Chapter 2546 The shot is real, lightning strike! !

Two hours later, Akromar walked out of the room.

It looks the same on the outside, but under the researcher's white coat, there is probably some strange device added.


Without further ado, at the gate of the elf center, Akromar had already released his Genesect, stepped up, and was immediately carried into the air.

Xiaozhi also released his own heterochromatic Genesect in the same way.

As for Mingyi and Douzi...

I had already left one step before and set off for No. 11 road east of Ssangyong City.

Thanks to the power of Hiram, the ice and snow in the entire city have melted at this moment, and the traffic has naturally completely recovered.

Follow the torrent under the No. 11 Road Bridge and head south all the way to your destination.

The two of them took the sea route, and the speed would be much slower, so they naturally had to set off early.

Just stepped on Genesect's back and was about to take off likewise.

"Mr. Xiaozhi... Pay attention to the dark trio that has been lurking beside Quecchis."

"These three people, like us, are also orphans with incredible powers adopted by Quecchis."

Babena and Helena were seeing them off at the door, when they suddenly reminded each other one by one.

Unlike them, these three were completely brainwashed by Quecchis, with only the will to execute orders in their minds.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, signaling Akromar above to be calm, and then asked:

"What is the specific superpower? How to crack it?"

But the second daughter just shook her head:

"We don't quite know what the superpower is, we only know that it can completely incapacitate the target caught in the middle."

"But these three people are loyal to Quecchis, and they will definitely hide in the dark, waiting for an opportunity."

Xiaozhi curled his lips... If you say this, it means you didn't say it.

He had already seen the abilities of these three black-clothed ninjas in Lianyi Town before, and they were very tricky, even if he also used superpowers, he couldn't crack them.

It's not a big problem, and he probably has a solution.

"Then we're off."

After waving his hands for a while, Xiaozhi's Genesect levitated up this time and came to the level of Akromar.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The next moment, the two of them turned into two beams of light, and quickly swept towards the south.

"This speed... Can you keep up?"

"Don't have an accident, N..."

Babena and Helena clasped their palms together, watching them disappear into the sky, but their eyes were full of worry.

N already set off yesterday, although the flight speed is not as fast as Genesect, but calculating the time, it should have reached the destination...?



Hezhong southern waters, No. 17 waterway.

Here is an intricate sea labyrinth, along the way are rocky shore reefs of different sizes, and the current is turbulent, so it is difficult to navigate here.

Of course, looking down from the air doesn't have so many problems.


At this moment, the clouds were high in the sky, and N was riding on the back of a pitch-black giant dragon, and he had already arrived here.

Through the clouds, you can overlook the entire No. 17 waterway.

There are only a few slightly larger rocky shore areas below, forming a deserted island, but there are basically no wild Pokémon inhabiting it.

And on the westernmost side of this waterway, a slightly larger island built a secret research base on the edge of the cliff high on the island - P2 Research Institute.

Many soldiers in the plasma team's black uniforms are busy around.

Next to the coast, there is a magnificent and huge pitch-black battleship docked - a plasma destroyer!


Looking at the destroyer, the black dragon Zekrom frowned and let out a low growl.

He felt that there seemed to be something terrible hidden in this ship, and even he felt a bit of shock.


The arrogant black dragon Zekrom immediately turned the engine motor on the tail.

Although the power has not yet been turned to full capacity, bright blue arcs have already begun to flow on the surface of his pitch-black body, officially entering the fighting state.

And N's gaze was just calmly watching the human standing on the highest point of the cliff on the island.

"Father... already waiting for me?"

Coming here alone, N has naturally made a decision, and there is no trace of indecision and self-doubt on his face.

Zekrom under him understood and understood the meaning of N completely.


Immediately, the motor engine at the tail started to rotate at a high speed, completely turning the motor-like tail into a bright blue color, and countless beating blue arcs were aroused all over the body, full of technological texture.

This is Zekrom's overclocking drive mode, and it's also what it looks like when it's serious about fighting!

Down below, Quecchis was still dressed as a hermit, wrapped in a black robe, with only one hand outstretched, grabbing Team Plasma's scepter.

He is standing alone on the highest point of the cliff on this deserted island, overlooking the whole situation.


Suddenly, there was an inexplicable muffled thunder in the air.

Kuiqisi raised his head, but he saw that the dark clouds in the sky became extremely thick and dense at some point, and there were frequent restless and muffled thunder sounds.

Vaguely, through the clouds, one of the hazy shadows of the giant dragon can be seen.

"come yet...?"

The corner of Quecchi's mouth twitched, and one eye was wearing a red lens, as if he had expected it.

Just looking at Zekrom's hazy figure, his eyes are full of fanaticism and greed.

"Took my stuff... Zekrom was supposed to be riding under me!"


As soon as the words fell, a thick blue lightning suddenly fell from the clouds, with unparalleled destructive power, it blasted straight to the position of Quecchis!

This is Zekrom's exclusive move, Lightning Strike!

Obviously, N above the clouds planned to be serious from the very beginning!

The dazzling blue lightning strike immediately attracted the attention of all the soldiers of the plasma team around them, and they all raised their heads.

Especially the terrifying majesty contained in this lightning strike made them tremble even more.

As for Quecchi, defenseless, his entire body was completely engulfed by the terrifying lightning strike.


The exaggerated power even blasted all the gravel at the corner of the cliff where it was located into debris...

"Master Queches, was killed?!"

"Who released the lightning?!"

"What a terrifying move..."

All of a sudden, many soldiers of the plasma team on the island began to panic, and just at the beginning, their boss was blown to ashes directly... How can this be done? !

But the next moment, as the lightning and smoke gradually dissipated, Quecchi's figure was still standing there completely intact.

And this time, there were three more half-human Pokémon in front of Quecchi's body.

The colors are different, but the upper body is full of glaring strong men, while the lower body is hidden in the floating clouds, forming a triangle, protecting Quecchis.

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