He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2384 A fateful encounter!

Soon, Dr. Bratano handed the elf ball to Xiaozhi.

He took a deep breath and opened the Poké Ball in front of him.


When the red light fell, a foam frog appeared in front of Xiaozhi. From the appearance, it was no different from the docile foam frog before.

"K myself."

As soon as it appeared on the stage, the foam frog let out a low cry, and couldn't help but look at the humans in front of it.

Is this its new trainer?

Unlike other initial Yusanjia, they will fight side by side with their own trainers from the very beginning.

This foam frog will focus on two purposes in the battle, while fighting, while paying attention to the level of its trainer.

As long as it fails to meet its own expectations, it will never give up.

But the person in front of him was a little hard to judge. The foam frog couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and observed carefully.

"This Foam Frog"

In the same way, Xiaozhi is also observing the other party, and he doesn't look as rebellious as the doctor said.

Especially this movement of squinting his eyes to observe, narrowing his eyes into a slit, can't help but make him feel nostalgic.



In the next moment, it was as if a bolt of lightning shot through the minds of each person and frog at the same time, and there was a sudden bang.

Xiaozhi and the foam frog looked at each other closely, and there seemed to be something new in each other.

"This is."

Surprised, Dr. Brattano quickly raised his hand to signal Pansy not to interrupt the scene.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be a fateful encounter, right?"

"A fateful encounter?"

Pansy repeated, and it was the first time she had heard such a statement.

"Yes, this is a very rare phenomenon. It is the first time that two people meet, but it seems to be destined. This is simply a miracle!!"

Dr. Bratano couldn't help clasping his hands, saying in surprise.

As the protagonists, Xiaozhi and Bubble Frog also paused, and finally broke the deadlock.

Staring at each other at the same time, the corners of their mouths raised.

"Then please give me more advice, Bubble Frog!"


One person and one frog seem to have a tacit understanding, and there is not much verbal adjustment, and they have fully recognized each other when they first met.

Bubble Frog couldn't help feeling overwhelmed. After rejecting nine trainers in a row, he finally met someone who satisfied him!

It doesn't matter whether it's strong or not, it's the main feeling.

Xiaozhi gave it a very comfortable feeling, as if it was born to fight side by side!

In the end, Xiaozhi squatted down and lifted the poke ball forward.


The foam frog jumped up lightly, slapped the elf ball with a slap, and received it in with a beam of red light.

Subdued, successful!

Pikachu: "."

This scene made Pikachu, who was watching the play next to him, feel somewhat redundant.

"That's great Xiaozhi! It's such a fateful encounter with the foam frog! It's amazing!"

Dr. Bratano continued to praise.

Maybe in the future, what miracles will be born between one person and one frog?

"Fated to meet.?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed looking at the fiery doctor.

It was the eyes of the foam frog that made him very familiar, as if his former good brother was standing beside him again, fighting side by side with him.

"Then the first Pokémon in the Carlos area has been tamed successfully!"

Looking at the elf ball in his hand, Xiaozhi couldn't hide his excitement.

"Although you are not a rookie trainer, let me give you this too."

Dr. Bratano handed over the high-tech picture book from before.

"Illustrated book? Thanks doctor, I just need this!"

Xiaozhi accepted it like a treasure.

As for the Rotom Illustrated Book, it is estimated that I will stay in the backyard of Zhenxin Town with Mr. Akromar, drink tea with Dr. Oki and study?

"So the foam frog is of the water attribute, the words of the other two Yusanjia"

Xiaozhi couldn't help operating the illustration book, ready to check what the other two Yusan looked like.

"I can show you directly~"

Being able to perfectly solve the problem of foam frogs, Dr. Bratano was in a happy mood today, humming a little song, and even took the initiative to bring two poke balls.

boom! boom! !

As two red lights fell, two Pokémon that Xiaozhi had never seen before appeared in front of him one by one.

The one on the left is an upright hedgehog-like Pokémon with a brownish-gray body and a green back covered with many spiky leaves.

"Nima, damn~!"

And it has a lively personality, jumping and calling when it comes out.

On the right is a small bright yellow fox with big soft ears and a fluffy tail, mixed with some fiery red fluff.


With a rather haughty look, under the watchful eyes of several people, he hummed softly and turned his head.

It was also the first time for Xiaozhi to operate a new illustrated book.

"Hali Chestnut, grass-type, one of the three royal families in the Kalos area, the thorns on the head are usually soft, but if power is injected, it will become sharp, so hard that it can pierce even rocks."

"Firefox, fire attribute, one of the royal families in the Carlos area, carries twigs with him, likes to crunch them as snacks, and spews 200-degree heat from his ears to intimidate opponents."

The introduction without ups and downs is quite flat.

"Including your foam frog, this is our Yusanjia in Carlos~"

Dr. Bratano smiled, as to why the ones issued before were the Kanto Royal Sanjia.

After all, the charizard and water arrow turtles have already been determined, and they are types that can evolve into mega.

So Dr. Bratano also introduced some Kanto Yusanjia to see what kind of sparks these Pokémon can collide on Carlos' land.

"It's so cute, Firefox Nima is also full of energy~"

Xiaozhi couldn't help squatting down, wanting to rub the fluffy Firefox, but the latter turned his head proudly and refused to let it be rubbed.

Ha Lili next to him rubbed against Xiaozhi's palm with excitement, but the spiky head felt very painful to the touch.

Compared to Hali Li, who is a mouthful, Xiaozhi subconsciously uses the other party's cry as his name.

"This Firefox has already been reserved by someone, and the newcomer trainer will probably come to pick it up later~"

Dr. Brattano's words made Firefox proudly raise its head.

Ha Lili next to him froze in place as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

This means that the same batch of foam frogs as it, Firefox has a trainer. Is there no one to choose? !

"Hehe. There is no way, Harry, just wait a little longer~"

Dr. Bratano could only comfort him helplessly. The cute and beautiful Firefox is very popular among female trainers.

The newcomer trainer who made an appointment to come is also a cute girl, who chose Firefox from the beginning.

"Nima, Nima!!"

Ha Lili screamed angrily on the spot.

This kind of personality reminds Xiaozhi of his last partner, the Great Sword Demon, who also looked like this before he evolved.

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