He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2374 Finally, the battle with Heici! (Down)

"Leaf Blade Slash!!"

Taking advantage of the fact that the sickle helmet was difficult to move in the flying leaf storm, the monarch snake flicked its tail, condensing a long blade of the same sharp green light, and slashed at the chest of the sickle helmet.

Bang bang!

Even though the sickle helmet immediately raised its arms in front of its body, it was still thrown away by the powerful leaf blade.

When he landed, his lower body softened, and he half-kneeled on the ground.

"End the battle! Flying Leaf Storm!!"

The Monarch Snake's offensive is not over yet, before it was a storm of flying leaves that rose vertically into the sky, this time with a sharp flick of its tail, a storm of flying leaves rushed out horizontally!

Even after the bonus of the first rebellion feature, the power of this flying leaf storm has skyrocketed!

Boom boom boom! !

The storm of flying leaves swept across, blasting a huge gully on the ground along the way, and the last hurricane, mixed with countless sharp flying leaves, hit the body of the sickle helmet.

Like a small boat in a huge wave, it ruthlessly knocked the latter away 1

The effect is outstanding!


When the storm dissipated, the sickle helmet had already fallen to the ground, with many messy green leaves scattered on it.

"Sickle helmet, lose the ability to fight!"

Emperor Xiu quickly raised the steel fork and said, secretly startled in his heart.

This Monarch Snake has become stronger again, stronger than before in the World Championships!

Gritting his teeth, Emperor Xiu already planned to ask Xiaozhi how to breed the Monarch Snake after the game was over.

It's just that his monarch snake characteristic is a strong weed for Muggles, not an anti-tune characteristic. What a pity!

"You have skills, Xiao Zhi, as expected of the number one trainer in the group!"

Hei Ci retracted the sickle helmet and couldn't help but admire.

The strength is far beyond what ordinary trainers can compete with. Even if it is yourself.

As an international patrol, Heici actually focuses more on the cooperation with Pokémon in different mission environments.

In a regular battle with a trainer, his strength is not as good as Xiaozhi's.

"Hey, Heici, let's send your general next!"

Xiaozhi touched his nose and smiled, and retracted the Monarch Snake with his backhand.

Hei Ci didn't refuse, this time he threw a second Poké Ball backhand.


The next moment, the sharp-eyed Shuangrenwan appeared on the stage, especially the two scallops on the waist were polished and maintained extremely sharp and shiny.

"This double-edged pill is amazing~!"

As an expert of Hezhong Yusanjia, Dr. Yew's beautiful eyes lit up, and he subconsciously exclaimed.

He and Mingyi's silly water otter are completely different creatures!

"Here we come, Shuangrenwan!"

Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless, and looked at Pikachu who was watching the show next to him like a tacit understanding.

"Then it's up to you, Pikachu!"


The next moment, Pikachu next to him took advantage of the trend and landed firmly in front of Shuangrenwan, full of fighting spirit.

Fight, start again!

"Pikachu, lightning flashes!"

This time, Pikachu had just charged up his forelegs, ready to sprint.

"Double-edged pill, surprise attack!!"

Shuangrenwan was surrounded by black light, and he took the first step, directly knocking Pikachu out.

"It's not over yet, one hundred thousand volts!!"

In the process of flying backwards, Pikachu quickly adjusted his body shape, shot out a beam of golden electric current with his backhand, and flew towards the direction of Shuangrenwan.

"Use scallops to block them!"

Shuangrenwan quickly took off one of the scallops from his waist, and shielded himself like a shield, deflecting all the powerful electric current away.

"It's not that simple! Release it with all your strength!!"

However, as Xiaozhi yelled loudly, Pikachu's 100,000 volt power was running to the extreme, and the current Changhong suddenly multiplied like a flood, directly engulfing the small scallop, and was about to attack the double-edged pill behind.


Shuangrenwan quickly grabbed the second scallop shell, and after a handsome shake in his hand, it slammed into the ground in front of him.


The next moment, the electric current completely hit the Shuangrenwan, but flowed through the latter's body, leading into the ground silkily.

"rice wine."

Although most of the current was directed underground, it was Pikachu's electric shock after all, which still made Shuangrenwan, who was the intermediate conductor, look down and let out a muffled groan.

"Water wave knife!!"

The moment the current was cut off, Shuangrenwan's eyes were sharp, and he grabbed a scallop and yanked it upwards.

The scallop shell actually condensed a long blade of water flow energy seven or eight meters long, and the extended end even came to Pikachu's position.


The sharp and slender Water Wave Knife jerked upwards, and it was about to split Pikachu in half from the crotch!

Moreover, this water wave knife is blessed with the "sharp" characteristic of Shuangrenwan, and its power is extremely powerful.


Even Pikachu was startled by the nearly ten-meter-long long blade of water, and quickly spread his feet in the air, leaning to the side, and escaped the blow in an extremely dangerous manner.

However, with Kuroji's Double Edge Maru, the next round of attack has already begun.

"Drill straight!!"

This time, Shuangrenwan lifted the two scallops to the top of his head, and then his whole body spun violently, turning into a sharp big drill, and piercing straight towards Pikachu!

Bang bang! !

Unable to prevent it, he went straight to Pikachu's face and knocked it flying.

The effect is outstanding!

Drilling directly is a ground-type move, which is quite unfavorable to Pikachu.


After landing and getting up again, Pikachu also looked very embarrassed, with a lot of dust on his face.

"That's amazing, this one, the International Patrol?"

As the referee, Emperor Xiu couldn't help but exclaimed that Pikachu, who was pressing down on Xiaozhi at one point, was playing.

"Shuangrenwan, can it be cultivated to this level?"

Next to him, Dr. Yew couldn't help but exclaim.

As Dr. Hezhong, she has seen not one thousand but five hundred Double-edged Pills, but none of them can reach this level.

She, Yew, would like to call it the strongest double-edged pill!

"Pikachu, it seems that if we don't show some strength, we may still lose today?"

Xiaozhi pressed his hat, his expression was not too flustered.


Pikachu's face became more serious, and he slapped his cheek with his small palm.

Boom! !

The next moment, a burst of golden electric current erupted from the small and exquisite body, and the electric light was extraordinarily dazzling, soaring into the sky with great momentum! !

This scene also made Heiji and Shuangrenwan's expressions tighten.

They know that the opponent in front of them is going to make a real move

"Pikachu, speed!!"

Entering the serious mode, this time Pikachu dashed forward, the speed was so fast that it was hard for the naked eye to catch it.

Whoosh! !

Shuangrenwan felt a burst of blue light flashing in front of his eyes, and before he even had time to counterattack with a surprise move, his body was already thrown flying by Pikachu's swift headbutt!

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