Chapter 2520 Chi's Top Passive

Everyone entered the Shuanglong gymnasium.

Through the long and narrow aisle, the interior decoration style of the Ssangyong Gymnasium is similar to the exterior of the building. It is also made of old-looking blue bricks and tiles, just like walking in an ancient relic.

All the way to the empty venue in the center - this should be the place where Shuanglong gymnasium challenged.

There are border white lines drawn on the ground, and there are some spectator seats around.

When Xiaozhi looked up, he could still see a long statue of a flying dragon inlaid on the ceiling

But it's not an empty seat.

It should be the body of a double-axe war dragon elongated into a snake shape, the mouth of the dragon on the head is wide open, and something seems to be biting between the teeth.

But now it's empty.

"You go to work first, you don't need help here"

After Xia Ka asked Xiaozhi and the others to sit in the front row, he turned his head and gestured to the apprentices.

Only then did the crowd leave reluctantly.

Xia Ka turned his head back, looked serious, and was about to say something, when he suddenly noticed the three people beside Xiaozhi.

Especially Akromar among them couldn't help but tighten his eyes

"It doesn't matter, the three of them are my friends, and they are absolutely trustworthy!"

Xiaozhi immediately patted his chest and promised.

Douzi and Mingyi also came up with confidence, and nodded their heads repeatedly.

They also wanted to stay and listen to the story about that "Chi".

"So, Mr. Xia Ka, has Brother Chi visited your Shuanglong gymnasium?"

So Xiaozhi couldn't help asking first.

It's kind of strange to say it, I've been staying together before, and I don't feel anything special.

Now that they have been separated for so long, hearing the news about Brother Chi from outsiders makes him look forward to it with excitement.

"Okay, let's talk about Brother Chi"

Xia Ka crossed his arms and said slowly after changing Chi's suffix.

About a year ago, Chi made a surprise visit.

At that time, Xia Ka thought he was here to challenge the gymnasium, and he also proposed to check Chi's badge—Shuanglong gymnasium. If there are no six badges, he is not qualified to challenge.

Generally, it will be listed as the most difficult gym by the trainers of Hezhong, and will be the last to conquer.

However, Chi is straight to the point and proposes to use the Bright Stone.

"At that time, I was stunned for a while. After all, the Bright Stone is stored in our Shuanglong Gym, and it has always been the biggest secret."

Xia Ka said slowly, this secret is usually only told to the next gymnasium owner when the gymnasium owner is replaced.

He didn't know where Chi heard the gossip from.

"Bright Stone, the legendary existence related to the white dragon coming to Hiram"

"Although it has been preserved in our Shuanglong gymnasium for generations, according to the rules passed down from the ancestors, as long as the trainers who pass the dragon test can see the bright stone."

"At that time, if the trainer resonates with the Bright Stone, it means that the other party is a trainer approved by Hiram, and he can leave with the Bright Stone."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi nodded seriously.

It seems that even Mr. Shaka doesn't know that Hiram is actually sealed inside the Bright Stone

It was the first time for the three people next to him to hear it, and they listened with gusto.

It seems that Xiaozhi, a familiar senior, should be a trainer with broad knowledge.

"Brother Chi, he should have easily passed this test, right?"

Xiaozhi continued to ask.

Xia Ka nodded. The Dragon Trial is not an ordinary gym challenge. The trialer needs to bring a dragon-type Pokémon to participate.

At that time, Chi was using a Hakron, the signature of the Kanto region, and his moves were weird, and he could even use the powerful defensive move of "Cotton Defense".

Xiaozhi: ""

He raised his eyebrows, and memories rushed to his mind.

This is the miniature dragon that elder brother Chi caught in the hunting zone, right?

Because it is the Tanabata blue bird of Hack Dragon String, as a mixed dragon, it also inherited the signature skill of the Tanabata blue bird, cotton defense.

At that time, Chi's indifferent demeanor of a master also made Xia Ka happy to see Liexin.

Double Dragon Gym, it's been a long time since there was such an excellent trainer, so I came to challenge.

After all, there are more than 8 gymnasiums in the Hezhong area. Most of the trainers will actually bypass the Ssangyong gymnasium and get their eighth badge from elsewhere.

So after the latter easily passed the Dragon Trial, Xia Ka couldn't help but stop temporarily, and had another serious Pokémon battle with Chi.

Of course, the ending was a disastrous defeat on his side, and he was pierced by the opponent's Hackron.

Obviously the level of this Hackron is not particularly high, even after finishing the fight, Xia Ka is still at a loss.

Even in the process, a different-colored axe-toothed dragon he sent seemed to be completely overwhelmed by Chi's fighting skills.

After the game, he ran directly to Chi's leg and rubbed his cheek.

This made Xia Ka want to cry, so he could only borrow the donkey from the slope, please take good care of this axe-toothed dragon

This is a different-colored axe-toothed dragon!

In the future, it will evolve into its final form. The whole body of the different-colored Double Ax War Dragon is jet black, extremely domineering and sharp!

This is much more handsome than the heterochromatic Hackron!

Xia Ka intends to use it as the signboard of the future Ssangyong gymnasium!

Xiaozhi: ""

He could already imagine that scene.

Mingyi and the others were also very surprised.

During the battle, directly subdue the opponent's Pokémon and take it for your own use? !

What kind of villain's top passive is this! ?

After calming down for a while, Xia Ka continued:

"I thought this little brother Chi with a mysterious origin was the legendary trainer who would form a partner with Hiram the White Dragon, so I took out the bright stone from the deep secret room for the first time."

"It's just that Brother Chi didn't resonate with Bright Stone."

Shaka shook his head regretfully.

Although it is successful, it means that Bailong's coming to Hiram has nothing to do with Ssangyong Gym

And Chi is carrying Pikachu and using Hackron, so he should still be an outsider?

But after all, the Bright Stone has been kept in the secret room of the gymnasium, it is better to come to a predestined person and let him see Hiram's magnificent figure.

"In the end, Brother Chi also returned the Bright Stone, but judging by his expression, it doesn't seem surprising?"

"Before he left, he also said that one of his juniors would come to try in the future, and that the other party might be the partner that Hiram recognized."

Xia Ka's eyes fell on Xiaozhi.

When watching the live broadcast of the Fanba World Championships, Alice once met Xiaozhi.

Seeing the latter carrying a Pikachu similar to Chi on his shoulder, Xia Ka became curious and focused on Xiaozhi's follow-up match.

I just waited for several rounds, but I never saw this Pikachu appear, just like a vase

Finally reached the final, and finally saw Pikachu jumping on the stage.

As a result, the plasma team suddenly raided Ssangyong City, which made Xia Ka feel angry now!

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