Chapter 2544 N's Movement


Hearing two people appearing out of nowhere and introducing himself as a goddess, Xiao Zhi immediately froze in place, inexplicably embarrassed and just wanted to press the soles of his feet to the ground.

Is this a show?

Behind the two of them, there are two human-shaped superpower Pokémon - Xanadu and Miss Goth.

It looks more like he used teleportation and suddenly appeared here.


The Goddess of Love, the Goddess of Peace... Dou Zi, who is extroverted and cheerful, even couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard these words.

But there is one thing to say, the two big sisters in long skirts in front of me do have a peculiar temperament.

"It's kind of like Pokémon...?"

Mingyi couldn't help blurting out, using an unreasonable but very appropriate description.

This is a very natural and friendly temperament, not like two humans, but more like a Pokémon growing up in a natural forest?

"It's a bit similar to Mr. N."

Xiao Zhi thought to himself, they all feel the same.

So is it because of Mr. N that you came to find yourself?

"Goddess of Love, Goddess of Peace?"

Akromar blinked his eyes with a strange look on his face.

"What's the matter, Mr. Akromar, do you know him?"

Xiaozhi asked, Akromar is not Xiaogang, if the latter is here, he probably has become Zoroark and pounced on him now.

Akromar shook his head, not sure, but he seemed to have heard of these two titles before.

Soon, several people came to the leisure hall area, and the two big sisters with outstanding temperament also introduced themselves again.

"I'm Babena... The two previous titles were actually given to us by Queches."

"My name is Helena...Quikis is our adoptive father."

The pair of sisters spoke one sentence at a time, without much pause in between, as if they knew telepathy between each other?

"Is it Team Plasma...I see."

Akromar showed a stunned expression. When he took over as the leader of the plasma team, he had heard that there were two goddesses in the organization.

It is said that they all have incredible superpowers that can soothe the hearts of humans and Pokémon.

Coupled with her soft and beautiful appearance, in the hearts of most plasma team members, she is really a "goddess" level existence.

It's just that this pair of goddesses seems to serve N exclusively, and it's hard for outsiders to get in touch with them.

A year ago, after N defected to leave Team Plasma, the pair of goddesses also left the organization, so Akromar never actually met.

"N is the young master we have been serving..."

"It can also be said to be our younger brother."

Babena and Helena both looked sad, and they spoke slowly.

In order for N to summon the black dragon Zekrom, Queches banned him from contacting other humans since childhood, except for the two of them.

Although nominally, the two are also adopted daughters of Quecchis...

However, in terms of status, it is naturally not as specially trained by Quecchis, and the N who became the former king of the plasma team is higher.

They took care of N growing up, and they also saw Quecchi's evil and non-human means-deliberately letting Pokémon who were persecuted by humans live with N.

Due to the majesty of Quecchi, the two of them couldn't see through, so they could only let the grown-up N walk into the abyss step by step.

Fortunately, a year ago, N found himself, and was not completely engulfed by the darkness...

The two finally summoned up their courage, resolutely violated their father's will, and left Team Plasma.

"Oh, is it because of Mr. N that you came to see me?"

Xiaozhi understood that at this time, Mr. N should still be in the Dragon Spiral Tower, waiting for him to take the Bright Stone.

But now, Hiram has been summoned by himself, so there seems to be no need to go to that ancient stone tower...?

It's not a big problem. The Tower of the Dragon Spiral is located in the north of Snow Flower City, not too far from Shuanglong City. If you take the Genesect, you can get there within ten minutes.

"So you are here to invite me? That's fine."

Xiaozhi nodded, did not refuse, and was even ready to leave.

It just so happens that there is nothing else to do right now, so I can go for a few laps at that ancient stone tower.

I heard that there are many ancient and powerful Dragon-type Pokémon inhabiting that area.

Maybe we can also see the peerless battle between the black dragon Zekrom and the white dragon Hiram? !

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi couldn't help but get excited.

According to the ancient legend of Hezhong, these two dragons had a tragic battle before because of their different goals and beliefs.

"Well...but now N is not in the Dragon Spiral Tower."

"That's why we came to you today."

There was a little more anxiety in the tone of Babena and Helena.

After glancing around and finding that no outsiders were paying attention, the two continued:

"A day ago, N received a message from Quecchis, which stated the coordinates of the plasma destroyer and the current location of the entire plasma team."

"Without any hesitation, he drove Zekrom there, ready to settle his grievances with Quecchis by himself..."

After leaving Team Plasma, the two no longer referred to Quecchis as "father".

The latter raised them, and even other orphans, just because of their special abilities.

But for N, Babena and Helena have long regarded the former as their younger brother. After leaving the plasma team, they both came to N's side, trying to protect the latter from further harm.

They didn't think that Queches would be so kind as to invite N to go for a casual stroll, he must have laid a net there!

Even now that N has Zekrom's help, the two are still worried.

What if they were kept in captivity by Quecchis again, that would be terrible!

"It's just...our ability is limited, and we really can't protect him comprehensively."

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, the number one trainer in the Hezhong...Since he came back from Fanba City, N has been mentioning your name."

The eyes of Babena and Helena suddenly looked at Xiaozhi together, and said in unison:

"If it's you, you can definitely help N!"

So at the same time that N left, the two also came to Ssangyong City from the Dragon Spiral Tower, asking for Xiaozhi's assistance.

With the help of the teleportation ability of Xanadu and Miss Goth, combined with the telepathic ability of the two, the transmission distance is enhanced...

In less than half a day, they appeared at the Spirit Center in Shuanglong City.

Don't underestimate this instant movement speed.

After all, only an existence like Chaomeng can teleport at will within a continental plate in an instant.

Like other magical Pokémon with superpower attributes, it has to be teleported several times in a row to reach the target.

For ordinary Pokémon, teleportation moves can only be teleported to the entrance of the nearest local elf center...

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