her eyes, and cast a smug look at Xiaozhi that the plan had succeeded.

Xiaozhi could only scratch the back of his head, and the corner of his mouth twitched, You Lijia has the character of a big kid.

"I'm glad you guys are traveling with me, but I'm not sure where I'm going next."

Before he could finish talking, he was interrupted by Xitron brothers and sisters together.

"It's okay, we don't have a specific destination."

"That's right~! If you travel together, you'll be happy~!"

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi smiled and nodded.

"That's right, it doesn't make sense to think too much."

When he comes to a new area, Xiao Zhi's biggest goal is to get to know the new local Pokémon and meet the powerful trainers. It doesn't matter what else.

The next moment, Xiaozhi and Xitron put their palms together, then smiled at each other, looked at Yulijia together, and squatted down together.

You Lijia stood between the two of them, her face turned into a flower with a smile.


In the end, the three of them clasped their palms together and raised them together, officially becoming travel partners.

In the night, there is a sense of ritual.

"Let's go, Xiaozhi, you must be tired after arriving in the Carlos area today, so go to the Pokémon Center to rest."

"Our Pokémon Center in Carlos is quite luxurious~!"

Faced with the enthusiastic push and pull of the two siblings, it even seemed that they would live with him at the Pokémon Center.

Although Xiaozhi was puzzled, he obviously didn't want to live in a luxurious prism tower, but he still didn't ask any more questions.


After agreeing casually, the three of them walked into the Pokémon Center next to the cafe together.

At the same time, the southern field of Miare City, Route 4.

This is not a complete wilderness, but a wide road, and the bushes as tall as a person along the way are very neatly trimmed——

In the Carlos area, pruning culture is actually very popular.

Whether it's the branches and leaves of the botanical garden, or the classic long-haired shepherd Pokémon in the Carlos area, Dorimia's hair has a very wide distribution of fans.

And on this No. 4 road, it is trimmed into a variety of strange shrubs and jungles, forming an intricate maze of plants, so this road is also called "courtyard street".

Along the way, there are many fountain landscapes with rich water vapor.

Many citizens of Miare City are tired in the city, and they will choose to come to this adjacent courtyard street to take a walk and relax.

It was already late at night, and there were hardly any pedestrians, but there was a young girl lying on the ground in the dark night, constantly turning over the small stones beside the fountain.

Long brown hair, bowler hat and red skirt

It was Serena, who looked quite embarrassed, her pretty fair face was covered with some black ash.

The fire fox next to him looked disgusted, but had to cooperate, and helped Serena push up some larger stones with his head.

"Hey! System, I've been looking for it for hours! How can there be a Pokémon like Turtlefoot here!!"

This time the stone was the air force again, Serena couldn't help complaining.

Even though there is no one around, talking to himself in the dark, if a passer-by sees it, he might be shocked.

"Although according to traditional cognition, wild turtle feet generally hide under the fragile stones on coastal beaches. But not all turtle feet are used to salt water areas."

"As long as the Carlos area is where the water is rich enough, you can see the shape of this Pokémon. The only difference is just a matter of probability."

Out of thin air, a mechanical sound emerged in Serena's mind, which was the so-called "system" in her mouth.

This system suddenly popped up in her mind when she was just an adult and qualified to become a trainer.

Serena doesn't know what the origin is, it looks like a computer with strict logic.

Not only has rich and majestic knowledge data, but also has a very strong intelligent AI, which can talk to itself smoothly.

At this moment, she is following the system's guidance, looking for a Pokémon called "Turtle Foot".

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