Chapter 2531 Disgusting Quecchi

that night.

After a busy afternoon, the three of Xiaozhi sat in the lobby of the Elf Center, chatting casually.

"As expected of the man I fancy!"

For Xiaozhi's successful completion of the Dragon Trial, Douzi praised him without hesitation.

It's just that this description is somewhat strange.

"But if Hiram is to be summoned tomorrow, I will be there!"

By the way, Douzi emphasized that the arrival of the ancient gods in the Hezhong area should be something that none of the Hezhong people would not want to see.

Obviously, she has great confidence in Xiaozhi, and she is bound to be able to summon Hiram tomorrow, and even become the latter's partner.

At that time, it shouldn't be too much to ask Xiaozhi for a hair or two, right?

On the other hand, the news of Ssangyong City was broadcasted one after another on the TV, which naturally had no attraction for Xiaozhi and the three who were in it.

"By the way, Mr. Akromar, I haven't eaten dinner yet, what are you researching?"

Xiaozhi looked around, a little puzzled.

"Just now I heard him say that it seems that he is going to do something big, and he wants to give Quecchi a good nausea?"

Douzi shook his head, also confused.


At this time, the public TV in the lobby of the Elf Center flickered suddenly, and the channel was automatically switched.


Even Rotom, who was charging next to him, suddenly flew up, and the screen on the "belly" flickered.

The next moment, a middle-aged man with green hair appeared on the screen.

Like an old gentleman, he looks elegant and peaceful, and his light green short hair is neatly combed like an aristocrat, with a few curly hair curled up on the top and sides.


The three of Xiaozhi's expressions tightened, and they subconsciously stood up.

Team Plasma, what are you going to do?

At this moment, there is a live broadcast indication in the upper right corner of the screen, and "Quiqisi" on the screen is also sitting upright, with his face facing the screen.

On one side of the right eye, there is also a red goggle lens.

"No, it's Mr. Akromar!"

It took a second for Xiaozhi to react, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

The background of the video is the background wall of the Spirit Center Hotel in Shuanglong City, and he just came out of it.

In the picture, this "Queches" also started to move.

He first nodded gracefully and greeted the person in front of the screen.

"Excuse me for interrupting everyone, good evening, my name is Quecchis, and I'm from Team Plasma."

"Queches" also raised a scepter with the logo of the Plasma team, aiming at the camera deliberately, but the material looks very poor, it should be a temporary product that has just been welded.

"That's right, we are the plasma team that just attacked Ssangyong City!"

Those words caused exclamations from all over the elf center, and many people even had angry faces.

What are the members of the plasma team doing again, provocation? !

Xiaozhi looked around, and it seemed that not only this TV, but also the computer screen at the front desk where Ms. Qiao Yin was, as well as the illustration book mobile phones in the hands of some trainers around, seemed to be forcibly turned into such a picture.

Not only in Shuanglong City, but the screens of devices connected to the Internet in the entire Hezhong area now have the same live broadcast screen, right?

"Hezhong's network security problem is very serious"

Douzi suddenly complained.

I feel that whether it is the plasma team or Mr. Akromar, they can hijack and hack at will.

But watching the excitement is not a big deal, and the three of Xiaozhi immediately showed a fiery look of eating melons.

It was only yesterday that Mr. Akromar was splashed with dirty water by Quecchis.

The action is so fast, now it's the former's turn to fight back, right?

This is what he said, is it a big event to disgust Quecchis?

Soon, the screen continued to play the picture, even if the channel was switched, the picture was not replaced.

"Let me introduce myself again. My full name is Quecchis Harmonia. I am one of the seven sages of the plasma team. I have the blood of the ancient Hezhong royal family, so I have always thought that I am superior to others. In my eyes, people are all lowly civilians~”

At this moment and at the same time, "Queches" in the room was introducing himself in an orderly manner.

It's just the content of this introduction that makes people furious.

In what era, there are still dogs with such superior bloodlines? !

"The Mr. Akromar mentioned in the previous live broadcast, apart from being a top human scientist, is actually just an innocuous behind-the-scenes puppet."

"And the real ruler of Team Plasma is me, Quecchis!"

Akromar suppressed a smile, and his face in front of the camera always maintained an elegant aristocratic temperament.

"As for the action of freezing Ssangyong City, I also planned and implemented it myself. I, Queches, declare that I am fully responsible for this matter!"

The previous leader of the plasma team was N, but the current leader is himself, and Quecchis has been hiding among the Seven Sages, seemingly no different from the other six.

Such an old fox who likes to hide himself is naturally most afraid of his identity being fully exposed.

"Huh, dare to disgust me, I will disgust you first today!"

Akromar sneered again and again in his heart, but in reality he still had Quecchi's face on his face.

"In that case, let me tell you a group of lowly commoners about my great deeds!"

So the corner of Akromar's mouth twitched, and he began to talk incessantly.

"I Kuiqisi, in order to make myself rule the Hezhong area again like my ancestors, I specially formed the plasma team!"

"A few years ago, we spread the idea of ​​broadcasting Pokémon everywhere in the Hezhong area, promoting natural harmony. In fact, the purpose is very simple. If the lowly people give up Pokémon, they will naturally lose their fighting power."

"Then when the time comes, all Pokémon will be in my hands alone, and no one will be able to compete with me haha~!


These words immediately made the Elf Center, or the entire Hezhong area, start to stir.

After all, the idea of ​​releasing life from the Plasma team has penetrated in many places, and it can be said that it is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in some cities.

This also caused many trainers and Pokémon to suffer from it.

Now everyone has finally forgotten these things gradually, and their scars were uncovered on the spot.

The title of Hezhong's number one villain was changed on the spot.

The one ranked first at the moment has directly become Quecchis!

Even in the elf center where Xiaozhi was, someone already wanted to smash the TV, blowing up Quecchi's superior and disgusting face.

The three of Xiaozhi: ""

Their eyes became more exciting, so it was this disgusting method?

Good life!

It seems that Mr. Akromar still has a lot of strange things about Quecchi, and the mouth in the video didn't stop.

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