Chapter 2526 Reshiram's Ancient Dragon Scale

"Uh, it's because of this thing...?"

Xiaozhi suddenly reached into his neck and took out a necklace from it.

The entire necklace is made up of small dark blue crystal beads connected in series, and a silver feather with a deep streamer hangs at the bottom, which looks very delicate and peculiar.

However, on the necklace, beside the silver feather, there is a pitch-black scale.

Especially at this moment, the purple light of the same style as the Dragon Tooth Stone Pillar is shining on it.

This is the dragon scale from the black cracked empty seat, but Xiaozhi has always carried it on his body, and strung it together on Lugia's Sea God Pendant by the way.

It seems that it is the effect of this dragon scale, right?

So Xiaozhi took off the entire necklace and handed it to Ming Yi who was beside him, and then put his palm on it again.

This time, the Dragon Tooth Stone Pillar in front of him did not respond.

"As expected..."

Xiaozhi nodded suddenly.

Just now he felt an inexplicable burning in his chest, coupled with his own super power. It has nothing to do with dragon attributes.

It seems that the one who resonates with the two stone pillars in front of him is not himself, but the black cracked seat.

With the background of the latter, the peak purple light can naturally be achieved casually.

Everyone around was already stunned, especially Xia Ka and the eldest mother-in-law, who stared straight at the black dragon scale in Mingyi's hand.

The imposing Longwei coming from above...

Uh, why does it feel more powerful than Shenlong in the Hezhong area? !

"Hey, it's so cold~!"

However, Mingyi was more interested in this silver feather than the black dragon scales. Holding it in his hand, his whole body seemed to be wrapped by the cool sea.

It seems that before, Xiaozhi's adventures in other regions seemed to be even more serious?

Mingyi couldn't help secretly comparing this trip to Hezhong, although he did see a lot of strange sights, but thinking about it now, it seems like that.

Sanyunshen saw it, and Eudemons also saw many...

But the existence of the level of the ancient gods, it seems that I have never seen it...?!

After staying with Xiaozhi for so long, Mingyi's appetite has also been cultivated unconsciously.


This small episode was over for a while, and Xia Ka and the eldest mother-in-law had fully realized that this young man from other places was by no means a simple character.

Just like the little brother Chi who came to Shuanglong City a year ago, this is a pair of monster trainers!


At this time, the two-headed tyrannosaur came back with a one-meter-wide wooden box on its back.

clang clang~

The inside seemed to be full of small devices, and when they collided and rubbed against each other, they made crisp sounds.

Under the sign of the big mother-in-law's eyes, the double-headed tyrannosaurus pushed the wooden box on its back in front of everyone.

Clang clang...!

Immediately, countless reddish-brown, bronze-like gadgets were scattered all over the ground, densely packed.

They are shaped like leaf shells and vary in size, the big ones have coconut shells, and the small ones are about the size of small grass blades.

Obviously, they are all very old things, and the surrounding air immediately filled with a layer of rust and decay.

"This is...?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, subconsciously picked up one of them, and tried to squeeze it hard.

The texture is brittle, but it won't shatter when touched. It looks like the scales of some kind of Pokémon?

"That's right, these are the scales scattered by various ancient dragon-attribute Pokémon... But it's been a long time, and the effectiveness of dragon scales has basically disappeared."

The big granny said, these are all passed down from the ancient village of dragons.

Not only the dragon's teeth, Pokémon carries a certain power of dragon-type moves that can increase the power of dragon-type moves. In fact, dragon scales also have this effect.

However, these are all rotten dragon scales, with no energy, and basically only have the function of decoration.

"However, one of these ancient scales comes from the legendary white dragon, Hiram's scale!"

The eldest grandma suddenly fixed her eyes and said in a low voice.

Hearing that Xiaozhi and Alice raised their eyebrows, they immediately looked at the rotten dragon scales with enlarged eyes, and became very interested.

Mingyi next to him raised his head involuntarily and fell into deep thought.

According to her memory, the white dragon came to Hiram, it should be covered with pure white feathers like flying birds, where did the scales come from?

The black dragon Zekrom has dragon scales, more or less.

"As for the second test, you have to find the dragon scale that belongs to Hiram among this pile of ancient dragon scales!"

"The thing to see is whether you have a relationship with the legendary dragon god."

Hearing that Xiaozhi was interested in this, he couldn't help but rolled up his sleeves.

It seems that this so-called Dragon Trial really has nothing to do with fighting or something?

"Grandmother, it is said that the dragon scales are almost the same, how can you be sure which one is the correct one...?"

Alice tilted her head and couldn't help asking.

The old lady didn't explain this aloud, but picked up one casually and lightly threw it into the air.

The double-headed tyrannosaurus next to him understood, and both heads opened their mouths wide at the same time.

Boom! Boom!

Two beams of fiery flames spewed out immediately, hitting the bronze dragon scale right in the middle.


Under the scorching of parent-child love·jet flames, this dragon scale couldn't bear the high temperature, and was burned like a fallen leaf, turning into scattered charcoal ashes and falling down.

"These ancient dragon scales have lost their effectiveness and cannot withstand the fire... But Hiram is the most noble ancient god after all, and a dragon god with fire attributes."

"That's why its scales, even if they lose their effectiveness, are still not afraid of flames, and no matter how they are burned, they won't suffer the slightest damage."

It is indeed reasonable to hear that everyone understands.

"So it turns out that Hiram is a fire attribute, fire + dragon?"

Xiao Zhi had something to say in his heart.

I have a conflict with my own fire-breathing dragon... I don't know my own fire-breathing dragon, can I defeat the opponent now?

Seeing that Alice and the opponent's Axe-toothed Dragon had lowered their heads and began to search, Xiao Zhi quickly knelt down on the ground and also checked around.

There are almost 400 to 500 dragon scales here, even if they are scattered on the ground, they still appear densely packed.

Although the size and shape are different, the color and texture are very similar, and there is no obvious difference in any ancient dragon scale.


Shan Shoulong is also helping to find...

It's just that it is highly myopic, and the thick hair on the top of its head makes the eyes of the monocephalic dragon almost completely degenerate.

Xiaozhi was still thinking about whether he should give Shan Shoulong a handsome short haircut.

This made the single-headed dragon can only lower its head and sniff around, trying to find the special ancient dragon scales.

After searching unsuccessfully, Xiaozhi's hands were still stained with a lot of reddish-brown rust.

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly thought of something, and his eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

"By the way, Brother Chi also participated in this Dragon Trial a year ago..."

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