He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 231 It's time to rush or to rush


Pikachu was bumped headlong into the icy river, and the electric mouse was the most afraid of the cold. It was so cold that it shivered and jumped out of the glacier in an instant, jumping up and down on the bank like a flea, shaking its head and shaking its head. Just shake off the water on your body.

"Pika pickup!"

Pikachu angrily walked up to the skull dragon with a sullen expression on his face.


The little cephalon's expression remained unchanged, it didn't even look at it, and even rubbed its thighs on the ground, as if it was about to attack again at any time.

Electric mouse? What is this?

When the dinosaurs ruled the planet, rodents and mice were all trash, and they couldn't even look at them, especially electric mice, they would all be trampled to death.

Looking at the arrogant dinosaur in front of him, Pikachu finally became angry.

Pikachu is not weaker than others in his life, how can he bear such a useless spirit, and immediately burst out a fierce electric snake from his cheek, the speed is so fast that the latter has no time to dodge and is directly charged with electricity. A puff of black smoke exploded.


When the smoke and the fierce lightning dissipated, the cranial dragon's body began to shake a little, and it entered a state of dying in the wind.

Although the electrical attribute doesn't have much effect on the rock attribute, it can't hold back the power, and even for a moment, the skull dragon wondered if he was going to be killed on the spot by this electric shock!


This time it didn't dare to be careless, its tongue stuck out around its mouth to dissipate heat, and it understood that this yellow-skinned mouse was not as irritating as it appeared on the outside.

It lowered its head.

This electric mouse, it can't beat it.

"Haha Pikachu, it's already admitted its mistake, so you adults don't remember the children's faults, just let it go."

Xiaozhi quickly came out to smooth things over, this Gailong is not easy to provoke, but Pikachu, don't look at the fire dinosaur and Geng ghost in his team are dancing in style, it seems that he wants to strive for the No.1 in the team.

But Xiaozhi knows that there will always be only one real father in his team.

He thought he would continue to seek his own death with the head-covered dragon's irascibility, and he took out all the poke balls to take them back, but he didn't expect to admit cowardly so quickly.


Seeing the head cover dragon lowered its head, Pikachu nodded in satisfaction, turned around and acted as a harmless light bulb for everyone.

Little brat, if you are disobedient, just beat him up and you will be honest.

Even though it had been drained, the electric shock just now used only three layers of force, and if it was a little stronger, it could crush the cranium on the spot and turn it into a brand new unearthed fossil.

Hmph, dad only has one in this family!

"As expected of Pikachu, his body is as big as his belly!" Xiao Zhi quickly added another sentence of praise to smooth things over.


Pikachu shook his ears and re-entered the hibernation retirement mode, reducing the consumption of subcutaneous fat by reducing body functions.


But before it continued to take a few steps forward, there was another low growl from behind, and the skull dragon rushed towards it again, this time its strength even increased by three layers.


Caught off guard, Pikachu in the power-saving state was not very flexible, and was thrown out violently by hitting his head on the back of his waist. There was even a sound of "cracking" bones breaking at the contact place, and the former rolled on the ground in pain. .

Pikachu has a broken back.

But because its hands are too short, it can't even touch its own lower back.

Tragedy and comedy were staged at the same time, making the three of Xiaozhi laugh and worry about Pikachu's old waist.


The little cephalosaurus roared again, expressing its attitude.

For it, bowing its head doesn't mean any sign of admitting cowardice, there is only one possibility.

It's going to hit someone with its head!

This electric mouse, it can't beat it.

But it's time to rush!


Pikachu forcibly ignored the pain in his back and stood up slowly. Under the rage, he finally couldn't bear it this time. He switched to the full state in an instant. Like Phantom, the first hand is punching and kicking, and then flashing two connections and one shot of one hundred thousand volts, scraping the outer circle and scalding the inner circle, the methods are cruel and cruel.

And the skull dragon didn't defend, just stood there, raised its head high, with a fearless look, and even a hint of disdain in its eyes.

In the face of the disparity in strength, defense is meaningless, but the arrogant attitude still has to be put there.

How dare this electric mouse be stronger than it?

It's one thing not to be beaten, but Zhou Dian is the first to refuse to accept it!


"Da da da!!"



Three minutes later, the skull dragon fell on the spot like a dead dog, its body was covered with tragic scars, its tongue was even sticking out of its mouth, and it completely lost its ability to fight.

And Pikachu also supported his old waist with one hand and the wall with the other, panting heavily.

Not to mention, this rock forehead is really hard enough, it hurts my hand from beating it.

The three of Xiaozhi: "..."

Today is another peaceful day for his team...



"I tamed the little sea lion!"

"I tamed the gopher!"

The three of them continued to move towards the depths of the cave, and met many wild Pokémon on the way, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang were very happy to conquer them.

"No! No! Our goal is the Frozen Bird, not to subdue these wild Pokémon!" Xiaozhi frowned, and couldn't help but ask the two to focus.

"This is your goal, not ours."

"You concentrate on looking for traces of frozen birds, and we concentrate on catching wild Pokémon, two blooming ones."

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang replied solemnly, with reasons and evidence.

The Xiaozhi who said this was speechless, wishing he could roll up his sleeves and catch them together on the spot. There are many ground-type, water-type, and ice-type Pokémon in this cave, and he is very greedy.


Xiaozhi still took a deep breath and continued to search for the traces of the frozen bird, but the cave's geographical structure is intricate, with many forks, and rocks and rivers block the way from time to time, so it is really endless to search.

"Pikachu, you have a good nose, smell where there is a bird." He had a plan.


Pikachu shook his head, today it is just a light bulb, does not participate in mundane affairs, let alone be a dog.

Xiao Zhi secretly thought, if there is really a frozen bird hidden in this cave, then it should be in the deepest part.

After a storm in his mind, he came up with this idea.

But how to go to the deepest place?

"The source of the river in the cave is generally the deepest part of the cave."

"You should be able to find it if you dive down."

Xiaogang Xiaoxia reminded.

Walking to the bank of the river, looking at the near-zero river in front of him, with a lot of broken ice floating on it, Xiaozhi swallowed.

His body is indeed durable, but who can withstand diving directly into ice water!


Xiaozhi suddenly thought of a good idea, and suddenly threw a poke ball.

"Just decide it's you, Kami Turtle, and use your best diving."

If you want to dive, just let the water-type Pokémon do it, right?


A small to medium-sized brown turtle shell landed on the bank of the river, but the familiar Hanhan did not appear. This time, the Kami turtle's limbs, tail, and glans did not stick out.

There was even the sound of snoring.

"Didi. Turtle Pokémon will enter a hibernation state in a cold environment, so don't bother if you have nothing to do, and don't bother if you have something to do."

The picture book suggested.

Xiaozhi: "..."

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