Chapter 2549 Wake up, Kyurem! !

"It's now, Lei Dianyun, use the dragon claws!


Although Thunder Cloud, which has transformed into a flying dragon, has not acquired the dragon attribute, its sharp claws allow it to use the classic dragon claw moves.

Taking advantage of Zekrom's inattention, his whole body turned into an extremely swift blue arc, rushing straight down, with a pair of cyan dragon claws on both sides of the front end...


There was only a sharp tearing sound, and the dragon's claw hit Zekrom's face.

And slid all the way down, leaving a long red mark on the surface of Zekrom's dark armor body!

"Sure enough! The Sanyun God in the state of a spirit beast is enough to fight against the gods and dragons!


Successfully succeeded, Gero suddenly looked ecstatic, and shouted with his heart beating wildly.

It was just this blow that had clearly angered Zekrom thoroughly.

With a wave of one hand, the ice debris frozen by the freezing wind was completely swept away from half of the body, and then the tail engine was overclocked, and the violent blue lightning blasted towards Sanyunshen all over the sky!

It is still staggered lightning, and it can also play AOE effect.

But this time, Jie Luo's expression became much calmer, and he quickly commanded:

"Thunder cloud!"

Thunder Cloud once again blocked the other two cloud gods, allowing the violent blue lightning to attack him.


However, after touching the skin of the thunder cloud, the violent and dangerous electric current was actually sucked in completely, and instead turned into a faint green light, which fed back to the thunder cloud itself.

"Hey, the characteristic of the lightning cloud in the state of a spirit beast has become a power storage! Any electric attribute move is just to restore blood to it!"

Jie Luo raised his head and laughed loudly, obviously suppressing an ancient god gave him a great sense of accomplishment.

However, Zekrom's expression remained unchanged, his blood-red eyes appeared more menacing in a burst of blue arcs, and the staggered lightning around him continued to release.

And Lei Dianyun's original calm demeanor also changed.


He frowned, the power storage characteristic was already fully charged, but the speed of the power storage couldn't keep up with the speed of the opponent's lightning release...


The next moment, the position of the thunder cloud directly caused an explosion, as if the battery was overcharged and exploded all of a sudden.

And the staggered lightning that finally found the outlet, this time directly penetrated the thunder cloud, and landed on the land cloud and the tornado cloud behind.

Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, there were two more electric current explosions in the air!

The three cloud gods all fell down in embarrassment, their whole bodies were filled with paralyzing electric current, and they were in great pain.

Fortunately, it didn't completely lose its ability to fight, and it managed to fly again when it was about to sink to the ground.

It's just obvious that with the power of Sanyun God, the mighty Zekrom cannot be defeated.

Seeing that his partner was so powerful, riding on the back of the ancestor bird, N couldn't help feeling proud, and subconsciously looked at Quecchi.

However, Quecchis just looked at Zekrom, who was invincible in the air, with a fanatical and greedy face, but there was no trace of fear on his face.

N's heart tightened suddenly. Does his shadowy father have any other means?

Unexpectedly, at this time, Queches suddenly shook the plasma team's scepter in his hand, shaking the ground, and muttered in his mouth:

"It's time to act..."

It seems that who are you communicating with?

The next moment, the ordinary dark warship that had been forgotten by everyone on the shore of the island unexpectedly moved.

The deck side of the front end of the plasma destroyer opened backwards like an open canopy.

In an instant, a terrifying aura of the ancient gods enveloped the audience, and it was accompanied by an astonishing chill that could freeze the soul...

But I saw Kyurem, the third god of the Hezhong, standing at the front of the destroyer!

It has a gray-black body like an ancient tyrannosaurus, and its lower body is extremely thick, stepping on the deck, compared with its upper limbs, it looks very short.

The body is leaning forward, and the wings on the back are made of gray-white solid ice, but they are asymmetrical.

With a slender neck, the head is still covered with asymmetrical ice shell edges and corners.

The giant ice and snow dragon just stood there quietly, with its eyes closed tightly, as if it had completely fallen into a deep sleep.

The huge body continuously released astonishing cold air, covering a radius of more than ten meters, covered with ice fog visible to the naked eye.

"This is... Kyurem?!"

N's complexion suddenly became unstable, and he couldn't help but suffocate.

Sure enough, Kyurem has fallen into the hands of the plasma team, which is why they can freeze the entire Ssangyong City in an instant.

At this moment, there was still one person standing on the deck on the other side of the plasma destroyer.

The old man in a thick purple robe, although his body was trembling uncontrollably, had an extremely sick and fanatical expression on his face, staring closely at Kyurem in front of him.

It was another Team Plasma Seven, Vio.

And at this moment, Wei Ao is holding a familiar device in his hands—the Acroma machine!

This is the machine that controls Kyurem, and in the end Quecchis handed it into his hands.

"Ha ha ha ha!

Finally it's my turn to control Kyurem!

Finally it's my turn!


Wei Ao's expression is more crazy than that of Gero, he is more addicted to this extreme cold than anyone else!

The next moment, he raised the machine in his hand high and shouted:

"Wake up, Kyurem!

It's time to freeze the world!


As the switch in his hand was pressed, Kyurem suddenly trembled like a machine being activated.

The ice shell, whose surface was frozen by water mist, then cracked.

Kyurem lit up his amber eyes, as if the air was frozen for a moment, at absolute zero, only suffocating.


Kyurem finally raised his head, and the irregular ice shell edges and corners on top of his head continued to intensify and thicken.

And the eyes full of hostility locked on the strongest person in this area in an instant...


"Attack it!

Freezing light!


Wei Ao commanded immediately, his whole face was turned blue from the cold, and he almost fainted.

Although the 2.0 version of the Acromar machine is still unable to fully control the existence of the ancient god level.

But it is still barely able to disturb the mind of the target, causing it to fall into a state of violent and random attacks... The target of an ancient god will naturally tend to attack another ancient god.

Surprisingly, Kyurem obeyed Vio's command, although he couldn't fully control it.

The dragon's mouth opened, and ice-blue energy condensed in the mouth.


In the next moment, a bunch of ice-blue electric snakes suddenly shot towards the thunder and lightning black dragon in the air!

For the ancient gods, attribute restraint is not that important...

But if the ancient gods confronted the ancient gods, then attribute restraint would not be so simple!


At the same time, Xiaozhi and Akromar were still on their way.

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